Search results

  1. O

    if need be, who would pistol whip?

    Let's say you've already unloaded your weapon, no more ammo,the BG has been tagged a couple of times but is still capable and is still coming after you, albeit unarmed. Would you pistol whip him or would you not want your weapon coming in contact with them? My Security Six is a nice, heavy gun...
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    if need be, who would pistol whip?

    Let's say you've already unloaded your weapon, no more ammo,the BG has been tagged a couple of times but is still capable and is still coming after you, albeit unarmed. Would you pistol whip him or would you not want your weapon coming in contact with them? My Security Six is a nice, heavy gun...
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    Do you carry in your dreams?

    I've begun to notice that lately I've had my weapon in my dreams. I haven't used it; I've just had it on my hip. How about the rest of you?
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    s&w 625 vs. 629?

    I've been thinking about maybe considering possibly looking into these two revolvers. I guess I'm wondering whether I'd want to shoot 45acp or 44mag (though I'm sure I'd shoot 44specials more often). I notice that I can find the 629 with an unfluted cylinder, a feature which I think looks...
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    would someone convince me to buy a CZ-97B?

    I'm really a revolver kind of guy, but I've been looking at the hefty, high-capacity CZ-97B, possibly for carry. I'm used to lugging about a good bit of steel on my hip and given my frame and manner of dress I'm capable of concealing a good deal. I just can't decide. So, what do you think...
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    642 grips to reduce recoil/maintain concealability?

    Are there any grips that would make my 642 bite a little less using 158 +P ammo but still not create an obvious bulge in a trouser pocket? Mine has the Uncle Mike's Boot grips and it's in a Galco pocket holster. I like the idea of wooden grips, from an aesthetic standpoint, but would they...
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    shoulder holster for a thin man?

    It seems as though the Uncle Mike's shoulder holster I've put on my comically thin frame holds the grip in such a way that it prints easily. It's true that I've only tried it with a large frame revolver and only one brand, but I'd think that even in a vertical holster it would be more flush with...
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    cleaning .357 to shoot .357s again

    I've been shooting .38s out of my .357 for some time and now .357s won't fit anymore. I'm wondering if there's a good way to clean it so that it'll shoot both again. Anything faster than scrubbin' and scrubbin'?
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    You're a restaurant owner with a gun on you

    Let's say that you own a restaurant, it's the end of the night. You're about to lock up, you have your hand on your 642, or some such similar sized gun, in your pocket and somebody storms into the restaurant. He has a gun pointed at you and demands the money out of the register. What do you do...
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    Are criminals just built better these days?

    I've been looking around at some older pistols and have noticed that many of them are in .32 or .38 S&W and that many of those appear to have been manufactured for police use. Now, I'll grant you that the police have upgraded since then, but how is it that at the time it seemed as though the...
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    anyone heard of Bernardelli?

    This is apparently a gun manufacturer who's been in business for quite some time. Does anyone have any experience with them? The P-1 in particular?
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    Japanese Nambu

    Does anyone here have any experience with this Nambu? I find it curiously alluring. Have they held up over time? Are they good shooters? I'm having a tough time finding 8mm ammunition, is this common? Thanks.
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    Has anyone heard of the U.S. Revolver Co.?

    I've been looking for topbreaks on the internet auction houses and have found one that is made by the U.S. Revolver Co. It's a .32 S&W that is said to be in very good condition. Has anyone had anyone heard of or even had any experience with this company? thanks
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    will they take my backup away?

    I'm wondering: If I should get into a situation where I need to use my weapon, I understand that it will have to be taken away from me until everything is cleared up legally. If I should be carrying a backup piece, will that also be confiscated?
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    looking for a serviceable topbreak revolver

    I'm interested (perhaps I shouldn't be, but I am) in buying a topbreak gun for actual use, maybe even for a CCW. Does anyone out there know of any of these types of revolvers that would fit my needs? Cost, I'm afraid, is something of a problem. I'd rather not spend anymore than $250. It's not...
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    Naming your gun

    Just curious here, but has anyone here named their weapons? I've named my Security Six Mathilde; is this...odd or has anyone else named their handgun(s)?