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    Would you restore a "sporterized" surplus rifle?

    Now that I've completed my 1903a3 restoration project, I wonder how many of you would do the same?
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    For your viewing pleasure-A finished 1903a3

    Well after many starts and stops, I finally finished my 1903a3 project: (yes i have to put the stock reinforcing bolts in once they come in but that doesn't count :rolleyes: ) Before: (How I bought it) After: I also got a repro bayo off of ebay:
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    Missing 1903a3 Part

    I am almost finished with my 1903a3 restoration but like a dummy I've lost a part. Do you know where I can find one? The screw/bolt is missing
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    Tung Oil Question

    RE: I am finishing up a stock using one part tung oil and one part mineral spirits. Before I reassemble it, do I put anything on the stock as top coat or am I'm GTG?
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    Restoring my 1903a3-Stock Stained

    Well ladies and gentleman I heading down the home stretch with this project! Sunday (despite feeling like crap) I stained my 1903a3 stock; using equal parts of tung oil and mineral spirit and this it how came out: However the top part (hand guard) is darker than the rest of the stock. (I know...
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    Universal M1 .30 Caliber Carbine 3rd Generation

    I have a chance to buy one, the information I've gotten from the buy it was made in around 1978 in a place called Hialeah, Florida . I've got a couple of questions: He's asking $300 for (plus a couple mag's and a bit of ammo) - worth it? Any issues with the gun I should know about it?
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    These guys make me cringe!

    For your viewing:
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    What to do with this?

    I am restoring my 1903a3 - that's the good news. The bad news is I have this nice stock and don't know what to do with it: [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG] Suggestions? I was thinking about turning it into another shooter.
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    Need help

    I finally got a start on my 1903a3 project: [/URL][/IMG] After a few stubborn it finally came out: [/URL][/IMG] But this fell out: [/URL][/IMG]
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    What do you use as a bore light?

    I have been using a min-mag flashlight to check the bores, which works OK for my pistol but the rifle its a bit difficult to get the right angle to see clearly all the way down the bore. Any suggestions?
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    My 1st Mosin Shoot

    Waaaaay back in 2011, I purchased my 1st Mosin - In July 2011 I took it out and shot it: It's the one one the right (I no longer have it - sold it last year :( The one on the left was my son's friend Finn M39, my wife and son bought that for me as a b-day present a few months later! Now I have...
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    Which gun do you think got the most attention?

    I was at the range this past sat with my son and one of his friends. I had brought four guns (only shot three though) and which one(s) did you think got the most attention? 1941 Finnish M39 Yugo 24/47 .50 cal ML Rifle and .50 cal ML Pistol Believe it or not the .50 cal muzzle loading rifle...
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    My Mosins

    I was taking some gun pic's - so I decided to post them: [/URL][/IMG] From Left to Right: Mosin (Laminate) 91-30/Finn M39/Polish M44 With the instruments of death: [/URL][/IMG] (FYI - The bayo on the M39 is a repo but I'm ok with that - can't afford a original one)
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    Ammo Inventory (it's not what you think- read on)

    So last weekend I decided to count my ammo because I know I was low on some and good on others. I finished it and put it on an excel spread sheet and (don't ask me how much - it some where between 1 and 100,000 rounds :D ) I made the mistake of leaving next to the computer - where my wife saw...
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    Question for fellow Percussion or Flintlock Shooters

    I have two percussion guns (one rifle and one pistol) and just wondering how many use the ramrod it came with or do you use a replacement Replacement Ramrod? If you use a replacement; any recommendations? :D
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    What's the worst-tasting game animal you've eaten?

    Years ago (back east) my dad shot a decent-sized buck who had lived in a swamp, the worst tasting deer meat I've every eaten! Bacon helped but not much :rolleyes: He was also in the full rut but I don't think that affected the meat that much. My dad shot the buck with one shot and it dropped in...
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    Finally - I can start this project

    I bought a Sporterized Remington 1903a3 a couple of years ago: It has been my intention from day one to put it back to milspec (or as close as I can get it). Well all the pieces have come together! :D I got a parts kit from SARCO, Inc...
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    Chiappa M1-22 Carbine

    I've seen a couple of Youtube video's but don't know a lot about them: I would like to get a M-1 Carbine but damn sure don't want to pay $1,000+ for one! Seems like this would fit the bill nicely.
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    The exploded 1858 Remington New Model Army revolver

    I don't if this has been posted all ready but this is a good reminder for all black powder shooters:
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    Finally Back in stock!

    I have waiting forever (or it seems like it) that Sarco, Inc would get back into stock the hardware set for the 1903a3: Now a good stock and I'll be set to get this back to milspec's (or close to it): :D