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  1. R

    How to remove the Black, gunky finish on a VZ 52 Rifle

    I've got the opportunity to add a VZ52 rifle to my collection at a pretty reasonable price. (ammo is finally resurfacing here and there, too.) The problem is that it has this thick, black, gunky finish applied to the stock. If you know the answers to these questions, I'd appreciate a post. 1)...
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    French MAS 49/56 in .308 win

    I started a thread in the "reloading" forum but would like to expose my questions to you other TLFers who might be able to help me answer an important question. I purchased an MAS 49/56 today, as part of my collection of SA military rifles from 1940-1965. As all of you know, I'm sure, most of...
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    .308 = 8mm?

    I'm not a reloader and I'm just getting my feet wet with ammunition designations, loads, primers, cases, etc., etc. I'd like to ask a simple question about .380 and 8mm. Are they the same? I've just purchased an MAS 49/56 that was refitted in the popular .308 caliber. I was told by the dealer...
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    A Suggestion for a new forum: C&R

    Ok, ok. I admit that I'm a brand spanking new C&R holder and, being a newbie, am really excited about the prospects that have opened up to me. So, with that in mind, I'd like to suggest a C&R forum. It could become a good clearing house for the latest data regarding C&R, could help clarify...
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    HOORAY! I got my C&R today!

    I got my C&R in today's mail along with the "latest (1999)" catalogue from BATF for what's available under the C&R lic. I'm looking forward to purchasing some of the WWII rifles, primarily semi-auto versions. The MAS 49 is one I'll be searching for along with the Hakim. If you're interested in...
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    1960 M1 Barrel cleaning

    I just read the previous thread from Jeffly about barrel fouling and wonder what the inside of an old M1 barrel should look like. I've scrubbed it a few times and always pull out slightly dirty pads after scrubbing it with cleaner and brass brushes. I've cleaned other rifles and their barrels...
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    How many of you shoot Match with your M1?

    I'm just curious to hear from those of you who shoot match with your M1 rifles. I've been taking lessons from an expert and boy am I beat after 2 1/2 hours of practice! Even with a shooting jacket, my shoulder and elbow are sore. I'm getting a lot of pleasure from it, however, and can see...
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    A question for all you Marines Out There

    Someone picked up on something very funny this morning. CNN showed President George W. leaving HM-1. The marine at the front step saluted, GW returned it, and as he walked away, the marine executed a right face to stand facing GW's back ...something that was missing in eight years of the...
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    Just how much does a loose muzzle affect accuracy?

    What I'd like to ask anyone reading this is does the muzzle really contribute or affect the placment of the shots or is this an overblown observation? I've really begun to enjoy shooting my 1945 SA M1. While it works perfectly, and the TE is only 4.0 (I bought a gauge), the muzzle is horrible...
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    Do you have your C&R License?

    I was wondering how many of you have a C&R (curios and relics) license and if you use it at all? I just applied for mine and found the ATF to be very helpful. The C&R will certainly make it easy to pickup C&R weapons. I was really impressed with the list of just what qualifies for C&R. Do...
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    Proper lacing on the leather M1 cheek piece

    Can anyone tell me where I can find instruction about how to lace up the leather cheek piece on an M1? I did it but just used some poor b&w photos as a reference. It does make a great difference in the comfort of the rife, btw. I'd recommend it to anyone who shoots one. Thanks! Rome
  12. R

    cleaning old milsurp ammo

    I recently read that in order to "clean-up" live, old milsurp ammo with brass cases I can simply tumble it in a dry cleaning media for a few hours and it comes out nice and clean. This seems a little counter-intuitive to place live ammo into a tumbler but I'm a complete novice when it comes to...
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    What's the "correct" sling for an M1?

    Ok, I've started to shoot some informal match with my M1 using all the correct rules, timing,and positions. What a blast! (no pun intended) I've got a web sling on my rifle but others have leather. I've been taught by the instructor how to wear the web sling but it takes patience and much...
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    SOG 30.06 Ammo ID

    Hey there guys and girls. I'm hoping that someone can help me identify some SOG ammo I just purchased. I bought 520 rounds of 30.06 in a military crate which had two sealed cans of 260 rounds ball ammo. I've purchased military surplus before and it was always labled Lake City and the date...
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    Glasses wearers: Ghost Ring sights work!!

    Well, it was a revelation for me, anyway. I have them, of course, on my M1 and found that shooting with them was sooooo much easier than any other sights for guys like me with really needed reading glasses. So, I ripped off the scope on my SKS and installed a set of "peep/ghost ring" sites on...
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    Anyone have experience with Ghost Sites on pistols?

    Happy Holidays Fellow TFLers! I've had good success with "ring" or "ghost sites" on my rifles. Since I wear prescription reading glasses, I have a problem with the "head nod syndrome" unless I wear an inexpensive pair if 1.5 reading glasses to shoot with. The gun, then, and regular iron sites...
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    Military M-12????

    All right you aficionados, what the heck is an M-12? I do know that it is a .22 target rifle and was designed to be used as a target weapon only but I've never heard of one and my marksman brother-in-law brought one while he's visiting over Christmas. So,,,,I need to be able to show some...
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    Alec Baldwin: When is he moving?

    Well, the election is over and our guy "W" has won. I wonder when Alec is moving? If memory serves me,Mr.Baldwin was interviewed back sometime in September and was asked about the upcoming election. Baldwin spouted that if Gore didn't win, he'd leave the country. He just couldn't handle...
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    recrowning the muzzel

    Dear fellow TFLrs, Can someone provide me with a simple description of what crowning is and how it helps a rifle? Also, can an M1 be crowned? I've done some reading about this subject but would like it if someone with some experience could describe it. For instance, how far back can you...
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    M1 Garand introduction

    Well, I found my rifle for life. I went to a gun exchange to purchase another rifle and while waiting for the clerk, I happened to notice an SA M1 hiding amongst the bolt action rifles. I RAN over to it and picked it from the rack only to find that it was a 1945 issue and in great condition...