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    Three new gunnies in a weekend!

    This weekend my Aunt and cousin Becky visited from Texas. Neither one had shot a gun before, but were eager to try (gosh, I thought everyone in Texas has a gun :D), along with my sister-in-law, Scarlett, who rarely shoots. My Aunt did fine, but absolutely refused to use ear protection because...
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    another moron parent - weapons retention!

    Child Accidentally Shot at Mars Music (Nashville, TN) A two-year-old boy has been wounded in an accidental shooting inside the Mars Music store at 100 Oaks Mall. It happened around 12:30 Monday afternoon. The father of the child was standing in line when the child reached into his pocket and...
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    And now, for a few laughs at runt this is what happens at the end of a photo shoot! (photo and graphics brought to you by Oleg Volk) Pop Quiz: What's the firearm in the photo? Bonus: Give this photo a new caption!
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    Keep it, gift it, or get something else?

    Recently my brother and I did some trading and I ended up with a CZ 75c and a Ruger Mk.II (50th Anniversary). My brother whimpered when I got the Ruger - I know he likes it, too, but I wasn't that interested in any of his other guns. His birthday is next month, and I have no idea what to get...
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    co-worker pestered by coyotes

    A former coworker of mine is living in Florida. She was walking her little dog in a golf course alone when about three coyotes come out from the trees and start harrassing her. It's starting to get dark outside. Maybe they're curious, or maybe they want to attack. They kept coming closer and...
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    Getting dad to pack a pistol (long)

    Dad has a CCW, but never really packed anything. He's stubborn - he won't change his dress code to conceal a toothpick. The only time when he carried was in the fall/winter when he would wear a jacket, and then he wouldn't carry during the workday. He would carry his 1991A1 crossdraw, but even...
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    A USP for me!

    After my not-so-enlightening experience with my little Para C6.45, I decided to search for another .45. I've never been a big fan of polymer, but when I started compiling the specs of what I'd like, pistols got weeded out until I was left with little to choose from. Oleg suggested the Mauser...
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    Email Kahr and tell them you want a .45!

    I've decided my ultimate carry pistol in .45 would be a Kahr. Except Kahr doesn't make one.(I own the K40.) So I emailed them and got this response: "The .45 ACP in the Kahr DAO pistol is under consideration but no production plans are set." So, let them know how you feel and email...
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    My boss just battered a co-worker

    Yes, Stewart, THAT boss... the one who has an ex-employee wanting to kill him. Apparently, things got a little spicy in the sales staff (the room next to mine) and I hear, "Stewart, you liar! You f*in lied to me! You thief!" "Michael, you f* a*hole, bleepedy bleep, etc" and it goes back and...
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    The new guy's a gunnie!

    We just got a new guy in at work. He's a freelance designer who comes in one week a month to help out during deadlines. Very chatty, nice, seems like a decent person. Receptionist comes around to deliver the mail and pokes fun at the gunnie junk mail I keep getting (I have my "goodies" mailed...
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    Killing a bear in self-defense (pics!)

    I was on forums when I spotted this since-closed thread: :eek: From the begiining thread: "This guy works for the forest service in Alaska. He was out deer hunting. A large world record Griz charged him from...
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    Spontaneous magazine disassembly

    This past weekend we (Oleg, me, family) had a fun outing on the family property. I was happily plinking away with my ParaOrd. C6.45 LDA (which still functions great, BTW) when after the last round I hear "clink". I look down at my feet and there's the metal floorplate and all the inner guts of...
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    really STUPID April Fool's joke. grrrr.

    I imagine alot of you have been following my thread on my boss Stewart being stalked and harrassed by Jimmy, the psycho ex co-worker with the shotgun.... As if that wasn't bad enough, my co-workers decided to play a really tasteless April Fool's joke on Stewart. My boss is on vacation in FL...
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    "Catching Shooters Blue-Handed"- gunpowder detector Sniffing Out Shooting Suspects Researchers Create a Portable Gunpowder Detector Soon, officers may be able to...
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    Montana militia group planned assassinations; weapons seized,2933,46752,00.html A Montana militia group with an arsenal of weapons planned large-scale assassinations as the first step to an escalating confrontation they hope would lead to a war with the federal government, local authorities said Wednesday. The Fox homepage...
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    coworker's kid mauled by dog

    One of my coworkers is at the hospital today - her 4 year old daughter got mauled by an Akita. The family was over at their son's friend's house. Mia, the little daughter, apparently slipped and fell over the porch (the exact details are a little fuzzy on how she toppled) and into the penned...
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    WIRED magazine: Their lousy “info” on cops vs. security guards

    NOTE: This is NOT a cop bashing thread, OR a security guard bashing thread, so PLEASE don’t turn it into one. I found an interesting page in a magazine and have a problem with what the article implies. Don't know if this works better in General Disc. or L&P. Thank you. WIRED, February 2002...
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    Para Ordnance C6.45 LDA REVIEW

    PARA ORDNANCE C6.45 LDA 3” barrel, single stack, .45ACP, 6+1 capacity. Safeties: grip & slide. All stainless, ultra-thin checkered rosewood grips. According to the Para Ordnance website (, this model was released in November 2001. ROUNDS FIRED: 300 AMMUNITION: Fiocchi 230gr...
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    Check out my latest aquisition!

    On Saturday Oleg and I went to the Franklin Gun Shop (TN). It was my first time in there, and the atmosphere was quite pleasant and friendly. In one other gun shop I went to before (which has since gone out of business), nobody wanted to help me and they treated me like I stepped in by accident...
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    (runt-sized rant) My grandmother doesn't like her little sweet granddaughter ;) carrying a big evil gun. (But, it's okay for HER to have a .22 revolver for shooting the woodpecker that's trying to bore holes in her tin roof.) "But grandma, what if some man tried to rape me? Isn't it good that...