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  1. G

    Why wouldn't I buy a USP 45c?

    Guys, Why wouldn't I buy a USP 45c? I saw one at a local shop and it seemed neat. I 've rented one at the range before and it was nice.. I'm looking for a carry 45 (just for the heck of it). Why shouldn't I buy it? GHB
  2. G

    Ultimate H&K P7 Pro/Con FAQ

    Update 3! PRO 1. Squeeze cocking. IMHO the safest gun for daily carry. The gun goes from perfectly safe to perfectly deadly in a split second. If you drop it you may have a heart attack because it might get scratched but you can rest assured it won't go off. This gun is incredibly fast. 2...
  3. G

    NJ cops and the P7--whats the deal?

    Guys, Forever I have heard that the NJ cops are dumping their P7s. Now I hear that H&K is filling a massive order for P7s to NJ. What is the deal? Somebody who actually knows something settle this! GHB
  4. G

    Perfect carry gun theory 101.

    Guys, Often we answer questions while referring to our pet theory as to why one gun is better than the other. Tell me, what are the characteristics of the perfect CCW? Lets think outside the Glock here--don't read me you current gun's specs. 1. Adequate firepower. Obviously, placement is...
  5. G

    Most stuff ever seen on a handgun!

    Guys, I recently saw a guy with a Glock 22 that had (at least) : (1) a Glock 18 (scherer?) style extended mag, (2) lasermax, (3) tac light, (4) glock sock, (5) nite sites, and (6) an extended barrel. Come on! I confess to having a set of crimson trace grips and nite sights on my 29, but I...
  6. G

    Ak47 mods?

    I have a post-ban AK (mak-90) with US stock conversion. I like the gun--but it isn't very accurate. I know than AKs are supposedly inherantly mediocre when it comes to accuracy--but what can be done. I like the Ak. It is handy and plinking ammo is cheap. Are their any mods that can help? Is...
  7. G

    SIGP229 v. HKP7

    I have both. I love both. Which do you guys think I should settle on for daily carry? My P7 is hardchromed--so rust isn't an issue. I have hi-caps for my 229--so the contest is 13 rounds of 357 v. 9 rounds 9mm. Which would you guys settle on?
  8. G

    How many hate polymer(PLASTIC!)?

    Guys, I know all the benefits. I've felt comfortable with them at my side. However, I just hate polymer guns! I have owned a Glock and two USPs. They were ok guns--but I just couldn't get over the cheap feel! Polymer guns look and feel like junk. After shooting a Glock or USP I just love the...
  9. G

    Bump in the night--which handgun?

    Here is the situation: you are sleeping when you hear somebody breaking into your house. For some reason, all of your handguns are sitting on a table next to your bed--which do you grab? (no ifles/shotguns/subguns....) I have a nice selection of handguns but the winner of this contest is easy...
  10. G

    Hi-power detective model

    I see a FM Hi-power detective for $270. It has a heavy, crappy trigger but seems nice otherwise. Will most of the usual gunsmithing services work on these guns? I would like an extended saftey and perhaps some throating, etc? Any experience?
  11. G

    Well, now I'm voting for Gore!

    "Al Gore and I respect the Second Amendment right to bear firearms. That's in the Constitution. No hunter, sportsperson or law abiding citizen will lose any rights they have under our proposals," Joe Lieberman How long should I hold my breath before I will...
  12. G

    Bob Barr just mentioned the 2004 sunset of the ban

    Bob Barr just mentioned the 2004 sunset of the ban in a debate with some loser. He jabbed his opponent for supporting a continuation of the 94' ban! Wo, what balls.
  13. G

    Everything crappy about ...the Glock

    Guys, Remember, no flames neccessary. This is a friendly thread to bring together all of the honest criticisms of a popular type of handgun.This time its the Glock (I've already got the P7 and SIG). 1. Saftey. Many people who are familiar with handguns have a hard time getting used to the...
  14. G

    What HK needs--P7000!

    Guys, What HK needs to do to differentiate themselves from the rest of the Glock/Sig clones is to return to their roots. Honestly, HK is responsible for most of the handgun trends of the last 20 years--but they always seem to miss their own boat (See VP70/P9/USP accesory rails, sheet metal...
  15. G

    New HK PISTOL--P2000

    Guys, Go take a look at the P2000 at HKPRO.COM. This is the best brand- specific gun website, IMHO. I have to admit, as the picture loaded I was really hoping that the P2000 would be an updated, cheaper P7. Screw DAO. Build a USP compact style gun with a squeeze cocking system. The ultimate...
  16. G

    Everything crappy about the...Sig 229 and friends.

    Guys, Once again I'm trying to gather all the criticisms of a popular gun together under one thread. Here I'm talking about the classic SIG's other than the 230, 232. My experience has been with 220,226,228,229 and 239. FYI, I have two 229's--with 1500 rounds of 357 and 1100+ rounds of 40 they...
  17. G

    Great things about the ...P7

    Great things about the P7 FAQ v .1 1. Squeeze cocking. IMHO the safest gun for daily carry. The gun goes from perfectly safe to perfectly deadly in a split second. If you drop it you may have a heart attack because it might get scratched but you can rest assured it won't go off. This gun is...
  18. G

    Everything crappy about the...P7 series.

    I want to start a series of posts stressing the actual shortcomings of some of the pistols that are popular around here. Lets keep this real. Try not to post BS if it can be helped. The P7 series is up first because it is my longtime favorite. 1. HOT! This gun gets outrageously hot after...
  19. G

    One gun for the end of the world

    I posted this about a year ago: "One thing that guides me in choosing the guns I do is whether I would choose the gun as the only one I could have on a desert island/Mad Max/post total ban/etc. I have made different choices at different times. What would you guys carry if you knew that you could...
  20. G

    Best gun tale?

    Guys, I have a Glock 23 with 7566 rounds of Cor-Bon through it. Additionally, I've shot a variety of high pressure handloads through it. This gun is unstoppable. Zero malfunctions. I once boiled it , fully loaded, with a pot of chicken noodle soup to test it--worked perfectly! Top this! GHB