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  1. G

    Is that a gun in your pocket or........

    Taken (verbatim) from an article in 'The 10-Ring' in the September/October American Handgunner magazine: _________________________________ Better avoid carrying your piece....your shooter, we mean....well, uh, your firearm, okay? one of those down-the-drawers holsters if you're traveling...
  2. G

    Is that a gun in your pocket or........

    Taken (verbatim) from an article in 'The 10-Ring' in the September/October American Handgunner magazine: _________________________________ Better avoid carrying your piece....your shooter, we mean....well, uh, your firearm, okay? one of those down-the-drawers holsters if you're traveling...
  3. G

    H&K USP vs. Sig 22?

    I "need" a new handgun. For no particular reason other than getting another gun. I have plenty of "N" frame Smith's and single action revolvers. This one will serve no purpose other than having something black and ugly in the collection. I don't want a Glock simply because they do not feel good...
  4. G

    Restraints (A FUDlike Question)

    We often discuss what type of guns we carry, reloads, flashlights and other accessories. But we have not yet discussed what type of restraints we carry, if any. Not every situation we encounter can be solved by simply shooting all the bad guys and letting God sort them out. What happens when we...
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    Other (Non-Gun) Discussion Boards

    I'm noticing on that they are finding a lot of gun debates on various non-gun boards right now due to the up coming election. On most of the threads of those boards I'm reading the AR15'ers are doing better than usual with fewer flames and more logic than in the past. We are getting...
  6. G

    Weatherby Offering $150 Discount

    I received an Email notification that they are offering a $150 rebate on certain rifles for a limited time. Anyone interested can visit their site at: I don't have the funds for a new Weatherby even if discounted but thought someone else may want to...
  7. G

    Weapon Charges?!?!?!?!

    I was in court today with Terridarri's son. He was the victim of an assualt a few months ago and had to appear to testify in the case. While there I observed another unrelated case that members may be interested in hearing about. There was a defendant that had fired a shot from his deer rifle at...
  8. G

    WY Sheriffs v. Feds. On Our Side!

    You've got to love this. It sounds like Sheriff Mattis would slap Clinton if he showed up in his county. Think about this the next time you think that all LEO's are against gun owners. SHERIFFS PUT FEDERAL OFFICERS ON CHOKE CHAINS VNS - County...
  9. G

    Enforcing Laws & Fred

    We have had few discussions here concerning the wisdom of our (RKBA supporters) insisting that the existing laws be enforced and not implementing new gun laws. With the growing number of gun laws that restrict our rights there are many on the books that are unconstitutional and should not be...
  10. G

    What Kind of a (Gun) Person Are You? II

    So which is it? Handgunnner, rifleman, scatergunner, collector, shooter? ------------------ Gunslinger
  11. G

    What Kind of (Gun) Person Are you?

    I consider myself a "handgunner". Judging by the number of post in the various forums it seems that many here are as well. I grew up shooting a lot of trap. Something I enjoyed. I was a hunter growing up. Something that is almost a right of passage in rural areas. However as soon as I could...
  12. G

    .22 mag. vs. .44 mag.

    Seriously. I just picked up a new North American Arms mini revolver with the dual .22 lr/mag. cylinders and 1.625" barrel. While fondeling my new toy I pulled out my American Derringer Model One with three inch barrel for an informal comparison. Without actually measuring the two appear to be...
  13. G

    ATTN: Members Planning to Attend Summer Meet

    Would the members planning to attend TFL End of Summer Meet, please e-mail either myself or terridarri at your convenience with your user name, the number of people in your party and your anticiated day of arrival. This will assist us in getting our...
  14. G

    Beretta=Taurus Mags. ?

    Well as some of you probably read in General Discussion terridarri got a couple of new handguns for her birthday yesterday. Which also brings me to a couple of questions. Will Beretta 92 magazines interchange in the Taurus PT92? While we're at it a source for Browning Buckmark mags would be...
  15. G

    TFL Almost Down!?!?!?

    Did anyone else notice our temporary "glitch"? I was here one moment and then when I attempted to return the connection could not be made. I received; Host Unreachable, Connection Timed Out and Broken Pipe, what ever the hell that means. After I did get on I noticed one of the other members...
  16. G

    Forums Down Threads

    It seems we are getting refugees from several of the "downed" forums right now. I can't say as I blame them....I become a little stir crazy when TFL is down. But some of the members are coming here and starting new threads regarding their lost boards without looking to see if there are others in...
  17. G

    Manniquin II The Dressing

    It seems ManniquinI reached the magical 100+k figure (who would have thought it) before we could address the all important question of how to dress this lovely creature. This issue came to mind this very morning when Terridarri asked if I knew what the typical (female) manniquin measurements are...
  18. G

    Photographing Guns

    We all love our "pride and joys" and I'm sure many of us have attempted to take photo's of them with less than favorable results. (Read: Gunslinger can't take a picture to save his life.) I'm referring to photo's to show detail, engraving, etc., not something for insurance purposes. Please share...
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    Bianci Cup. May 22-27

    The Bianci Cup will be held in Columbia, Missouri the last week and this month. Event Schedule: Monday, May 22nd-Practice warm-up, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm at the Green Valley Rifle & Pistol Range. Tuesday, May 23rd-Competitor registration all day at the Holiday Inn. Wednesday, May 24th-Opening...
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    "Meet" Threads & Announcements. Please Read.

    Terri and I have been suprised (and, admittedly a little disappointed) that so few members have responded to the TFL End of Summer Meet, thread. However many hours of painstaking analysis and exhaustive studies have revealed that it is possible that some members are still unaware that...