Search results

  1. G

    Smith & Wesson Agreement Revisited.

    My apologies up front to the staff for resurrecting this horse, which we all agree has been flogged to within an inch of it's equine existance. However, there are other threads in which the issue is again coming up and I thought it best to once again consolidate it in one topic rather than...
  2. G

    Triple F Has a New Name & a New Home

    Triple F, formerly Firearms, Friends and Family has a new name and a new web address. We are now Family, Friends and Firearms, with the emphasis on cultivating a family atmosphere and creating bonding friendships among gun owners. After much work by the staff there, not to mention invaluable in...
  3. G

    Dan C. Johnson , a S&W Interview Suggestion

    In this,, thread you mentioned, and we have discussed, the fact that you soon will conduct an interview with the new owners of Smith & Wesson, Saf T Hammer. As I have stated previously I am no writer, nor do I aspire to be one...
  4. G

    Would You Have Bought a New S&W?

    This thread,, begs the question; If Saf T Hammer would have dumped the agreement would you have purchased a new Smith & Wesson within the next six months to a year? I had four guns on my list; A 629 Extreme, a 629 fixed sighted...
  5. G

    The S&W Agreement (Uncesonred)

    The actual agreement itself is several pages long. The below does not include the details that are outlined within the agreement as to how to accomplish the rules mandated by the agreement. One, single example is that in order to make all guns inoperable for children under the age of six the...
  6. G

    Weird Observation

    A couple of weeks ago I was taking advantage of the info stored here and was doing a lot of searching. As I was bouncing back and forth clicking on the "search" bar I got a message that I was already a registered member. Hmmmm...then I realized that I had missed "search" and had clicked on...
  7. G

    Two Gunslingers?

    I just happened to notice that TFL's newest member is Gunslingr....same spelling without the "e". To avoid any confusion and before anyone ask I am still here and posting under my same old handle.
  8. G

    Two New 9mm's

    About three weeks ago someone here started a topic about a new firearm company just getting started in Montana called and suggested we all try to buy one to help get them started. Well, I ordered a pair of them and picked them day 'fore yesterday. They are cheap...
  9. G

    S&W Cylinder Needed

    I need a Smith cylinder but have a problem. What I need is a non-fluted, stainless .41 magnum cylinder. Smith as them out the "ying yang" for around $140 a pop. Brownells has them but get theirs from Smith. (I know y'all see this comin' ;)) The problem lies in the fact that I refuse to spend a...
  10. G

    Is Palm County Ballot Just a Distraction?

    Every news channel and all of the talk regarding the election is now becoming focused on the supposed confusion over the Palm County Ballot. I realize that this is perhaps the dems last hope of getting Gore in but...... Is it also being used a distraction to take attention away from the ballot...
  11. G

    Yet another scenario....

    After catching Bill in yet another act of infidelity Hillary becomes enraged. She takes up a butter knife and is holding it to his throat when you walk into the room. You are standing eight feet away and armed with the new (surplus) flame thrower you just picked up the week before. It has became...
  12. G

    Over time Pay for Staff

    As I was visiting the board last night I could see what an over load the election was creating for everyone and knew it would get worse before it got any better. Legal going down due to traffic, political topics posted in general, political topics double posted in both forums, multiple post on...
  13. G

    Good Gun Buy Back Program

    This is pure fantasy mind you but a thought I had while getting ready to leave for a Turkey Shoot and, later the range. Wouldn't it be a novel approach if cities used gun buy back programs to aquire guns to be given away to needy families? We all know, and numerious studies support the fact...
  14. G

    Bill Ruger, Sr. Steps Down

    I apologize for not having the link but thought y'all would find this interesting. The old man, for better or worse, has held the company stagnant for years. STURM, RUGER & COMPANY, INC. MANAGEMENT REORGANIZATION NEWPORT, NEW HAMPSHIRE, October 24, 2000-Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc...
  15. G

    Forcing Gunshops to Increase Security,2669,SAV-0010140181,FF.html GUN SHOP THEFTS LEAD TO PUSH FOR SAFEGUARDS By Dan Mihalopoulos The Chicago Tribune October 14, 2000 Burglars broke down the front door of a gun shop in Elgin last winter, smashed a glass display case and...
  16. G

    I need a reloader!

    Here's the deal. I'm in the market for a quality, fast, progressive reloader for metallic cartridges. But the catch... About a year ago I purchased a NIB Dillion 1050 from Dillion. I was reloading for a the local commercial reloader (gun show/shop supplier) for $20 per one thousnad rounds...
  17. G

    Terri got excited today.........

    For the last few weeks I have been dreaming of a new H&K USP 9mm. But due to finances had settled for a pristine used Smith 5904. I had basically given up all hope of adopting a new H&K into the Gunslinger family. But today after a seemingly innocent trip into town to the grocery store Terri...
  18. G

    Happy 2nd Anniversary TFL!!!

    Tomorrow, October 1st, 2000 will mark the second anniversary of . Happy anniversary everyone. :) :) :) :) :) ------------------ Gunslinger I was promised a Shortycicle and I want a Shortycicle!
  19. G

    Lock and Load

    In view of the recent thread, , shouldn't the description of the Lock and Load forum be changed? Keep others informed of available ranges in their area; Provide reviews of courses you've taken; Arrange Regional TFL...
  20. G

    The Tale of Two 9MM's

    I realize from the topic title that this would appear to be a thread for Handguns & Pistolcraft, but bear with me for a moment. For some time now I have shot less and less. I had tried to convince myself that it was simply because I had lost interest over the years and was now focused solely on...