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    vacationer buying a gun in New Orleans

    So I'm going to be spending a few weeks in New Orleans in about a month. I'm something of an amateur photographer and I wanted to do some exploring in some, perhaps, questionable areas during day light hours. I don't intend to put myself in danger but I've heard the area can be unpleasant even...
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    Will wearing a wind-up watch while shooting disrupt the springs?

    I'm getting a nice, old wristwatch that's a wind up and I'm wondering whether my 50 rounds of .45 a week will somehow interrupt or jar the watchworks. Would you suggest I take the watch off while I shoot or do you think that's a silly thing to worry about?
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    This weekend's Cola, SC gun show; taking any guns to sell?

    I'm just curious to know if anyone is going to be taking any guns to sell this weekend. Maybe someone else could use the information, too.
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    pics of old Charter Arms 44 Bulldog?

    I know they're not the best revolvers out there but I've heard that the old ones are fairly decent if you don't overshoot them. And I kind of like that clunky, rough, unshrouded ejector rod look. So does anyone have one of these and can post a picture of it?
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    Beretta 92 clone vs Hi-power clone

    This is a bit of a twist, I think, to existing threads about these guns' respective originals. But that's pretty much the idea. Which of these clones is a better buy? I'm interested in getting one but know very little about each. I understand there are a number of Hi-power clones from which to...
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    what do you do as you wait for a gun to be delivered?

    Right now I'm waiting for a Star BM to get to my FFL dealer. It should be in sometime this coming week and I'm pretty eager for its arrival. It's been a while since I've gotten a firearm in the mail, but I remember when I was waiting on my Sistema I bought a pair of grips and a holster and had...
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    Star BM owners: I've got questions since I'll be joining you

    I'm going to be receiving a Star BM in a few days that I won in an auction and before I get it I was wondering if anybody had any advice to give me about it. I understand that it's best not to dry fire them. Never let the hammer rest on a live round. It'd be a good idea to have some spare...
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    odd, gun related dream I had last night (long)

    The dream starts out with my saying goodnight to a friend of mine as she's about to drive off. There's boogie-woogie music coming from her radio and I tell her how glad I am to hear that kind of music is still alive. She tells me that of everything I've said that night, the fact that I was...
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    price check Dan Wesson bbl assembly used?

    What can I expect to pay for a used Dan Wesson barrel and shroud and all that good stuff? It seems like all the used Dan Wessons I'm seeing are 6" and 8" and what I really want is a 4". The website quotes one price ($133) but I'm wondering what I might be able to pay for a used barrel...
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    think too much about guns?

    Lately I've noticed that whenever I see a series of numbers I associate it with something gun related. I was looking at the clock the other night and it was 9:19 and I read it as 9x19. Working up totals on a calculator I kept coming up with 6.25, 6.86, 4.42. Anyone else ever find themselves...
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    Price check on .44 or .45 v-comp?

    Restless, restless me just got a 625 but am now itchy for another revolver. I've been asking questions about the .44 and have decided that I want a Dan Wesson but have also been looking at the v-comps. I'm thinking the more I pay for it the more likely I'm going to carry it and I think I'm more...
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    Changing the color on a leather holster?

    Is there a good way to change a brown leather holster to black? I considered Kiwi or some such product but am afraid that it will eventually (or immediately) rub off on my clothing. The leather is a bit on the old side and looks like this...
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    Charleston, SC street shooting & theoretical tactic question

    "A 13-year-old girl has died after a gunman riding in sports utility vehicle opened fire on a group of teens walking downtown." First off, this is just tragic. According to the news story she was among a group of kids just walking down the street. On one of the streets I've walked down...
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    Tommy gun vs AR-15

    Just for fun I ask this, but if you don't intend ever to use either one for self-defense and will most likely very rarely take it out to the range (and if your regular range doesn't allow .223; to shoot that you'd have to truck it out 40 minutes) which would you buy? I'm thinking Tommy Gun...
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    Dan Wesson for a CCW?

    At the moment this is a purely conceptual question. I don't have a Dan Wesson (although I'm thinking one in 44mag may be in my future if I find one at a good price). I'm used to carrying a hefty piece and I've been led to believe that the Dan Wessons are large, so that's not a problem. The real...
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    older Charter Arms 44 vs. new Taurus 44

    I've got two boxes of 44spl that I bought a long time ago when I thought I was going to buy a 629. I bought several other guns instead and just sort of forgot about the 44 over the years. Now I'm thinking what a waste those rounds would be if I didn't buy a 44, so here I am I don't want to buy...
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    combat sights for 625?

    Can anyone recommend a good seller of (and possibly installer of) combat sights for a S&W 625? I've never liked the partridge front sight that snags and rips upon drawing whenever possible and I've been tapping my elbow on the adjustable backsight which just plain hurts. Any thoughts? S
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    difficulty cocking 625

    I have a recently acquired 625 with perhaps 100 rounds I've put through it and, I'm told, no more than that by the previous owner. I've begun to notice the past couple of days that when I cock the hammer I must pull it forcefully all the way back for it to stay cocked, otherwise the hammer will...
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    How shall I rig these weapons for daily carry?

    I just realized my (reasonable) handgun wish-list with the recent purchase of a 625 (relax; it's thoroughly, though gently, used) and I'm wondering how to rearrange my rig to accomodate it. I currently carry an ASP on the weak-side, my spare mag behind that, a full-size 1911 on the strong side...
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    625 BUG to 1911. Feasible or silly?

    I like carrying a revolver and while I carry a 642 in my pocket I'd like to carry a 625. You know, something more substantial. But I still want to carry my full-size 1911 as a primary. So would is a 625 as a back-up be a reasonable option, or is it too big? I thought I might carry it on my...