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  1. S

    Collective wisdom on cleaning rods, etc?

    OK, time to kick the hornets nest... ;) After reading lots of posts and advertisements (here and elsewhere), there seems to be little--if any--consensus on cleaning rods. Even reputable manufacturers offer multiple choices of rod materials as if they can't decide which is the best! I've read...
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    Reliable 10-rnd mags for Mini-14?

    Any recommendations and/or sources? I wish I could have greater capacity mags, but I live in California.
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    Mec-Gar magazines for Mini-14

    I read in this forum that someone obtained some new Mec-Gar magazines for the Mini-14. I have never used Mec-Gar magazines before, but I have read good things about them. So I was very interested to hear that they were introducing magazines for the Mini. Unfortunately, the claim must have been...
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    Mini-14 vs. Mini-30

    I've been planning to buy a semi-auto, military caliber rifle for past month now and I had pretty much decided on the Mini-14 Ranch (I'm in California so my choices are very limited). But now I'm wondering about the Mini-30. Can anyone discuss the pros and cons for each of these rifles and...
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    Why do FFL transfer dealers try to charge sales tax?

    Ok, this started in the Rifle forum. But it piqued my curiousity enough to seek an answer. A number of FFL dealers here in California have a "policy" of collecting state sales tax (on the purchase price of the weapons) for receiving a firearms transfer. This is absolute BS. They are not selling...
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    What are the differences in the Mini-14 models?

    I am considering purchasing a Ruger Mini-14. I prefer stainless with a synthetic stock. But I would like to know the difference between the K-Mini-14/5P and the K-Mini-14/5RP? Ruger's Web site (which is remarkably lacking in information) shows identical specs for both models except the...
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    What semi-auto rifle would you buy in Calif?

    I live in California and, thanks to the unconstitutional regulations in this state, cannot buy a so-called "assault" rifle. So, I'm planning on going to a gun show this weekend in San Francisco and was thinking I might buy a semi-automatic rifle, probably in .223 caliber. Can anyone recommend...
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    The door-to-door gun confiscation has begun...

    "The warrant accused Beck of posing as a deputy U.S. marshal and stockpiling weapons, the U.S. Marshals Service said." The charge of impersonating a marshall appears to be a ruse. Go to for the story.
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    Dealer recommendations in the SF Bay Area?

    I'm looking to purchase a Ruger 22/45 pistol for my wife. Can someone recommend a good firearms dealer in the San Francisco Bay Area? I live in Marin so I would perfer a dealer close to the northern part of the Bay Area.
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    Taking our fight to the Supreme Court

    Dr. Michael Brown, member of Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws, writes: "Since even the NRA says the [Second] amendment allows reasonable regulation" This is why I do not support the NRA: through concessions and compromises, they have actively contributed to the gun control quagmire which has...
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    Help: Need info on buying a gun in California

    Hello, I currently live in the People's Republic of California. I would like to purchase a new handgun for my new wife (after just sucessfully introducing her to the sport of "putting holes in pieces of paper" -- and BTW, she is a damn good shot!). But I'm concerned about the possible...
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    Marine Magnum Scope Mount Recommendations?

    Can anyone recommend a good scope mount for a Remington 870 Marine Magnum--one that does not require gunsmithing or permanent modification to the firearm? Thanks.
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    Micro Glocks?

    Hello all, We've seen the "baby" Glocks. They are very nice, but still too fat for many CC situations. Does anyone know (or heard rumor) of a "micro" Glock (my term) that is slimmer than the current breed of baby Glocks (specifically, the Glock 26)? I'd be willing to sacrifice a few rounds...