Search results

  1. G

    How does 8mm compare to 30.06?

    How does 8mm compare to 30.06? I mean in terms of velocity, weight, lethality, recoil, etc? GHB
  2. G

    Wimpy Benelli haters!!

    Guys, I keep running into girly-men who whine about the Benelli M1S90's recoil. Maybe my Mauser has just toughened up my sholder but I'm quickly coming to the conclusion that a lot of guys are just sissys. My God men, don't you know that recoil is in mostly in your head! (oh yeah, then just...
  3. G

    Zeiss conquest or???

    I have a Steyr Mountain rifle that needs a scope. I was thinking about the Zeiss Conqest 3-9X40 for $399. Is there anything else out there that I should think about before the Zeiss?? GHB
  4. G

    Field-stripping a Benelli M1S90

    Gents, I was stripping down my Benelli S90 last night and I got to the point in the manual where it says to remove the littlecocking handle (charging lever?) on the bolt. How do you do this (the doohickey I'm talking about is the little tab that sticks off of the bolt that you use when you want...
  5. G

    How can I put a "red dot" scope on my Mak-90

    Gents, I have a Mak-90 that I plink with and it is pretty accurate. I would like to put one of those "aimpoint" type sites on it. I've seen the Russian Cobra but it only seems to fit on guns with rails, which mine doesn't have. What to do? GHB
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    New to shotguns...need defense load recomendations for Super 90

    Gents, I just bought a Benelli M1S90 "Tactical." I am going to use it to replace my AK for "room broom" anti-home invader duty. I want to use the most effective manstopper that is availible and trustworthy. GHB;)
  7. G

    Help...need Benelli Stock!!

    Gents, I have just purchased a Super 90 Tactical w/pistol grip. I want to switch it over to the traditional stock style. Where and how much? Are there any of those stocks that hold extra rounds availible for the Benelli? What is the best forearm light? GHB
  8. G

    Hi-cap 226 mags at a good price?

    Anyone know where I can get new hi-cap 226 mags at a good price?
  9. G

    I have seen the light. It is the 1911...maybe.

    Guys, Anybody who knows me knows that I am a serious devotee of the P7. The only other gun I have ever seriously carried is the Sig 229. However, I may be leaving those guns behind for the 1911...maybe! I have recently bought a Kimber "Custom" full-size 1911 pistol. I have always admired the...
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    I need 1911 advice--did I do the right thing?

    Well, after years of thinking about it, I finally bought a 1911 style pistol. I bought a Kimber "Custom." It has the black finish. Well, how bad did I screw up? My thinking was that the Kimber had all of the features I wanted--with three exceptions: I wanted night sites--doesn't have them; I did...
  11. G

    What is so much better about series 70s?

    I'm just wondering. I'm thinking about picking up a 1911 and I have always heard that the series 70 was better--why? is there any reason to prefer the 80? What the heck is xse? Series 90? :confused: :confused: :confused: GHB GLOCKS::barf:
  12. G

    P7 draw method?

    What is your preferred draw method? I would like to get an idea what most people prefer. For me, it works best if I cock a P7 after the draw but before the weapon is on target--finger off the trigger the whole time. Ayoob prefers cocking after the target is acquired--what do you guys think?
  13. G

    Dimensions of trap range?

    Guys, A friend of mine is thinking about setting up a "trap" range (skeet shooting?) on some property of his. What dimensions and layout would you recomend. He doesn't want to rain down 12 gauge pellets on the neighbors if you know what I mean. This is for personal/noncomercial use...
  14. G

    How do I adjust the dang scope?

    Guys, I've been a pistol guy for over a decade--but lately I've been more interested in rifles. I bought a Steyr Mountain rifle in 308. I also bought a set of A-bolt mounts and a nikon 3-9x40 "Buckmaster" scope. I put it on and locktited the mount. The gun shot high and left. I tried to...
  15. G

    It has been a while. I like the new format.

    Hello, I've been working and reading for the Bar so I haven't been around for a while. I like the new format. I hope everything has been well around here--everthing looks pretty much the same. GHB
  16. G

    Some thoughts on the Steyr S-9

    I handled a Steyr S-9 today. Steyr did a nice job cutting the gun down. The grip is just enough to keep all of your fingers on--but big enough for 10 rounds of 40. The new trigger is excellent. The trigger is so light feeling I wouldn't dream of using it without the safety (almost no creep after...
  17. G

    Steyr Scout: best price?

    Guys, Think I might give up on my search for a 1911 and just by a scout. Where can I get the best price for the "cooper" package? GHB
  18. G

    First 1911: any thoughts?

    Guys, I'm about to take the 1911 plunge. I've toyed with the idea for years but didn't want to get a "starter" gun. I've got enough for just about any 1911 (within reason). I've been thinking about getting a Les Baer Premier II (without front slide serrations). Any other suggestions. I'm...
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    Why does 40 suck?

    Guys, I have been pleased to notice talk on this forum about how a lot of shooters dislike the 40. I have never been able to get much out of this round. My first 40 was a USP compact--QUICKLY sold it because I couldn't hit **** with it. Later, in a $$$ fit, I bought two brand new 40 229s...