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  1. C

    I brought the 10/22, Now what?

    After listening to everyones advice, I am now the proud owner of a Ruger 10/22. I don't want to go crazy with all the aftermarket accessories. I do have a few things I want to get, and I would like to here your views on them. I am looking for a decent scope, mainly used for plinking....any...
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    I think I got a good deal

    As many of you may know Im in the market for a new 22lr rifle. After reading all of your suggestions I decided to look into a 10/22. So my wife and I went into a local gun store today to see a 10/22. I really liked the 10/22, and while I was there I also looked at a slightly used Savage 64...
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    Charles Daly Firearms

    I have seen this brand of firearms is several magazines. Are they any good, or just cheap copys?
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    .22 Magazine Fed Rifles

    I am ordering my .22 this week. I went to Wal Mart yesterday to check some out. Unfortunatly Wally World would not let me see the rifles. I guess the are no longer going to sell then to the public :rolleyes: Anyhow, I have decided I want to go with a mag fed .22(no tubes or bolts). Now I...
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    .22 Rifles...any suggestions?

    I have been goign to the range at least twice a week. All that .40, .38 and .223 ammo is getting expensive. I was thinking of getting a cheap 22 rifle to plink with. I am looking for something nice, reliable, easy to clean but not to expensive. Does anyone have any suggestions(I was looking...
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    Steyr News

    Okay, this may be old....or a clever marketing ploy. Anyway I talked to Brian from CDNN investments yesterday he told me some intresting info on Steyr. He said that A private person brought Steyr and they are moving to company to the old Merkel factory in Germany. Steyr will not be shipping...
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    RKBA Day?

    Why not? I was thinking the other day about what holidays we have. I believe we should have a day set aside for the 2nd admendment. We already have Arbor Day, Flag day, Black History MONTH, gay pride why not a day for the 2nd admendment. I was thinking of maybe the 2nd day of...
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    Shot at picnic

    My brother-in law and his friends were shot at yesterday while they were attending a friends FAMILY picnic. His Friend(who is the nicest guy) was hit in the stomach, hip and arm(?) with a .357. The police caught 1 of the suspects, I hear there are 3 others at large. Last night my Mother-in...
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    Is Springfield going to make a Garand?

    I read on another forum that the Springfield armory is going to make NEW M1 Garands and M1 Carbines. Is this correct??? I hope so:)
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    Other discussion boards

    Hi Guys. I am usually on-line from 8am-5pm...or as my boss calls it my shift. Anyhow when it gets slow I like to go onto these boards and keeep my mind active. Does anyone know of any other forums?? I have been to Glock talk, and the unitedforums(when it worked). Any ideas will be appreciated
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    ACLU, and the 2nd(loaded question)

    I was just reading another message on TFL, and the wheels started turning. I know the ACLU is a leftist organization, and they claim to support peoples liberties...So where do they stand on the 2nd Admendment? I would assume they would be just as vocal as the NRA concerning gun rights....So why...
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    Bank snubs gun stores

    A friend of mine works for a large bank in the New England area. I dont want to say the banks name...I don't want my friend to lose his job:) I was shocked when he told me it was against his companys policy to do business with Gun Stores, pawn shops, and strip clubs. When I asked as to why...
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    Steyr M Series

    I posted this in the Semi Auto section, but I think I should have posted it here. To make a long story short, I just brought a Steyr M40 NIB serial number 0077XX. I have been told there are flaws in any Steyr pistol under #10,000. Is this true, and if so what should I look for. Thank You
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    Flaws in M40???

    I just recently picked up my NIB Steyr M40 serial number 007XXX. I am so happy, the gun fits my hand like a glove. Everything seems to be great with the gun, and the finish is excellent(I have not shot it yet, but I plan to do so soon.). I was just told that Steyr M40s with a serial number...
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    I need some advice

    Over the last few weeks there has been several breakins in my neighborhood(most occured at night). I was sitting up late last night, and i started to think. What if someone broke into my home...what would I do, how would I protect my family?? I own a several guns, however I believe its the...
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    I have seen this quoted on TFL. Im curious, IF the time comes when owning any firearm is illegal, and IF confication begins...who will give up their arms, and who will use them? Its easy to say "Molon labe" but who has the guts to act on it? I ask because I have thought about this quite a bit...
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    Where do you buy??

    Im intrested in seeing where everyone shops. Where do you buy ammo, and other shooting supplies?? Do you have a favorite web site/store?
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    Price Check on Steyr

    I found a Steyr M40(NIB) for $475.00. Is this a good price?? I have not seen any around here(RI), so its hard to compare. Thanks
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    Rugers PC Carbines

    I'm about to go shopping for a new gun:) I have my list, and I've narrowed it down to a few diffrent guns. One of them is a Ruger PC4 Carbine. It looks like it would be alot of fun at the range. Does anyone have any info they can share on this gun. Finally I like wood stocks better then...
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    Mag questions.

    I am looking at buying a new 9mm pistol. Is it possible to get high cap mags for guns produced after 1994(like the P-99, steyr M9)? If so when can I find them at a DECENT price. If not who makes/sells good mags(factory?) for other pistols like the baretta, browning and sig?? Any help is...