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  1. K

    Actual Lethality of Firearms

    In a discussion I had recently concerning these so-called less lethal weapons (tasers, stun guns, rubber bullets, etc.), I pointed out that while these devices should be employed when circumstances permitted, it should be remembered that even the more lethal firearms are not 100% effective in...
  2. K

    Tactical Mirror Sight?

    I was just thumbing through the current issue of Shotgun News when I noticed something in the TAPCO ad on pg. 58. A Tactical Mirror sight? Is that for shooting around corners? :confused:
  3. K

    Ban Teddy Bears!

    How often have we heard the anti's tell us that Teddy Bears are more heavily regulated than guns? Teddy Bears Spread Infection - Researchers LONDON (Reuters) - Teddy bears might have to be banned from doctors' waiting rooms...
  4. K

    For those frustrated by the hunt for Osama
  5. K

    OT: Segway-IT-Ginger? I guess that this gizmo could help you cart some of your gear from the car to the range, otherwise ... I don't get it! :confused:
  6. K

    An "American" in the Taliban? If this clowns story is true, that he is an "American", maybe the SF should enlist him as their own personal mine canary in checking out those caves OBL is supposedly hiding in. Or they could ship him back to the US...
  7. K

    Neostead update

    Just received an email from them today. NS NEWSLETTER No. 5 - October 2001 In January 2001 we took the decision to manufacture the NS shotgun ourselves. Since then we have concentrated on getting the NS into full production in South Africa, setting a target of October 2001. It proved...
  8. K

    I'll be your huckleberry ...

    Ever since Val Kilmer utttered this phrase while portraying Doc Holiday in the movie Tombstone, I've been intrigued by it's actual meaning. While driving on the local interstate yesterday, I noticed a P/U truck (GA plates) sporting a bumper sticker with the same statement, bordered by a...
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    Cops and Guns*

    *Not another LEO bashing, but an interesting article with a message for anyone who has a firearm for self defense.
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    Kel-Tec Sub 2000?

    Does anybody have one of these fold-up, pistol caliber carbines? I'd like to get one in .40 that takes Glock magazines.
  11. K

    Who is Robert S. Mueller III?

    The leading contender to replace Freeh as head of the FBI. Coming out of SF/PRK is hardly encouraging. Anyone know anything about his position on the 2nd? :confused:
  12. K

    Columbine Commission Report issued

    Jeffco Sheriff's Dept. takes the hit.,1002,11%257E34999,00.html The actual report:
  13. K

    N.O. Mayor Morial's security $$$

    Don't you just love it when these gun grabbing politicians run up the tab to taxpayers for their own security? :barf:
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    Babs-TV??,2933,9816,00.html Dem Diva Wants Her Babs-TV Monday, April 16, 2001 Songstress and movie star Barbra Streisand wants to create a Democrats-only cable television channel to get things back to the The Way We Were in the Clinton years. The channel, according...
  15. K

    Boot Camp??

    Full Metal Jacket meets reality TV. Has anyone seen the commercials running on Fox? This show could be a real hoot! Don't know if the topic is firearms related. I suppose there could be some low crawling under live MG fire ... well, it could...
  16. K

    Violence in the Workplace - A&E tonight!

    Just a head's up. Monday night @ 9:00 P.M. central, A&E is airing a program on violence in the workplace.
  17. K

    Intratec Sport 22

    Last year, in an impulsive moment I soon came to regret, I bought one of these POS at a local gun show. Major selling points were a low price, it would accept Ruger 10/22 hi-cap mags and looked like it would be a fun gun to plink with. A 50 round handgun that jams every 2-3 rounds is not fun...
  18. K

    Neostead shotgun

    I posted this in the Shotgun forum also, but I thought I might get more of a response here. I received an email from Neostead this morning. They are going into production and should be available around October 2001. I'm not an expert on the...
  19. K

    Neostead shotgun

    I received an email from them this morning. They are going into production and should be available around October 2001. I'm not an expert on the intricacies of BATF rulings. Is this thing going to be legal for civilians to own?
  20. K

    It's time for us to apologize to Bill !

    Don't be a weenie ... put your heart into it!