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  1. O

    My New 1911--What Will It Be? Help.

    OK, folks, I'm at the precipice of purchasing a brand spanken new 1911 for target shooting. I'm not sure that I will ever compete (maybe just hang out at the range with all my favorite people), but who the heck knows. My question is, which 1911 will it be? I'm currently looking at a Kimber...
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    Ballistics Fingerprinting

    Dear Friends, First, let's get one thing straight: I'm not one of those "moderates" that believes in "reasonable gun control". That's all a huge distraction away from effective law enforcement and punishment of criminals -- the most effective CRIME control measure IMHO. That being said, am I...
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    New Lawsuit Against Gun Makers

    Here's a newsclip I just ran across and thougth I would pass on: Shooting Spree Leads to Lawsuit against Gun Makers ( - From last year's random violence at a Jewish community center in Los Angeles springs a class-action lawsuit intended to punish the gun industry. Families of the...
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    Buchanan Excluded from Presidential Debates

    Dear Friends, I wasn't going to vote for Pat (which would be a risky, wasted vote IMHO), but I was very much looking forward to his participation in the presidential debates. He would have been truly excellent at calling both Mutt (Algore) and Jeff ("W") on their now inevitable and virtually...
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    My New Signature

    Just ran across this very quotable quote in The Federalist. I have (with full attribution) co-opted it as my new signature. I know, who the heck cares!! I just like it very much. Best regards, Oscar "Quemadmoeum gladuis neminem occidit, occidentis telum est." (A sword is never a killer, it...
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    Is America 'FATALLY' Disintegrated?

    Dear Friends, WARNING: This is quite depressing. It's also quite true. The highlighted word 'fatally' is Mr. Robert's apparent defeatest conclusion. I'm at least 1/2 of 1% more optomistic than him that America will rise again. Oscar Paul Craig Roberts (archive) July 12, 2000 A house...
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    The Patriot -- I Gotta See This Movie!

    Every review I've read (since they're in the "mainline" media, they're mostly negative :( ) reinforces my desire to see this movie. Here's a welcome review by Sam Francis of the other reviewers: 'The Patriot' teaches forgotten...
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    The Patriot -- I Gotta See This Movie!

    Every review I've read (since they're in the "mainline" media, they're mostly negative :( ) reinforces my desire to see this movie. Here's a welcome review by Sam Francis of the other reviewers: 'The Patriot' teaches forgotten...
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    The S&W Boycott is WORKING!

    SORRY POSTED EARLIER -- PLEASE DELETE THIS THREAD. [This message has been edited by Oscar (edited June 21, 2000).]
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    The S&W Boycott is WORKING!

    Smith & Wesson President Admits Consumer Anger Hurting Sales By Jerry Miller CNS Correspondent 21 June, 2000 ( -- The president of gun maker Smith & Wesson now acknowledges that a "consumer boycott" over the company's agreement with the Clinton-Gore Administration is hurting the...
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    My 100th Post on TFL. THANKS!

    Dear Friends, This happens to be my 100th post on TFL. I have reserved this moment for an issue/matter that substantially contributes to the collective learning and experience of my fellow TFLers. Thanks for providing me the forum to "do my part". Best regards, Oscar Beer Warning...
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    Only in CommyFornia

    I just read this, and once again, the pediatricians are making my blood boil. It's no wonder that so many people in this country (the same ones that would support this tyranny) have absolutely no problem with Castro. This is total left-wing garbage. It is a bit curious, however, that certain...
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    Smoke This, Bill !

    This is hilarious! Thought I would share it with my friends at TFL. Oscar Clinton Offered Box of Cuban Cigars ( - President Clinton reportedly looked irritated and smiled politely when German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder offered him a box of Cuban cigars at dinner Thursday night...
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    Post Clinton Arkansas

    The Governor's office in Little Rock has taken a huge step forward since the Clinton days. Finally, Arkansans have a governor to be proud of. The following is a copy of the text from a letter written by Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee to New York Attorney General, Eliot Spitzer, regarding the...
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    The Federalist -- A Must Read! (Topic: MMM)

    Dear Friends, This week's federalist update is dedicated to the idiocy and base dishonesty of the Million Mom March. It's very good reading if you have a few minutes. Set forth below is the web address and a couple of representative quotes...
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    Million Soccer Mom March

    This is an editorial by Michael Warder of the Claremont Institute on the Million Mom March. As are so many pieces published by Claremont, it is well worth your time to read it. Oscar Million Mom March is a Bad Idea By Michael Warder This article will appear in the Philadelphia Inquirer, San...
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    P245 Sig

    Hi Everybody, I was just perusing the internet and noticed that the Long Island Shooting Center is running a sale this week on the P245 Sig (compact .45). The sale price is $569. This seems VERY reasonable to me. What are your thoughts? Best regards, Oscar P.S. The web address is...
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    Dear Friends, Surprise surprise, the Minneapolis Red Star/Tribune is conducting an Elian poll. It's indoctrinated readership is supporting the government raid approximately 2 to 1. Maybe I should just ignore this trash, but I couldn't. I'm not even entirely certain that the no votes are being...
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    Unreliable Guns Aren't "Smart"

    An excellent excerpt from the National Review. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but this doesn't exactly make our choice in November seen like much of a choice at all on RKBA issues. Unreliable Guns Aren't "Smart" If your life depended on it, would you want a gun that functioned as reliably...
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    First Microsoft, Now the Gun Industry

    Unbelievable! Read on: Six State Anti-Trust Investigation Looms Over Gun Agreement Reaction By Jerry Miller CNS Correspondent 06 April, 2000 ( - A multi-state antitrust investigation of gun manufacturers is developing, as attorneys general in at least six states take aim at those...