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  1. S

    Public appology to Hogue

    My grips are ready, but the problem was with my credit card, and I should have expected that. The credit card company informed me that someone in Switzerland was charging my account, cancelled the card, and sent me a new card and account number. Hogue grips do take some time to get, but part...
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    Airgun shipping question

    I don't recall this ever being discussed before, but can an airgun (pellet, rifle or pistol, not softair) be shipped directly, or must it be through FFLs? I'm thinking of selling a couple of mine and wondered if anyone had any insight. Thanks.
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    Caveat emptor

    Just passing this along. I'm not very happy with Hogue right about now. :mad:
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    A tip that might be helpful for multiple links

    Posting several links is fairly easy. Open up another browser window (I'm assuming you're using Microsoft Internet Explorer). Go to that second window and look up the link you want. Highlight it (hold down the left mouse click button and hold it down while scrolling through the link), then...
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    Help with attachments

    I'm trying to attach a photo to a post. I've done this many times before, and this one (.jpg, 172kb) is well within your size limits. What am I doing wrong?
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    Just passing info along

    I've bought a few things from these folks: Much of their stock strikes me as nifty tools for a smithy.
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    I have a pair of Hydrosorbent 40 gram silica gel dessicators that I'm no longer using. I've upgraded to a pair of Remington 200 gram dessicators for my safe. If anyone is interested, send me a PM and a mailing address, and I'll send them to you free. First one up gets them. Sort of like...
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    Polishing advice request

    I have an old (~40 years) folding Gerber hunting knife that I finally found in a box with my camping equipment. After 20 years in the basement, the brass-and-teak bolsters have quite a bit of verdigris on the brass. I have a Dremel tool with some felt wheels and some Simichrome polish...
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    Now THIS is my kind of woman!

    Wife clubs big cat with log after husband is attacked in California state park The Associated Press Updated: 12:33 p.m. ET Jan 26, 2007 SAN FRANCISCO - Wildlife officials credited a woman with saving her husband's life by clubbing a mountain lion that attacked him while the couple were hiking in...
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    How NOT to hunt

    TALLAHASSEE, FLA. — Neither gunfire nor two days in a refrigerator could slay this duck. When the wife of the hunter who shot it opened the refrigerator door, the duck lifted its head, giving her a scare. The man's wife "was going to check on the refrigerator because it hadn't been working...
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    For the ladies

    ST. PETERSBURG, FLA. — A woman watching New Year's Eve fireworks from a picnic table found out that her bra can do more than lift and support: It also slowed a falling bullet. The .45-caliber bullet struck Debbie Bingham, 46, after someone fired a gun into the air about 20 minutes before...
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    I need a bigger gun

    Another Hogzilla Caught Near Atlanta Fri Jan 5, 2007 6:41 PM ESTus-news, odd-news, killed, hogzillaAssociated Press FAYETTEVILLE, GA. — A giant wild hog boasted to be bigger than the near-mythical "Hogzilla" caught in southern Georgia a few years ago has been killed in a suburban Atlanta...
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    This makes me feel guilty for giving up hunting

    Great-grandmother, 80, bags first deer Mon Jan 1, 11:46 PM ET Gladys Schaefer likes to get things done. The 80-year-old western Kentucky great-grandmother followed that mantra in her first outing as a deer hunter. She bagged a doe within 30 minutes in late November. "Don't stop doing things...
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    Can someone please explain to me the obsession with having the box the handgun came in? After a couple of moves, the boxes got chucked, and I got nice holders instead. Now they're in the safe. These are all shooters, and I don't pretend they're new. I've even seen listings on eBay for just...
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    To all my TFL pals

    This is my shooting buddy Tim, home from his tour of duty in Iraq (US Army, 1st Lt) and his new bride Missy. I'm proud to know this couple, and thought I would share. skeeter1
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    A warning to hunters

    Meth labs abundant this hunting season Updated 12/11/2006 12:35 AM ET By Judy Keen, USA TODAY Hunters stalking deer and pheasant also are finding methamphetamine labs or their remnants in remote areas this fall. Three Michigan hunters have discovered separate dumps of equipment and chemicals...
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    I know people like to post pictures of their collection here,

    ... but I'm going to post something I'm much more proud of, my shooting buddy Tim back safely home from Iraq and his fiance. Kind of makes firearms pix seem irrevelevant.
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    Question to any FFLs out there

    My young friend just got back from Iraq, and is now stationed in Fairbanks, AK. He has a .357 Magnum Smith 66, all fully-legally sold from me to him, and we have proper paperwork to prove it. My question is, can we just ship it in a locked container (I can provide that) from Ohio to Alaska...
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    Interesting news for Ohio

    11:25 a.m. A bill passed by the Ohio legislature this week would change the state's concealed weapons law by eliminating a requirement that drivers keep weapons in plain sight. Other provisions of the new law effectively eliminate city gun-control ordinances. The local laws in jeopardy...
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    Interesting article Warning: it's fairly long.