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    Nashville I-24 Expo Dec.15-16

    Any TFLers coming to the gun show this weekend? I heard it was this weekend and then I heard it was last weekend. If it is this weekend, than Oleg and I will be coming, probably on that Saturday morning (15th).
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    inspirational words from our Canadian neighbor

    I looked and didn't see this already posted on TFL, so here it is: America: The Good Neighbor. Widespread but only partial news coverage was given recently to a remarkable editorial broadcast from Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a Canadian television commentator. What follows is the full text of...
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    I'm on high alert: My boss' life was just threatened

    Jimmy got fired several months ago, but ever since he’s been continually harrassing my boss, Stewart. He calls at all hours, even trying co-worker’s extensions to the point where everybody wants something done. It’s severely disrupting the work day. Stewart keeps dismissing it. He’d rather bury...
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    I'm getting an article printed! HELP ME OUT!

    I have my foot halfway through the Nashville Parent door; it's not the publication I'm normally involved with, but it's located the next room over, and the editor-in-chief is my boss' wife. Heh. I figured it was only a matter of time before somebody would write an article on Children and Gun...
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    Dealing with security guards?

    Upon reading Elizabeth Peterson's "My, My Gun, and my Boyfriend's Bank" thread, I wonder... I've never had any incidents with security guards, but if I do, I sure want to know my rights. Do guards have the right to frisk you or go through your things if they have "probable cause"? What can they...
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    a disappointing baton class

    I took my baton re-certification this past Saturday alongside my brother. (This is a yearly event.) It was at APPS in Nashville, with a reputable instructor, J. Buford Tune, who had enough awards and certificates from his long police service to fill up an entire wall. In the end, however, I was...
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    The amount of heat I'm packin' today

    (Be Your Very Own One-Day Mall Ninja) After some humorous conversation with our very own Oleg Volk, I decided to see how heavily armed I could be in one day at work, with the one rule that everything must be completely concealed. My profile: 5 foot 3 at 103 pounds. Clothes: T-shirt and blue...
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    fake ID's foil Brady Bill

    Hope this hasn't already been posted: from "[B]y using fictitious identities, undercover investigators bypassed entirely the criminal background check system," says an executive summary of a Government Accounting Office report to be released today. The GAO document details an...
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    just bought my first revolver!

    I just bought my first revolver (I don't count my NAA mini). It's a Taurus 617, the ported stainless 7-shot .357 Magnum. I bought it new from my favorite pawn shop for $330 before taxes and the $10 TBI instant background check. Diane, the store owner, ran clean out of .357 ammo, so I settled for...
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    TFL window decals

    I've always wanted one to go across my back window, so I took some liberties and designed my own. There's a two-color and an economical one-color logo. These are vinyl-cut. Of course, I am here to ask permission from the proper people first! What do you think...
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    price check & info on S.Armory Compact 1911 I've been wanting a 1911 for quite some time, and I have narrowed my choice down to this one based on alot of different reasons (which I can't into detail, I'm at work right now. But I managed to take one last drool at their website when...
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    thug + gun vs. two semi's

    The "Linda Hamilton / Dangerous Weapon" thread made me post this little incident that happened to my co-worker last year... My co-worker Tim was driving on the interstate, and turned his signal on to move into the lane beside him. A thug in a low-riding Buick swerved into the spot he wanted to...
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    made it through the metal detector!

    I had to go to court the other day, and was careful to make sure I left my pistol, knives, and baton in my pickup before I went in. Anyways, I have a nickel-plated rod up my back from an old surgery, and I told that to the lady cop before I passed through. I figured it would go off, so I...
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    bad frisking at courthouse

    This happened a couple months ago, but the more I think about it, the more it bugs me. I was getting an order of protection against my ex-boyfriend, so we both had to go to court. (He didn't show up.) I couldn't legally carry my pistol or any of my knives or baton into the courthouse, so I left...
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    help in finding 11mm Mauser ammo

    My father needs help in locating this hard-to-find, obsolete ammo. He has already gone to Old Western Scrounger, but hasn't received his ammo in over 6 months. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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    Finally, a voice in the media...

    It may seem that everyone in the media is anti-gun or too scared to touch the subject with a ten-foot pole, but I found out that isn't quite so. My favorite radio station is 105.9 FM here in Nashville. Twice this week, in discussing the elections, the DJs have added "subliminally, with attitude"...
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    Maintaining mother of pearl grips?

    I've got a NAA .22 magnum mini-revolver with mother of pearl grips. The grips are starting to scuff and scratch. What am I supposed to do to maintain the original look? Buff them?
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    buy a new car, get a free gun

    Here's something in the news that you don't see every day: