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    Utah's crime rate is at a 20 year low. Guess what doesn't get credit!

    From The Deseret News,1249,160006818,00.html? ------------------ Crime declines by 7.2% in Utah By Amy Joi Bryson Deseret News staff writer Despite a burgeoning population and nagging drug problem, Utah's overall crime in 1999 was down from 1998, and the...
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    Idiots who shouldn't carry

    I was in the DMV waiting in a long line to get my license tabs renewed. The line was moving rather slowly. In front of me in the line was a long-haul trucker. He related a story of another time he was at the DMV in a slow moving line. He said that he had been in line for several hours when he...
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    Transport of a gun in ID, OR and WA

    I am planning a road trip that will take me through Idaho, Oregon and Washington State. I have a valid Utah State CCW. I want to carry in the car during this trip. My CCW should get me through Idaho, but what are the laws concerning carrying in a vehicle in Oregon, and Washington State for...
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    interesting census legal analysis

    HSLDA is the Home School Legal Defense Association. These folks are very, very protective of privacy and concerned about government exceeding Constitutional boundaries. (The president of HSLDA is also a counsel for Michael New who is being prosecuted for refusing to wear the UN uniform-New says...
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    babe-in-womb hearing protection?

    Just had a thought about going shooting while pregnant. (I'm currently not pregnant, so this is not personal at the moment.) I remember reading summaries of studies about how babies in the womb react to different kinds of music, and a neat study about Mama reading to baby a certain story...
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    The drugs have worn off. Dr. Jekyll and Orrin Hatch takes a stand against Clinton

    From the Deseret News:,1249,155012067,00.html? WASHINGTON - Sen. Orrin Hatch came out shooting Wednesday at a tool he says President Clinton uses unfairly to push gun control: suing gunmakers whose weapons are later used in crimes. Hatch, R-Utah, introduced a...
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    People who shouldn't touch guns, from the Darwin Awards

    from the official Darwin Awards web site: 28 February 2000, Texas A Houston man earned a succinct lesson in gun safety when he played Russian Roulette with a .45-caliber semiautomatic pistol on Monday. 19-year-old Rashaad was visiting friends when he announced his...
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    Browning says, "No."

    From the Salt Lake Tribune Browning, the Utah-born firearms company, will not bargain with the U.S. government over handgun safety, divorcing itself from the landmark agreement between President Clinton and Smith & Wesson, the nation's largest gun...
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    I just sent this to my congressman

    I am upset about the recent "agreement" between the Clinton administration and Smith and Wesson. I am not upset just because I am a gun owner. I am not upset just because the Bill of Rights states that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. I am not upset just because it has...
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    finally got a friend to shoot

    Mrs. sbryce here. Ever since I got into guns last summer, I've wanted to take a certain friend to the range. She was afraid of guns. At Christmastime, my hubby brought out his Beretta 92 to show her and handed it to her. She held on for about 5 seconds, then quickly handed it back and declined...
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    Are you an undercover cop?

    While shopping for a new holster and a jacket under which to conceal it, there was no way that I could keep my gun out of sight. (The holster had to fit my gun, and the jacket had to hide it, so I had to try both with the gun.) I explained the situation to the sales people and got their O.K...
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    Geaorge Hill, are we on this weekend?

    I tried doing a search for info about the Utah TFL chapter March meeting. I couldn't find the thread. Are we meeting? Where? How do I get there? My wife and I have tentative plans to be there. ------------------ Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the...
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    Would this be a good time or a bad time to start a gun related business?

    Given the current state of affairs, would this be a good time or a bad time to start a gun-related business? I know that the feds are trying to make gun ownership a thing of the past, but people are buying guns faster than ever as a result. Not far from my home, there is a vacant building that...
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    When was the last time the militia was called out?

    One of the reasons that US citizens have the right to keep and bear arms is that many of us, by federal law, belong to the militia. When we bring this subject up in debates about the 2nd amendment, it would be good to know the facts better than our opponents. One thing I'm not sure of: When was...
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    keeping costs down

    I am a fairly new shooter. I have been saving my brass in case I decide to reload some day. I would reload if it were cost effective. Right now, the only caliber I shoot is 9mm. I can get Winchester white box ammo at Wal-Mart (which shoots OK, but is a bit dirty) for 14 cents a round. I bought...
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    What's wrong with this picture?

    I saw this in a news story about the Diallo trial. I don't remember this guy's exact title, but he is some sort of firearms expert for the NYPD. My 10-year-old spotted his mistake right away! ------------------ Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in...
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    BATF - one gem

    I've gleaned from this board and other places that BATF agents are, um, shall we say, distrusted? Is this correct? Or is it just their boss(es)? Or mostly their boss(es)? Learned a story the other day that I liked. A friend of mine--call her Leah--will be divorced from her adulterous husband...
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    Utah Attorney General race - good man to support

    Hi all, I'd like to introduce Frank Mylar, who is running for Utah Attorney General. He's running on the Republican ticket. I've known Frank for a few years and know he's a man of integrity and honesty. He's worked for the Attorney General's office, so knows how that office works. He is no...
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    percussion cap mechanism??

    Mrs. sbryce here. I'm not sure even where to look to find the information I want, so maybe one of you all would be kind enough to help. We want to learn just what the mechanism is which produces the spark in a percussion cap. Is is a bit of primer powder which explodes when the hammer hits it...
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    Places to shoot in Salt Lake

    Who can recommend places to shoot in the Salt Lake City area? I have been shooting at Lee Kay. It is hard to beat a $2.00 range fee. Now I would like to find a place to set up reactive targets (ie, overripe cantalopes) and try out my wife's shotgun on a stationary targets. Are there any places...