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    Shepherd scopes?

    I was thinking about trying a Shepherd scope on my M1A. Has anyone tried these, are they quality products/ do they work well? Any advise would be appreciated, thanks.
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    What exactly is Curio&Relic? I know there is a special FFL, or something to purchase these "types" of firearms. Is it easier to obtain these "FFL`s"? I would appreciate any input. Thanx!
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    restocking my M1A

    I know you guys can handle this one: I have a glass bedded, match M1A , but I dont like the fact that I cant field strip it, to clean it thoroughly. (I`m no longer shooting in competition, and sometimes get caught in the rain, I`m willing to sacrafice a little accuracy for a rifle I can take...
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    I like the fact that M7-Pro doesnt have such a strong smell, but do you guys think it works as well as Hoppes/ Shooter`s choice? (My wife doesnt really find the smell appealing, like I do!)LOL. Is there another cleaner you could recommend that works well, without the smell? Thanks Gurus!
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    chrome lining in Armalite

    I just bought a new Armalite AR15 with a chrome lined barrel, and was wondering does the chrome lining hurt accuracy? Would it make sense to have a match bbl. installed? If so, How great, on average, is the increase in accuracy?It is for informal target shooting. Thanks, almighty Gun-Gurus!
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    scope on a Rem 241Speedmaster?

    Does anyone know of a company that has a way of mounting a scope on a Rem model 241 Speedmaster, without drilling and tapping? I would really appreciate any help you guys could give me. Fatelvis
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    M1 carbine any good?

    I just fired a M1 carbine, and loved how light, and fast shooting it was! In your opinion, is the .30 carbine cartridge a suitable choice for close range protection? (I own a M1A, and AR, but was interested in one for an alternate backup, or something to hand a friend, ITSHTF) Thanks!
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    Varget for AR-15?

    Is Varget of the proper burn speed, for an AR-15 in .223? (20" bbl.) Has anyone had good luck with it? If so, any recipies? Thanx guys!
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    cheap ammo?

    Ok guys, I know you know the answer to this one. Where can I find surplus ammo the cheapest? (.223, and 7.62x39)Thanks in advance- Fatelvis
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    Molon Labe?

    What does "Molon Labe" mean?
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    Cast bullets in SKS?

    Ive used cast bullets with gas checks in a few different "non-autoloading" rifles, and have great luck doing so. (Alot of the time MORE accurate than ball ammo!) However, I`ve always read, not to use cast bullets in a gas operated rifle. Does this rule out my SKS? Will it clog the gas system...
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    What rifle would you bet your life on?

    What one rifle, if you had to choose between those listed, would you use if the SHTF? Why? 1-AK-47 , 2-AR-15, 3-M1A , 4-scoped bolt hunting rifle
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    cheap 7.62x39 question

    Looking for cheap ammo to feed a cheap AK, I`ve noticed that Wolf, and other brands, offer HP, or FMJ ammo, for the same price. Does one shoot more accurately than the other, or have some advantage over the other? Any help would be appreciated before I spend 80 bucks, thanks.
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    Armalite and Eagle Arma the same?

    Why are some rifles marked Eagle Arms, and some Armalite, if they`re the same company? Or are they? Is one inferior in quality to the other? I would appreciate any help, I`m looking to buy one, or the other. The Eagle Arms rifles seem to be less expensive.
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    Molon Labe

    MOLON LABE......So, what does this mean? Is it Latin for something? I`m not a scholar, pleeeease, help me!
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    What AR15 brand is best?

    Just wondering, which AR15 brand, Colt, Armalite, Bushmaster, etc., do you find the best, as far as fit, accuracy, and warranty? And also, do the recoil compensators do much? If so, which style works the best, (AK, Y-comp, Armalite`s version)? Thanks Bruthas!CHARLEY HESTON FOR ONE MORE TERM!
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    Are the reworked AK`s junk?

    I was wondering if anyone could give me some guidance as to if the "rebuilt with US made parts" AK`s that are out there, now, are any good. They`re pretty cheap, but I bought a HK91, that was "reworked" , and I couldnt even zero it! The barrel was installed improperly, and there wasnt enough...
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    2 groove vs. 4 groove

    I have a 2 groove rifled SMLE mk1 #4. Would there be any advantages/ disadvantages of having one type of rifling, opposed to the other, WHEN USING CAST BULLETS? I know there`s gotta be some "Leadheads" out there! LOL