Search results

  1. S

    Left-handed Semi-auto (not expensive)?

    My friend is looking for a semi-auto skeet shotgun that is left-handed. He doesn't want to spend a small fortune. He's not happy with his Remington 1100 because he feels the recoil is too strong. Any recommendations?
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    Proper Gun Control

    From the South Bend Tribune. This story--released in February--is a bit old, but I just saw it posted in the rec.crafts.metalworking newsgroup (thanks Gunner!). I did a search on TFL and didn't find it so I hope it's not a double post. Way to go kid!!! :)
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    Where to buy .223 stripper clips?

    Retail locations in the San Francisco Bay Area, Internet, or mail order sources needed. TIA :)
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    Ha ha! UK is advertising for US tourism.

    Been seeing a lot of adverts on the tely for Yanks to visit jolly ol' England. Gee, I wonder why they are losing our tourism dollars? Could it be that their crime-ridden socialist "utopia" is driving away anyone with an ounce of sanity and a sense of self-preservation? It's too bad that the...
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    Documentary: "Ruby Ridge - Anatomy of a Tragedy"

    Watched this on The Learning Channel last night at 0200 (2:00am for you civvie types). According to TLC's Web site, it also aired on 28 May at 1900 (7:00pm). Has anyone else watched this documentary? I thought it was a very fair and honest report of the events that occured. It didn't strongly...
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    Time to boycott United Artists films.

    UA just picked up US distribution of an anti-gun "documentary" by Michael Moore. Read about it here: Michael Moore looks at guns, violence, and fear We need to boycott all UA films and send letters to UA explaining why (in coherent, rational terms).
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    I have an idea to show RKBA solidarity

    One of the problems in "defending" the Second Amemdment from attack, is that many people have no idea who we are and why we support the RKBA. They have been systematically indoctrinated by the leftist media, schools, and politicians into thinking that we're just a small group of red-neck, wacko...
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    More BS government restrictions "in the name of security"

    Yesterday, my wife and I drove into San Francisco to drop off my tax return at the IRS office (I've had a return go missing in the past, so now I get the IRS to date stamp a copy as a receipt). When we walked into the lobby of the federal building, we were met by the expected "security" dorks...
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    Saw an excellent pro-RKBA documentary film last night

    Actually, it wasn't specifically pro-RKBA. But it made some great points in favor of the Second Amendment regarding the power of an armed citizenry. The documentary was titled, "Reistance: Untold Stories of Jewish Partisans" and was aired on PBS. (Yes, you read that correctly! The leftist...
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    Brainwashing the children to be anti-military & anti-gun

    From A daycare center in North Carolina seeking state certification for its preschool program found itself penalized because an inspector discovered green plastic army men on the premises, reports the Wilmington Morning Star. Laura Johnson said the presence of the nine little army...
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    How to modify 10/22 bolt lock for auto release?

    I understand it is fairly simple to modify the bolt lock on a Ruger 10/22 so that it automatically disengages when the bolt is pulled to the rear. Can anyone give detailed instructions as to how to modify the lock for automatice release? Links to images and/or diagrams would be fantastic! :)
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    Should Glock put their 9mm pistols on a diet?

    I love Glocks. But if there is one complaint I have, it is that they are too fat for comfortable and effective CCW. I guess I should state that I'm tall and lean to I don't have a lot of "extra packing" in which to hide a firearm. And loose baggy clothes are not always an option. I've brought...
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    Tumbler capacities & specs???

    I am planning on purchasing a vibratory tumbler. The problem is, there is a lack of basic information available on the different models. I have been to the manufacturer's Web sites for Dillon, RCBS, Lyman, and Berry's. Lyman's site provides the most technical information, but their Web site...
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    Is Remington UMC .223 55gr any good?

    Just cleaned out a Wal Mart of their last six boxes of this stuff. Priced at $4/box of 20. Is it any good? How does it compare with Winchester Q3131A? Odd thing is that, on each round, there is uniform discoloration in the brass at the neck, like it's been subject to some type of heat...
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    Recoil buffer on Mini-14 Ranch - How does it work?

    Ruger makes much ado about their "... patented recoil buffer that help protect scope" [sic] on the Mini-14 **Ranch** rifle. Here's a brief description of the system: The recoil buffer comprises a cup bushing, a cross pin, and a buffer guide rod. The bushing fits in a hole in the receiver...
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    Field Stripping a Ruger 22/45

    I just bought a brand-spanking-new stainless 22/45 for my wife. (Hey, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! :D ) I have heard people bitch and complain about field stripping these weapons, particularly with regards to reinstalling the bolt stop/mainspring housing assembly. What on earth are...
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    How To Deal With "Peace" Activists...

    Found this on a newsgroup and thought I'd share it here. Beneath the humor, there is a very real logic to this advice. If only we could put such common-sense rules into action without fear of arrest or lawsuits. Hmmm, maybe if we just said we were exercising our freedom of expression... The 8...
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    Can steel-jacketed ammo damage a barrel?

    I shall soon be receiving my Mini-14 and am in search of some good, inexpensive (oxymoron?) .223 ammo. Unfortunately, as a result of recent events, everyone has been buying up everything, particularly the Winchester Q3131A. (Btw, while I'm even more glad to be getting my Mini now, I had started...
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    Brenneke K.O. vs. Rottweil Brenneke

    I've read a lot of good things about Brenneke slugs. But often, the discussions are ambiguous as to whether the shell is the K.O. (from Kent, I believe) or the Rottweil. What are the differences between these shells? Is one significantly better than the other?
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    Mounting optics on a Mini-14 Ranch

    I have a Mini-14 Ranch (model K-Mini-14/5RP) on order--hopefully it will be here next week. But rather than wait for it to arrive, I'd like to start getting answers now regarding the mounting of optics on this rifle. I understand the Ranch model comes with rings, but I'm unsure how they mount...