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  1. T

    The LCR is a pretty good revolver

    I have heard that extensive testing was done, I know the trigger is great and the size is just right. I have always carried a J frame Smith but now think this one may be the one. How does everyone feel about the LCR?
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    Why a Revolver for protection

    I have always recommended Revolvers to ladies or anyone for that matter who is wanting a protection piece. Why? The revolver is always ready, it will work, just keep on squeezing and it is always a fine piece. But it is the easiest to learn too. My first choice. Is it yours?
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    Again, the KelTec versus the LCP

    I have a buddy who shoots, carries and loves the KelTec 380. It is cheaper and he says shoots every time. I know it is cheaper than the LCP but am nagged to buy the Ruger. Who carries the KelTec and why?
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    Pros and cons, the P3AT or the LCP?

    I actually have a LCP but after talking to a friend who swears by the P3AT he carries, I wonder about adding a small ccw other than the LCP. So, I want to ask where the knowledge is. How is the Kel Tec and versus the LCP? If you were adding one, which one would it be?
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    What now for a new 380

    I sold a Sig, pretty sure a 230 to a guy who now wants to sell it back. That made me look at a couple of others. The LCP is really slick, smaller and rave reviews. I have a couple of friends that swear by the KelTec P3AT. As far as they are concerned it is the finest. I am torn on buying the Sig...
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    LCR versus the J frame

    I am an old J frame guy having one on me for many years but have to admit the Ruger LCR has me in a bit of wonder. From all I have read, it is very competent and has been tested pretty good. I know they appear tighter than a J frame but just am not sure since I never considered a Ruger as the...
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    Seen any Gold boxes lately

    I have a couple of K-22's and do love that revolver but wish I had some more of the Gold box that came with the gun. Anyone seen any or have a clue how to find one?
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    The K-22 versus the Model 17

    I really do love the K-22. I have always thought they were hand-fitted and very nice. I look for diamond grips and five or four screws. I have been told, once by Roy Jenks that there is no difference in the K and the Model 17. Help me understand this...
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    The P7, yea or Nay

    I have owned a couple actually, but just looking at a used P7 caught my eye. I am interested ni pros and cons.
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    Model 60 help

    My model 60, around for a long time, has a shortened hammer and I wanted one by the factory, either bobbed or regular but my call to Smith, after a mix-up on their part, resulted in no stainless Model 60 hammer. Anyone have a place to try?
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    Funny what turns you on

    I carried a Model 27 with a 3 1/2 inch barrel. Never wanted a four, most certainly not any larger. I carried a J frame as backup and off duty. Just curious if any of you have a love for one that is maybe just "off center" a bit.
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    Taurus, I just can't help it

    I admit I do not have one, maybe owned one in my life but I just cannot get the Taurus thing going. Now the Judge, which I thought was a brilliant idea has broken barrels? I have read some about the customer service which just goes alternate to that lifetime warranty. Is it just me?
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    New one for the grandkid

    I am thinking of a new revolver in 22 to teach my grandson the ropes. Always loved and had Smith but would ask, what is the best, most reliable revolver for a kid to learn with?
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    Sig black stainless

    While looking for a stainless 226, my dealer had a 226 with a little sign that said "Black Stainless." Anyone know if it is the same or what?
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    Which one, Sig or HK?

    Finally decided to actually try a 9mm and now the choice. I have always favored Sig but had good luck with the HK too. Which Sig model is the favorite and how do the two compare. That would be Sig versus HK....
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    Model 60 hammer

    I have an old Model 60, carried a long time when off duty but ground off the hammer some time ago. I called S/W once to request a new hammer and the guy said, "Sure, no problem" and he sent me a K frame hammer. I called back and he said "that is all we have" so that was a bust. Anyone know...
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    The LCP or what?

    My friends are going to get their granddaughter a gun and are leaning to the LCP. I still say a revolver might be better in hands learning to protect themselves. Thoughts?
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    Tell me why, Taurus no for me at least

    I have never cared for a Taurus. I have owned at least one revolver and one automatic but they are just not home for me. Does everyone or at least most feel Taurus are not the one?
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    The Sig 238, opinions now

    Now that this Sig has been our for awhile, I would like to read the opinions, trips, traps and tips for the 238. Looking forward to this....
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    The real scoop on laser sights in the LCR

    Yeah, I have two but still do not know what care is required, what pitfalls may exist and the general view of other owners. I am a fan of the LCR, but still pick up my Smith 36 maybe out of habit. Just need to hear from others about all of this, thanks.