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  1. D

    Do let strangers shoot your guns at the range?

    I own mostly C&R guns, nothing extraordinary or rare but a nice collection (IMHO) never-the-less. Once and a while when I am at a (outdoor) range, someone (usually someone next to me) ask if can shoot one of my C&R rifles (that I am shooting or ones I have with me). In most cases I have said...
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    What do you use on leather slings?

    I have several bolt-actions rifles (some modern-some c&r's) that have leather slings. Normally I use a bit of mink oil but I am wondering if there is something better? Mink oil works fine on the newer slings but it takes the older sling forever them try!:eek:
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    Sign of the times (I guess)

    This past Saturday my son and I were out at one of our local range to do some shooting. As we normally do WE set up some bottles and cans were we normally do (at the 100 yard rifle-right side of the 100 yard rifle range). After awhile we noticed that some of the items had been hit, even we...
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    First time shooting my BP pistol!

    Granted the vid is only 10 seconds long but you get the idea: It was ton of fun, it makes you really appreciate the modern cartridge! :D I didn't have a chance to put on paper, to find out how it groups (will do it next time) I had some bottles set...
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    What gun do you own (or have owned) that you shoot the least?

    I have several, mostly shotguns because I don't hunt much any more. However I am not going to sell them, a lot of memories connected to them. Plus I'll hand them down to my son.....some day. (He just graduated college-so I doubt he'll have a ton of time to shoot anyways! There is one in my C&R...
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    Since I added a (repo) M39 bayo to my collection, I decided to update my pic's, so here they are: From Left to Right,: 91-30 Bayo K-11 Bayo Yugo 24/47 Bayo Steyr M95 Bayo M39 Bayo Mk 4 No 1 Bayo On the rifles:
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    06' Ammo Score

    I bought this yesterday, decent price and was local (Bay Area CA). :D (And yes it does come with a opener!)
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    M39 Bayonet

    I own a M39 and it's the only non-sporterized C&R guns (my Remington M1903a3 is sporterized-future project)that doesn't have a bayonet. Since the cost of bayonet would exceed the cost of the rifle, I almost gave up on getting one. The other day I was on the Empire Arms web site and I noticed...
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    Which Do You Prefer?

    Traditional or Modern Muzzle-loader Rifle??? Personally I prefer the traditional-type of muzzle-loader, (percussion and flint). Like these: Don't like these: I understand (sort of) the reason people wanting a more modern-type of muzzle-loader but I don't know it just not my thing. Your...
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    German 98k re-arsenaled with issues - Allan's Armory

    FYI - Some have more "issues" than others. :eek:
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    Opinion Needed

    I am looking to add this to my collection: It looks like (to me) a decent gun for the money: Your thoughts?? :D
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    Black Powder in War

    I have question for all of you black powder experts: :confused: Since muzzle-loading rifles (I'm talking about single-shot flintlocks or percussions) need to be cleaned every so often; like every so 5 shots or so. So what did they do during battle? Obviously you're not going to stop shooting...
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    Samco has .303 Ammo

    Is this stuff any good? :confused: I talked to a couple of all ready and they said to stay away from this stuff: a lot of "click-bangs"
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    Do you count your ammo

    The other day I purchased about 200 rounds of 7.62X54r ammo and when I went to store it, I realized that I have a crap-load (which is a lot and it is a actual method of measuring!) of 7.62X54r ammo. I started to ponder; Should I actually start physically counting my ammo? Normally I just...
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    I nominate this guy Bubba of the year!!

    I saw this on another forum (won't say which one): Oh BTW - According to the guy, he: "Burnt copper high temp/ oil resistant coating on barrel." This used a be a M1903-something; now it's a (I'll let all of you fill in the blanks) :eek: WARNING UP COMING RANT: It really riles me up when...
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    New found appreciation for the modern cartridge

    I recently purchased a black powder muzzle-loading pistol and it has given me a new-found appreciation for the modern cartridge. With a "modern" firearms (to include C&R firearms) that shoot cartridges, you load and shoot (more or less) and that's it. With percussion or flintlock type guns...
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    Homemade Range Rod

    So how did I do - workable? This is something I wanted to try, simple because I don't to jack-up the rod that came with the gun. Parts list: Dowel Small piece of wood Extra-strength glue 9mm Shell Casing Gray Duck Tape (So the shell casing wouldn't damage the barrel.) I forgot how much I...
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    Black Powder Weekend Score!

    I got this from a guy in the bay area, near where I live (CA) (A.K.A. Behind Enemy Lines) (The two powders on the left and the center are for pistol, the one on the right is for rifle. The small tins are caps; the black ones are #10 and the other one is #11) Don't Hate...... :D
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    Need your assistance

    I was cleaning/sorting my ammo closet and I came across some ammo that (for some reason) I didn't mark them. Yes I know it was dumb. :o Any-how I took some pic's in the hope someone could postively ID them. (I couldn't get them real sharp but you get the idea) (Full-Lenght View) (Close-UP)...
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    A Couple of Mounts: thought I would share

    The other day I was cleaning my spare room and decided to move a couple of mounts of deer I shot while I was in SE AZ a few years ago: Rifle: Winchester Model 70 in .270 W/3X9 Burris Scope Both have interesting stories that I would like to share with you: (If you don't mind) The deer on the...