Search results

  1. R

    Have you recently purchase a weapon in case the laws change overnight?

    I live in Connecticut on the Mass border. Regardless who you blame for allowing the AG to effectively shut down gun sales in that state literally over night, it did, in fact, happen. Guns that did not qualify under the State's strict "consumer" guidelines were pulled off the shelves. And, there...
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    Shot my SKS this evening

    Hey there, I got to shoot 200 rounds through my new SKS this evening and loved every minute of it. I've been reading as much as I can about this rifle and just about everything everyone said is true. It is a stable, accurate, reliable rifle and it's fun to shoot. It only took me about 20...
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    What is Condition 1, 2, 3, etc., etc.

    TFL is a tremendous resource of information to novice firearm owners, such as myself. I try to learn as much as I can about the terminology by reading everything I can get my hands on and have regularly come across posts that refer to "Condition #1" or "Condition #3", especially here at TFL...
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    Where oh where is the ACLU when you Want them?

    I've been wondering this for quite a while now: Why hasn't the ACLU gotten on board with us, the legal owners of firearms? Go to and check out "about the ACLU" and read their mandate. It clearly says there main purpose is to ensure the Bill of Rights. They clearly spell out the...
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    Clinton in Colorado: yet another show for the masses.

    Dear Fellow TFLers; I am constantly amazed at just how phenomenal Clinton is at using words to get his point across. I’m also amazed that no one has really taken him or his anti-gun gang to task when they simply throw out phantom figures as gospel. For instance, last night I watched about as...
  6. R

    Can someone clarify precisely what is pre-ban/post-ban?

    I own an SKS which I've been able to concretely determine was manufactured in 1980 using the serial numbers. I've been reading quite a bit about pre-ban and post-ban rifles and can't readily determine how I can figure out if my rifle is one or the other. Could it have been made in 1980 but not...
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    How do I remove a Muzzle Brake from my SKS barrel?

    I recently purchased a really nice SKS which had an anti-climb muzzle brake attached to the tip of the barrel, just ahead of the front site. I haven't been able to figure what brand it is but it is interference fitted, not threaded, pinned, or set screwed. The brake does have a lug on the...
  8. R

    S&W has already removed some pistols from their shelves

    FYI I went to the S&W range in W. Springfield, MA to shoot tonight and overheard a coversation between the range officer and a customer. The range officer was confirming that some pistols had been removed from the shelf and were no longer for sale. They were .22, too. I thought I heard the...
  9. R

    Ok, What's the proper ediquette when shopping for a Used Gun"

    I've purchased new and I've purchased used. When I was looking at a particluarly nice used .45, I decided to pull the slide off to look at the barrel, bushing, and receiver innards only to be politely told that "that's not proper! Never take a gun apart. We check all of them and you shouldn't...
  10. R

    M1 search

    I've been looking for an M1. Before I posted this question, I searched this site and found a great post by Flyerm14 on 1/21/99 regarding the search for a good M1. Now I'm looking for one and would like to know why the situation seems to have changed so dramatically. I went to a 900 table gun...
  11. R

    Ever hear of "Simunition"

    I'm holding in my hand a strange bullet. It is a 9mm round but is totally made of plastic except it has a metal primer. The "bullet" is a blue sphere which essentially works like a paint ball when it hits you. It is called "simunition" (sp)and is used in real weapons configured to fire it...
  12. R

    I'm a Lefty (shooting hand, that is!)

    I've only been actively shooting for about a year now, and have been trained using the right hand like everyone else. I do write with my left hand but was raised doing just about everything right handed. The last two times I went to the range, I tried my left hand just to make sure I could...
  13. R

    I've identified the .22

    I've contacted Navy Arms and they have confirmed that the .22 Olympia Pistole I've been trying to authenticate is, in fact, an import made in China. They don't have the specifics on this particular pistol, but do confirm that it is a "knockoff". Thanks to everyone who helped me with this...
  14. R

    Help in Identifying a fine .22 Target Pistol

    I was offered the opportunity to purchase a very fine looking and shooting .22 target pistol for match competition. On the barrel is inscribed: "TT-Olympia Pistole Cal. 22 L.R." On the bottom of the flat tip of the barrel is "N.A. Co. Ridgefield, NJ. There is a matched set of serial numbers on...
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    To lead or not to lead..this is my question.

    I'd like to fire "lighter" loads at the range in my 45 and plan on using lead bullets. I've checked with the manufacturer and they confirm that I can use lead in my Para Ordnance. When I asked a number of other fellow shooters about lead,however, I get two completely different stories. One...
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    Thayer, Robertson & Cary revolvers

    I originally posted this question on the general forum but after looking around this website a little further found this forum which would be more appropriate. I found two small 6 shot revolvers in an old home I purchased. They might be 32 cal but may be smaller. They aren't .22, however. They...
  17. R

    Help with infor about two old "Thayer, Robertson & Cary" Revolvers

    I don't know if this is the right forum to ask the question about these to old pistols but here goes. I found two old 6 shot pistols: Their name is in the title of this post. The company was located in Norwich, CT. They are tiny revolvers and appear to be 28 caliber but I'm not sure. One has a...
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    Help with infor about two old "Thayer, Robertson & Cary" Revolvers

    I don't know if this is the right forum to ask the question about these to old pistols but here goes. I found two old 6 shot pistols: Their name is in the title of this post. The company was located in Norwich, CT. They are tiny revolvers and appear to be 28 caliber but I'm not sure. One has a...
  19. R

    New "Drop In" Barrel for my P13-45

    My Para Ordnance P13-45 is about 5 years old and I'm considering replacing the barrel with an Ed Brown "match grade drop-in" barrel. Brown Products appears to be a top-shelf product and generously provided me with information indicating that little or no "fitting" would be required. I'd like to...