Search results

  1. O

    Fetishism, a hunt for heretics and the airport security

    In her recent post, Kaylee described how the so-called security hassled her over a keychain fob. In the light of such idiocies, the witch-hunts and the conflict over minor religious differences of the 16-17 centuries might look less strange to us. Below is the key fob that Kaylee mentioned...
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    The taste of combat steel

    Won't argue about tastes, especially with these two ladies of unquestionably luxurius preferences. (Did see this over the holidays and no, alcohol was not involved) Larger image Can you guess the names of these TFL members?
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    Handling recommendations for .22mag Black Widow revolver?

    Got this from runt_of_the_litter! Two questions: 1. What's the best way to hold the gun to avoid firing it by accident right after cocking (esp. when wearing gloves)? 2. How to de-cock it, esp. under stress? Seems that one needs to lower the hammer on a live round first, then half-cock and...
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    Don't be a Dodo (poster)

    Larger image Thanks to madmike and Mme.Nature for providing the models ;) More posters of anthropologic/historic type are coming soon.
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    How to dissolve cotton fibers?

    Today, I put my old bolt head back into the P1917 rifle. It is back to a fairly mushy trigger but, at least, the primer ignition is reliable. The "speed lock kit" is now out. Unfortunately, I attempted to do all that w/o a vise and so lost a small bit of my skin and a chunk of the cotton glove I...
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    New picture page: Enfield revolver .380

    An ugly gun, indeed
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    1892 Lebel revolver photos

    I added images of the 8mm revolver to my existing Nagant page. Since my reference books are unavailable and I know little of that model, would anyone care to proofread the facts for me?
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    Speaking of lovely sights...

    ...that one can find in Tennessee Larger No catchy caption, all complaints to the gunnery sergeant. For my redneck taste, this beats the Swedish bikini team :cool:
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    What could this rifle be?

    Trying to figure out origins or chambering of this gun...wax castings of the chamber proved inconclusive.
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    Info needed: where in the US has standard SKS been banned?

    The regular fixed-magazine it legal in Chicago, DC, CA, etc?
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    A "progress" in women's rights? (image)

    Speaking of my once-home state of Illinois... Slightly larger Alternative caption: "Some advance in women's rights!"
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    Useful antiques

    I realize that calling an SMLE an antique is a stretch but we could call any camera made in 1915, or any car, an antique...why not a rifle? I am looking for suggestions on the caption (the current one is a placeholder and the picture is likely to evolve, too), something to indicate that...
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    Please recommend a gunsmith in Nashville, TN

    I have a sick 1911 that throws brass in my face and stovepipes a lot. In the future, I expect to have other guns with attitude problems, so I might as well start searching for a good smith now. Recommendations, please.
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    New posters

    The move went well thanks to my parents and friends, including TFLers Ocelot-Five and Nuella. I am enjoying Nashville a lot. Runt_of_the_litter is MUCH more wonderful than I expected. Searching for work again as I had to part company with the place that hired me. I have never worked in such...
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    Inconsistent ejection in a 1911: causes?

    Have a 1911 series 70 Colt from about 1980-82. It ejects all over the place, some empties go ten feet, others three inches and some just stovepipe or even stay in the slide held by the ejector. Some hit me in the head and that breaks my concentration. Would swapping out the ejector be a good...
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    .455/45acp Webley issues

    I'd like to verify two rumors relating to c.1915 Webleys converted to 45acp with moon clips. 1. 45acp pressure exceeds proof load for 455, therefore unsafe in the long run. 2. For best (or merely passable) accuracy, hollow base lead bullets should be used, FMJ or JHP would not be accurate. If...
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    An ugly .303 and various ammunition: experience trumps theory

    As I may have mentioned, I own an ugly sporterized P1914. The wood around the barrel is gone and the barrel itself free-floated: the design is functional but uglier than some White House interns. I bought it for $85 which included a 20 round box of UMC ball and work to add sling swivels and a...
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    Three more images: light 'em up! For discussions on why so-called hi-caps (standard magazines) are important. A bit didactic but I tried for exact and exhaustive phrasing. I hope that the pun makes sense to the...
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    A small update of the P32 page

    Additional information on P32 accuracy, longevity, holster choices. While my report may seem mixed, I am of impression that the current iteration of P32 is the best mouse gun available. A bit like small Hondas, not perfect but very good.
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    Couple more visuals

    I am beginning to think that showing an overweight scruffy geriatric in my posters would distract less from the message...but I happened to have a bunch of images handy and will use them until I can procure less photogenic subjects. A...