Search results

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    how many can you name?

    How many instances in which a CCW would have helped in your home town can you name? Right now I can think of - a man who was found in the front seat of his car, having been shot multiple times from the back seat by persons unkown. - a clerk at a convenience store robbery was killed by a gunshot...
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    Article: perspectives from an Afghan who immigrated here 35 years ago Mir Tamim Ansary on Afghanistan Fri, Sep 14, 2001 I've been hearing a lot of talk about "bombing Afghanistan back to the Stone Age." Ronn Owens, on KGO Talk Radio today, allowed that this would mean killing innocent people, people...
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    who'd like to send me some expanded bullets?

    (I didn't know quite where to put this post, so if it needs to go elsewhere, that's that.) It's summer and I've got lots of time on my hands, so it's arts and crafts time. I'm going to try and make myself some cufflinks out of expanded bullets and you guys were the only people I thought might...
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    should I build on an Argentine Colt?

    I understand these pistols were made with a different kind of steel that might not take well to modern materials. So what would I be able to do and what should I absolutely not do to this weapon? I'd wanted to put a stainless steel slide on it, though I get the impression that that might not...
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    your holster: thumb-break or not and why?

    I searched for a topic like this and couldn't find one exactly, so I thought I start this. I thought I'd get more responses here in General Handgun than in Gear and Accessories, but if it must be moved, so be it. The holster I use now has a thumbreak and I was fine in a low-pressure situation...
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    My buddy bought his first pistol today

    He got a new Ruger P90. He didn't shoot it today (he's used the range P90 before), but he equipped himself with an Uncle Mike's paddle holster, a box of the Winchester SXTs and even signed up for a Concealed Weapons Course while we were there. The vicarious excitement is pretty great, I've got...
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    Sistema Colt Modelo 1927 now to prepare myself for a Kimber. Absurd or reasonable?

    I slammed my fingers in my car door today, which for some reason got me to thinking about muscle reflex and the possiblity that I might not think to release the safety on a 1911. Which also got me to thinking that it would be a pity to lay down $800 dollars on a nice, new Kimber and then realise...
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    buying through an internet auction a bad idea?

    I've been reading through some old posts here and I'm getting the impression that there are so many caveats involved in buying a shotgun that I'd be a bonafide fool to purchase one through an internet auction house. I should get a feel for the weapon in my hands; I should shoot it; I should, in...
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    how shall I clean this, or any, older 32 S&W topbreak?

    I'm still waiting to receive my H&R topbreak in 32 S&W and I was suddenly thinking today as I was at the range that should the revolver be in firing condition, or even if not, I should give it a good cleaning before anything else. I asked one of the boys down at the range about the best way to...
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    new grips at fault for my bad day at the range?

    I just bought some walnut grips with finger grooves from CDNN investments for my Security Six and took them to the range today. I had previously used the factory wood grips. My performance today with the new grips and .357s was not good. I shot a little low and to the left at times and at other...
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    .357glasers oxymoronic? .38glasers v. .357glasers

    Should, heaven forbid, I ever have to fire my weapon in self defense, it will most likely be in the general direction of a fairly busy road. Because of this, I've been carrying .38 glaser blue tips for fear of tagging someone driving by. Lately, more for the boom than anything else, I've been...
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    help me justify an unnecessary purchase

    So here I am, a student who already has two guns, and I desperately want a Kimber Custom Stainless. I don't technically need this gun. To be honest, I can't really afford this gun. I have rent to worry about, student loans, car payments. I could put a third of the price of the Kimber down and...
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    your weapon and your drink

    I looked around to see if a topic like this had circulated and couldn't find any. Having recently come of age for both shooting handguns and drinking, I've put a lot of thought and experimentation into what I enjoy in both categories and, when I think about it, my choices make sense in light of...
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    cz97b v eaa witness

    There was another thread to this effect a while ago, but it petered out after four replies. So... any thoughts? I get the impression the CZ is better regarded. Thanks
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    cz97b mag holsters

    are these readily available? I've been doing a little looking around and I can't find any that say they'll fit specifically. Are the cz97b magazines roughly the same size as another pistol's magazine? Thanks for your help.
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    True Lies movie gun question

    I searched around for a while here for the answer, but I couldn't find any reference to the gun Arnold carried when he was on horseback near the beginning. There's a good shot of it in the elevator ride up, but I'm not gun-savvy enough to recognise it. I'm quite curious about it. thanks
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    cz97b v baby eagle

    I'm leaning towards the CZ, but in reading past threads there have been some good things said about the baby eagle. Reading appears to suggest that the baby eagle is a "CZ clone". In a good way or a bad way? There was also some mention about polygonal rifling that I didn't quite understand...
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    629 v 625-- ammo cost, recoil,&hassle

    I've been looking around at ammo prices and 44spcls (not to mention 44mags) are really quite expensive. So I've begun to consider more the possibility of getting a 625 over a 629 and I'm back again with the questions of moonclips and recoil. I like the muted push of the 44spcl but I have yet to...
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    anyone played with a Schofield reproduction?

    Either the Navy Arms or the Smith and Wesson versions. Any thoughts? What's a good price for a used one? Thanks
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    removing the cylinder from a security six

    How would I remove the cylinder from a security six? The only screw I see is by the thumb latch, but I'm leery of removing just any ol' screw. Can anyone help me here?