Search results

  1. C

    Im looking for a more powerful 10/22 like rifle

    Okay this sounds kinda crazy, but I love my 10/22, in fact I like it better than my AR. The only thing is the .22 is way to small. Is there a gun out there, with the same positive aspects of a 10/22, but with a more powerful cartaridge? Easy disasembly/cleaning, the same iron sights,at least...
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    Why don't they get the death penalty anymore??? Hannsen, Ames, and the rest get life. Back in the 50's didnt the Rosenburgs get the death penalty? Why are we so soft on Traitors now:confused: Oh yeah I'll leave Clinton out of the list of traitors:p
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    Yugo Mausers?

    I was just looking in my CDNN flyer and they say they have Yugo Mausers(matching serial# UNISSUED) for $169. Does anyone know anything about these? I really dont care if there not German(same diffrence), Im just wondering if these guns are practly new, and woth the money?
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    Combo Guns?

    I usually just go target shoting, so I never even thought of a rifle for hunting. The oppertunity has presented itself to me, where I may be going hunting in the near future. The group I will be going with hunts birds, and deer. So instead of buying a rifle, and a shotgun....would a combo...
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    Affordable O/U's??

    I have been looking into all my options when it comes to shotguns. My cousin suggested a good double barrel. So I started looking into them, and a O/U sounds good. Then I seen the prices...***? Are these totally overpriced or what?? Anyhow I was starting to wonder if there were any good...
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    Police Shotguns?

    Hi guys. Im totally new to the shot gun sceen. Im doing alot of research on them, and yes I have used the search option on TFL:) anyhow it seems alot of people recomend the Remington 870 police, but I can not find any info anywhere on it..including their own website. So are police shotguns...
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    Model 1894 accessories

    Hi Everyone. I just purchased a Marlin 1894c the other day. It was alot cheaper than I thought, so now I have some additional money left over:) I was thinking of picking up some accessories for it. I have heard they sell a Carbine Scabbard for it(totaly useless?), for some reason, it just...
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    Another Terror warning!?!?!?!?

    I just heard on the local news that the FBI is putting out another "terror alert". I don't want to sound anti-american, but with all these alerts are you afraid that the goverment is starting to crying wolf? I know theres bad people out to hurt americans, but what good are these alerts...The...
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    What lever action in .357 feed .38 without a problem??

    I have searched and searched for a definative answer. So far I can't seem to get a hint on which direction to go in. I like the winchester 94, and the marlin 94. Im loooking for the one that will cycle 38's without a problem.. Im going to put a deposit on one, and Im looking for the most...
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    Winchester Model 94's...whats the diffrence?

    I'm looking at getting a 94. I searched the net(and here) and I really can't tell the diffrence, or find any info between the Winchester models. What is the big diffrence between a Trapper, ranger compact, and the other rifles in 38/357. Is it just the barrel length/capacity, or are the...
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    Federal Firearm Corp

    I use to recieve a catalog from a company I believe was FFC. They catalog had alot of goodies in it, but at the time, I did not have to guns to buy the parts for. Anyhow I do now:), but I no longer recieve a catalog from them, nor can I find them on the net. Do they have a web page...or any...
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    Newbie to lever!

    Hi Guys. My bonus Check comes in Friday, and now I have some cash to spend. I have been all over the map looking at pistols(P-90), rifles(M1 carbine), and shot guns(too many to list). I have decided that a lever gun might do nicly with my S&W model 66. I have seen the Marlin 1894 and a...
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    I read a review on this pistol today, and it looks promising. I have looked everywhere for some honest reviews, but I can't find anything. All I know is its a P-88 knock off, and extra mags are pricey. Does anyone have any info about this pistol. Any info is appreciated
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    Am I alone??

    I love 9mm pistols, and I know they no longer come with the standard 15 round mags. Is it just me or do you feel your pistol is less of a gun(incomplete) when it only comes with 10 round mags?
  15. C

    M1 Carbine Questions

    I've been thinking of buying a pistol, but now Im thinking, hey how about a NEW M-1 carbine. Now heres my problem, and please correct me if Im wrong. They stopped making them years ago right? So theres no way I will find one NIB...right? Then I thought hey, how about building one.....maybe...
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    Do Ruger pistols get a bad Rep?

    I have been doing alot of researching on Ruger pistols(I have to make my choice wisely). On some websites I seem to read the same thing. I have found the following to be stated almost religiously. 1) Rugers are built like a tank 2) Rugers are reliable 3) Rugers are dependable 4) Rugers will...
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    Stainless vs. Blue

    Hi all. I'm in the market for a new pistol, and I believe its going to be a Ruger P-90(its perfect for me, and the price is nice too). So now I have run into a problem, what finish to get? My friend said to stay away for Stainless because it scratches too easily, but isn't it more rust...
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    Your opinion please

    Hi guys. My friend and I are ina debate, and any help is appreciated. Im about to buy a new pistol(probably a ruger P-90) and my friend says to go with the blued finish, but I think the stainless is better. I assume Stainless is more rust resistant. My friend says to go with the blued finish...
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    Newbie needs help

    I am really new to the world of shotguns. I am looking to buy a pump action shotgun. I plan to use it just about everything(sport, hunting and defence). So I believe Im looking for a very versatile shotgun, that will shoot anything. Is there a shotgun that will do everything? I have had my...
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    The military and shotguns

    I saw a U.S. soldier on TV with a shotgun. Does the Military uses Shotguns, and what type/brand do they use??? Thanks p.S. I have never owned a shotgun(well not yet), so please excuse me if this is a silly question