Search results

  1. M

    I want a T3-like 1911, but can't find one!

    I shot a Nighthawk Custom T3 a while back and absolutely loved it. I've been looking for a similar 1911, the Commander slide on an Officer frame. I've found several but there is a problem. The grips are too short for me to get more than half my little finger around them. Apparently, the T3 has a...
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    Info on the Sarsilmaz?

    EAA is apparently bringing a Turkish sidearm known as the Sarsilmaz K2 to America. I've had good experiences with the Witness pistols and the Zastava, but I've never even heard of this pistol. I'm very intrigued by the article in Combat Handguns this month. Has anyone ever handled this gun? It...
  3. M

    STI Spartan - Project gun.

    I might be picking up a lightly used (less than 1000 rounds) STI Spartan. I'm certainly no 1911 expert, but I figure since I can get one on the cheap I could make it my first "project" gun. What types of customization would you do? Keep in mind that I can shoot, field strip, and clean a 1911...
  4. M

    Demystifying the 1911

    So, I need some help understanding a few things. I have shot many 1911s and am familiar with field stripping them for cleaning. I always thought they were essentially the same, but it turns out I am wrong. I read a review of a 1911 on another forum and noticed that there apparently are...
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    Does the assassination of Bin Laden set a dangerous precedent?

    This got me thinking hard. Judge Andrew Napolitano, a former federal judge and self-proclaimed Libertarian, brought up several potential implications of the operation in Pakistan, not the least of which is that our president can now unilaterally decide to engage in military actions in other...
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    Opinions on body armor.

    I am looking for thoughts on body armor that meets certain criteria. In the past, I would just wear one over my shirt, but now I have to conceal it, something I've never had to contend with when it comes to body armor. So, in my transition to plain clothes work, I need your help. This is what I...
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    Leather mag holster for FNX 9/40

    I asked this in the Gear forum, but it doesn't seem to attract many views. So, I'll ask here. Has anyone found leather mag holsters for the FNX 9/40? The FNP mag holsters won't work because of the center tab on the new mag.
  8. M

    FNX 9/40 mag holsters?

    Has anyone had any luck finding leather mag holsters for the FNX magazines? The FNP mag holsters won't work because of the tab on the front.
  9. M

    A gun that inspires euphoria...

    Well, guys, through a series of wonderful events, I have, for the first time in five years, received a sizeable tax refund. More importantly, I have a thumbs up from my amazing wife to grab a new firearm! All that and a BEAUTIFUL baby girl to boot. So, here's the question. If you just had some...
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    Armed Guard Licenses in TN.

    I just recently took a new job in management at a security company. In familiarizing myself with the ins and outs of the laws governing our business, I came across one very strange regulation that has me baffled. Here it is... To carry a gun or even "appear to be armed" a TN security guard...
  11. M

    Combat Sights Questions

    I tried this in the autos section, but I didn't get much input. So, I'm trying it here. I just recently got a brand new G17 RTF to play around with. I have very limited knowledge of the most current innovations in sights, so I'm asking if you guys can offer your opinions on what the best...
  12. M

    Looking for input on sights...

    So I recently came into possession of a brand new G17 RTF, and I am thinking of doing something I have little to no experience in... change the sights. I know. I know. How can I be a trained shooter with more than a decade of experience in shooting firearms of all types and not be overflowing...
  13. M

    An H&K complaint...

    Ok. So I'm out shooting with a couple of my old friends, and I let them fire my USP. Now, keep in mind that, as I have stated before, the USP is my favorite handgun of all time. All. Time. It's my favorite. Not for everyone, I know, but perfect for me. However, these guys had a complaint...
  14. M

    Choosing a Duty Weapon in 9mm

    Ok. So me and some guys at work are standing around debating this topic the other night. A company policy dictates your service pistol must be a 9mm, asenine as that may be. I like 9mm just fine, but I like other calibers, too, and like to have choices. But, oh well. So, this is the list of...
  15. M

    Springfield XDm as a duty gun?

    I am going to be starting a new job soon as a guard manager for a security company. I am currently in training. One of the armed guards carries a Springfield XDm 9mm as his duty weapon. From what I understood, this pistol was not meant as a duty weapon. It was supposed to be a match pistol...
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    I've been out of touch recently with the newest editions to the shotgun world. I happen to like my old shotguns a lot, and haven't felt the need to expand my collection until recently. I was looking for an all around shotgun, but I finally decided I was better served by buying a dedicated slug...
  17. M

    Concealing a 4" K frame

    Alright, for large autos, I swear by the Crossbread Supertuck. But, for revovlers, what would be your first choice of holster to conceal a 4" K frame?
  18. M

    Revolvers, AWBs, and variations thereof

    I was just wondering something. The assault weapons ban really only applied to autos, rifles, and shotguns. Has there ever been any language of any legal document, other than an all out ban, trying to restrict the use or purchase of a revolver as a carry weapon? I mean, the most poweful...
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    Manufacturing question regarding .357 Magnum.

    I searched the forum but didn't find an answer to this burning question in my mind. There was a thread asking us all to just name off a (not necessarily realistic) dream gun that we would like to have. Of course, being a fan of the .357 mag, I said my unrealistic dream gun would be a double...
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    Taurus 66 .357 4"

    Ok. I am looking at the possibility of purchasing this exact same gun from a local shop. I was just wondering if anyone can give me a heads up on accuracy, reliability, ruggedness, and recoil. Please, all...