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  1. O

    The paperbag war: a case for flat trajectories

    Went plinking today. It rained a little, decided to stick around anyway. The range was a valley overgrown with shrubbery. After zeroing a couple of guns and testing magazines, I set up a grocery bag at roughly 80m distance. My reasoning was that a brown paper bag is about the size of the vitals...
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    Which gas operated 12ga to avoid?

    I keep seeing lots of inexpensive old 12 selfloaders of apparently good quality. Savage, obscure Browning models and lots of store brands...and I have no idea which to avoid. My criterea are 1)reliability 2)simplicity of operation [with Remington 1100 as the benchmark] and 3)availability of...
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    Options for AK rear peep sight

    I have a Williams mid-receiver aperture and find it awkward. Would like to get something like Galil rear sights but that is expensive ($125 plus welding time to fix up the void left by the original sight). Would it be possible to simply weld a two-aperture flip sight (A2 or similar) onto the...
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    Why I shall rest easier tonight

    A couple of days ago, I started to develop a coherent picture of how gun control efforts influence people I know. 1. Increased disrespect for lawmakers and law enforcers. We all agree with "shall not murder, steal" and the like. Cops who pursure muggers, rapists, murderers have our support...
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    Ball, hollow point, AP or soft point for self-defense?

    For a .308, .303, 30-06, 8mm or 7.62x54 weapons, what would be your first choice? You pay for your own carry and practice ammo. Scenarios could be anything from civil unrest to an invasion by the Luxemburg hordes bent on conquering suburbia to self-defense against kitten stompers.
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    Legality of flash hiders, vertical foregrips

    My gunsmith says that flash hiders aren't legal for anything anymore, not even bolt actions. Is he right? Also, would a vertical foregrip be legal on a Mak90 with a thumbhole stock and a bunch of US parts (front and rear sight, furniture, sling)?
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    Galil top cover on a Mak90

    Would the front post have to be moved up or down to make the rear Galil sights useable?
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    Globe or colored front sight on a fighting rifle?

    Has anyone used colored plastic front post or a globe sight (with or without crosshairs) on a social rifle like the AR?
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    A poster for the antis (Molon lave)

    Hi-res Played around with captions: "Willing to risk my life to stay free. Would prohibitionists risk theirs to disarm me?" "Want America Disarmed? Face millions of Americans like this!" "Surrender? Impossible!" Not sure that the current understated...
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    Best place to buy inch FAL mags?

    I'd like to get a dozen 20-rd inch magazines...can anyone recommend a source on-line?
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    Buy Gunny jeans

    Larger Since everyone is using waifs and heroin addicts to sell clothing, I decided to take a different approach. Here's a nice, wholesome ad featuring my friend Dana (who's more of an AK and pistol fan, actually). Jean jackets, anyone?
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    The taste of crow and maintaining fire discipline

    Based on my discussions with a number of TFLers and others int he last couple of days, I have an unfavorable view of some of my own recent posts. I've stated willingness to shoot people over a number of perceived injustices. That had several effects: - angered people who would end up on that...
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    Do any Australian/UK guns forums exist?

    I found a dozen Russian forums but none in English yet...does anyone know if they exist at all?
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    Telling pre-ban from post-ban: erial number lists?

    I'd like to find a list for figuring out which M1A/M14 clones are pre-94 or pre-89 ban and which are post. Has anyone a suggestion of where to look, esp. with makers who don't have much of a customer service? Thanks.
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    Restoration of civil rights possible?

    I got this email earlier today and will need help answering it. I don't know the specifics well enough. Can anyone offer advice? Has the prohibition been on the books that long or was it imposed retroactively?
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    Is 1970s Chilean .308 call any good?

    Thinking of getting a few rounds for plinking, wanted to make sure that it works allright.
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    Who's faster? (poster)

    Which TFLer is this? Hi-res Unfortunately, the text is barely readable on the 200 pixel thumbnail version.
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    150 vs 180 gr 308

    Seems that every vendor is out of 150 gr 308 ball. I can get 180gr though...would I lose much in accuracy? Are sights calibrated for 150gr ballistics?
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    The original "Poison Bullet"?

    I am under impression that the hollow/light nose and heavy base idea used by 5.45 Russian and 4.7 FN originated with the standard British 303 bullet. If that's the case, why hasn't it gained as much notoriety for effective terminal performance?