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  1. S

    Turning the tables on a BG, what would the police do?

    Here is a hypothetical situation: You are walking downtown in a not-so crowded area of town around 11:00PM when someone jumps out from behind a parked car, confronts you with a big knife and demands your wallet. You grab your trusty <insert favorite caliber here> <insert favorite brand of...
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    truly stupid moves: a rant

    I gotta vent somewhere . . . I'm taking a class to get folks to start disaster-preparedness efforts in their community. One of our teachers--while he may be a good paramedic--is a rotten teacher. I took notes on how bad he was and gave my notes to the other teacher, who is the boss. Didn't take...
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    lady's carry gun -- suggestions please?

    Hi, Mrs. sbryce here. This is my first foray into the handguns forum and I can see I can learn a lot by reading other posts -- IF I can keep all these new names and abbreviations straight!! If you wouldn't mind helping a newbie, hubby suggested I start shopping for a carry gun for me. Do have...
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    Jesse Berst and guns

    Ziff Davis publishing puts out a daily technology e-mail newsletter called Anchor Desk. It is edited by Jesse Berst. On Friday he wrote up his feelings about the Y2K issue. Near the beginning of the article he wrote <BLOCKQUOTE><font...
  5. S

    Do you aid a BG you just blasted?

    My wife and I were pondering this question last night. I don't know which forum this belongs in, so I'll try it here. I also can't remember if this was addressed in the CCW class. If you shoot and stop a BG, assuming he is not dead, do you offer aid? Arguments for: It is the humanitarian thing...
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    Great deal on 9mm ammo! (?)

    Does anyone know anything about Dallas Reloading Services? There is a web site that is offering reloaded 9mm 115 grn FMJ for $132.50 for 1000 rounds shipped. This is cheaper than WalMArt! (I already bought everything the local WalMart has.) Should I go for it? Look at...
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    Anti-gun initiative in Utah

    Here in Utah, the antis are starting a petition drive to put a measure on the ballot that would make concealed carry illegal in schools and churches. (concealed carry is legal in schools and churches as long as you have a permit.) Does anyone know if there is an organized effort in Utah to...
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    Breaking in a new gun

    I just bought a Beretta 92 FS. There is nothing in the manual about breaking in the gun. Isn't there a particular way that a gun should be treated for the first 200 rounds or so? What is the correct break-in procedure for this gun? Also, is it possible to make patches for cleaning a gun out of...
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    Shoot/don't shoot interactive? Suggestions?

    I'm toying with an idea and I want some input. I have the skill set to put together an interactive video CD that would put a person in different situations where the use of deadly force may or may not be appropriate. As the video progresses, the person could decide what course of action to take...
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    If someone wants to search my bag...

    I recently took a concealed carry class. I don't have my permit yet. I have been thinking about how I might handle different scenarios. Something happened that made me think of a possible scenario I might have to deal with. My wife and I were running errands together. The first two stops were...
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    An example of media bias

    Last January, a mentally ill woman went to a gun store just south of Salt Lake City and bought a 9mm semiautomatic and lots of ammunition. The next day she walked into the KSL TV/radio lobby area, pointed her gun at the receptionist, and asked the way to the newsroom. Just then, a woman stepped...
  12. S

    Three scenarios... Can I shoot?

    I have just completed a concealed carry class, but don't have my permit yet. I am in a must-issue state. I am trying to get a better handle on when I can and cannot shoot. O.K., I can shoot whenever I want to as long as I am willing to face the consequences, but that is my point. In the...