Search results

  1. O

    Selling my 226 -- Mistake or Opportunity?

    Truth be told, I've never learned to shoot this gun straight. I'm always grouping to the left of the bullseye (which is probably my grip or trigger pull), and I don't have this problem with my 1911 (which I DO shoot straight). Nonetheless, I'm having second thoughts about this (I've never sold...
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    Cheap Shotgun Shells On-Line?

    With my annual trip to South Dakota (and the prospect of burning up many many boxes of 3 and 3.5" shells) just a few weeks away, I'm focused on finding a less expensive than the local store approach to buying shotgun shells (short of loading my own). Any on-line stores that sell cheap/good...
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    22 Auto

    Am looking at getting an accurate 22LR plinking pistol, and my local dealer is recommening the S&W 22A with either the 5.5 or 7 inch bull barrel. Any opinions on this? How does it compare (in terms of accuracy, reliabilty, etc.) with the Mark II, the Buckmark, the CZ Kadet, etc? In terms of...
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    .22 LR recommendations

    Looking for a .22 to plink and target practice with. Great accuracy (but not a target only gun) is what I desire. Any opinions? Cost not too much of a concern. Thanks. Oscar
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    Krebs Pointman

    Any opinions out there on this custom made pistol by Marc Krebs (quality, accuracy, etc.)? Thanks in advance.
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    Those Diverse Democrats

    This is a little light-heartedness from the Wall Street Journal editorial website. Thought you might enjoy it. Why do some social conservatives continue to vote Democratic? The Holland (Mich.) Sentinel quotes an explanation from Mark Brewer, Michigan's Democratic chairman: "A lot of people in...
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    Testosterone as a weapon of war

    Read it, liked it, and now passing it on: Men O’ War Testosterone as a weapon of war. November 13, 2001 12:50 p.m. War is not the worst time for males, as some non-males have been pointing out lately, through bared incisors. As Katha Pollitt moaned recently, "911 and its sequelae have...
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    My Insensitivity or Their Stupidity?

    Yes, that is the question. Check this out: ( - Everyone knows the human toll of the Sept. 11 terror attack in New York. Animal welfare groups now intend to assess the impact on rescue dogs who sniffed for survivors at the World Trade Center in the aftermath of the atrocity. Wire...
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    Clinton "Gored" In Minnesota

    Slick Willy got gored in Minnesota this past weekend, and that's no bull! Much to the chagrin of our local red press, the State Fair was the scene of some political payback. Thought I would pass this along for its obvious entertainment value. Bill Clinton Thrown to the Bulls in Minneapolis...
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    Hillary's Brother Needs a Gun

    Interesting, not because I think that the idiot here who beat up the other idiot should have been gunned down, but because of the irony: Hillary's Brother: 'If I Only Had a Gun' ( - "I wish I had a gun when he broke into my house, because I would have killed him." That's what Tony...
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    Actually, this isn't all bad....

    Just ran across this article in one of my more trustworthy newsources. Despite the natural first reaction, it actually gives me hope for my own kids -- hope that they won't have to "socialize" with a bunch of idiots that feed our good kids with the constant diet of anti-gun BS they get fed by...
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    Olympic (Greek) 9mm Ammo

    Any opinions on quality? It's cheap at Ammoman. The ad says that it's "Not recommended for Glocks". How about my P226 Sig? Thanks in advance. P.S. I avoid Wolf ammo like the plague. Plain and simple--it's cheap but it really really sucks. Is Olympic "Wolf in Greeks' clothes"? (Sorry, I...
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    Florida Supremes Demonstrate Shred of Integrity

    Just a shred! The Seminole County and Martin County absentee ballot cases were just affirmed. Vote: 6-0-1.
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    Trophy Match vs. Gold Match

    My range buddy is anguishing over this choice. He has decided that it will be one or the other. What are your opinions? Local pricing (in blue): same (about $950). I have heard very good reports on each of these pistols, but would like your input. Thanks in advance. Oscar
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    Range Report -- New Krebs 1911

    Good Morning, I decided to pull myself away from Fox News long enough on Saturday to test fire my new custom 1911 from Marc Krebs. What a dream gun. But what an embarassment. I brought a buddy with me (obviously more experienced than me). I'm still a novice with target shooting handguns...
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    Replacing Plastic Mainspring Housing on 1911

    How easy is it to replace a plastic mainspring housing on a 1911 with a steel one? Is this necessary or advisable? Is this a job that I should bring to a smith? Is this just a drop-in change, or does it have to be fitted? I've heard that taking the mainspring housing off can be tricky. Thanks...
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    Ammo For My New Custom 1911

    Dear Friends, I'm splurging on a new custom 1911 from Marc Krebs Custom in Illinois. What should I feed this new beauty? I plan on keeping it really clean, but I'm wondering if there is any particular ammo (other than reloads) to stay away from. S&B ammo is really cheap, but would you avoid...
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    Marc Krebs -- Any Reviews?

    Has anybody ever done business with Marc Krebs, a 1911 gunsmith from Illinois? I'm thinking about buying a custom 1911, and am looking at Marc (as well as a few others, such as Brian Bilby, Dane Burns, etc). Your comments, reviews are most appreciated. Thanks, Oscar
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    What Happened to Bachman Guns?

    Dear Friends, What became of Bachman Guns? Its web address used to be but I haven't been able to connect to that site for some time. Does anybody know anything about this? Thanks in advance.
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    Poll: Which Celebrity Should Leave US?

    This is pretty funny. I'd be really torn if I had to vote. As much as we all dislike Rosie, she's just laughing stock in the end. (No pun intended!!!!) Even though they're all laughing stock, I think I'd cast my final vote for Barbra Streisand. Does anybody else want to weigh in? Hey, I...