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  1. G

    Chinese SKS question

    I overheard this in a gun store yesterday. A young man wanted to buy a hicap replacement mag to install in a Chinese SKS. The Fudd behind the counter basically screamed at him that this was a violation of Federal law. The young man asked what about the number of parts that ... (I'm not up on...
  2. G

    A Strange Place to find a Casing

    Yesterday, I went to shoot an IDPA match and met some of my buddies - some here on TFL. It was a great match. I didn't shoot that well - was kind of beat from a long drive the day before and got in late. Whine, whine. For some reason, all the steel put up a forcefield to deflect my rounds.:o...
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    Casual cover vest?

    When it gets hot here (most of the time) I think I might like to try a casual vest - not a tac vest or fisherman or photo - but one that looks like clothing and not commando. I'm not carrying two AR-15 mags and grenades on it. :D Any suggestions? Thanks.
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    TX DAs and the law

    For the crowd who only carry in the car and don't get CHLs in TX. Also, look at this - the ACLU! How about dat!
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    Wracked with sobs at the shotgun rack - self-defense and sound effects again

    So I decided on the way home from work to stop at Sportsman Warehouse. I want to browse at the toys. At the gun counter, there is a guy with his wife. He is wearing scrubs (ok) and looking at a tatical looking Mossberg 12 guage pump. The clerk is telling him how it works. Clerk racks the slide...
  6. G

    Could you make a gun entirely out of nonferrous metals?

    NO, this isn't a metal detector question. I've been reading novels like Briggs' werecoyote woman series and the Dresden files. In them, the modern world crosses with the world of magic. The Fae or the Sidhe - from Fairie have an aversion to cold steel and iron. However, they do get shot at by...
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    Why aren't there more one armed shooters OR my new 1911!

    Reading some of the other threads about silly statements on knockdown and on the range - I thought of this. I just got a new SW 1911Sc. Very pretty gun - I put ambi safeties on it as I'm left handed. I shot it at the range and then an IDPA match. Great gun - no jamming at all. Unlike some other...
  8. G

    How many carry an OC spray?

    We usually discuss the carry guns. I'm interested in how many carry an OC also? I usually have a little Fox with me. I found that folks with significant training tend to carry one also as they get hear about the force continuum. Does the average CHL - do that? Thoughts - why or why not? Thanks.
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    Hogun Grip and a Colt Cobra?

    I recently got a beautiful 38 SPL Colt Cobra. I decide to change out the original grips for a Hogue. I'm a klutz perhaps but I can't find the magic manipulation to get the thing on. I put on the spring loaded thing on the base of the grip but then I just can't get it to fit in the grip and get...
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    Defensive Long Arm Class

    This Saturday, I took Karl Rehn's Defensive Long Arm class. I decided to do it with my AR. I had previously done some shotgun classes but not an AR one. You could take this class with either as it emphasized home defense usage. The class was held at Karl's place ( The...
  11. G

    Praise for SWAT at a class

    Saturday, I took a defensive long arm class from Karl Rehn at www.krtraining. com. I have known him for years and regard him as a friend and core guru in my training. So, I pack up my AR and head out. So enthused was I for the class, that I had to drive through the aftermath of a little tornado...
  12. G

    Lubing your AR?

    That's just wrong! :) Aloe and Vitamin E added - :D Still laughing from seeing that picture but it was quite a good article.
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    An Interesting Take by George Will

    This morning I watch the ABC Sunday show and George S. asked the panel about the biggest winners in the election. Will's first choice was the NRA as the Democrats did not make an issue out of gun control. While, this forum is full of hysteria as are other gun forums, is Will on to something...
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    Training DVDs with both Genders

    I'm looking for a handgun/tactics training video that has a good mix of both men and women undergoing training. Not necessary oriented towards women but showing clear examples of both genders shooting competently - any ideas? Thanks Glenn
  15. G

    Who is this brave among us gun toting heroes?

    This breaks your heart and speaks to those who philosophically you may not agree with but cannot said to be hiding behind anyone. Not trying to reopen a thread but what can one say about courage when you read this. Family friend: Amish girl asked to be shot to save others POSTED: 4:32 p.m. EDT...
  16. G

    What about Shoes, Scott?

    So Scott writes an article about getting new guns but he forgets the most important argument? Why do you need so many SHOES? Otherwise, it is a tactically sound argument set. I have bought drapes since I bought my new 1911. I have also argued that various guns go with different modes of dress...
  17. G

    Andorra - move there?

    From the NYTimes today: Mr. Pintat (PM) mentioned that Andorra had the world’s lowest unemployment rate (zero). Encyclopedias and almanacs add details that he did not: Andorrans have the world’s longest life expectancy (83½ years). Andorra has no navy — it is, after all, landlocked, although it...
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    Ammo prices Up in the Big Box

    Well, after shooting up a bunch of 9mm at an IDPA range, I had to stop at WallyWorld to get some stuff for the wife. Thus, I thought I would restock. Horrors - the $4.63 for 50 Winchester WWB was over 7 bucks. The 100 box was $12 something. :eek: :barf: :mad: :( The dudes said that the worse...
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    You know you are a tactical nut when ...

    I see this as a different thread from being a gun nut - so some suggestions. 1. Serious gun nuts and tactical nuts won't eat in a restaurant unless they can take a tactically located table. 2. You feel anxiety when you only have one Spyderco on you. 3. You have a 1000 rounds of tactical ammo...
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    Tactical Training on Jay Leno

    Anybody watch Jay Leno last night - he had one of his guys go to a tactical school with some auto, H2H and shooting training. It was funny but was that a real outfit? It was a touch close to home and I cringed a touch when the wife sez - so that's what you like to do? Yes, there were safety...