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  1. B

    A suggestion

    I know I'm going to come off as rather lazy, but is there some way that the email notification you receive when someone posts to a topic you originated could contain a hyperlink to that particular topic, rather than just the firing line in general?
  2. B

    Does anybody know Garry Wills's email address?

    Check out his point #1; No matter how often I see it, I never cease to be amazed at just how causally these people lie; I'd like to send him a few choice quotes from the founding fathers, if anyone has his email address. Outrider by Garry Wills GUN SICKNESS Gun cultists try to have it both...
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    A word from one of our "friends"

    On the Right by William F. Buckley Jr. GUNS FOR MA AND PA? The whirlwind tossing the GOP about reasserts the need to define a position on guns that has inherent credibility. But right away one runs into the implications of the Second Amendment. If the Bill of Rights was saying that all...
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    They killed CCW reform in Michigan!

    Gun bill runs out of time in Lansing School shootings dampened backing for easier permits By B.G. Gregg / Detroit News Lansing Bureau LANSING -- The Michigan Legislature hunkers down today for its final week before summer break, and perhaps most noteworthy about the busy agenda is an item...
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    bad news from Michigan

    You'd think that a bill that passed both houses of the legislature with a two-thirds margin would be unstoppable, but the concealed carry measure seems to be halted. Apparently our governor has national ambitions, and didn't want to have to either sign or veto this bill, so he's sent word to the...
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    How to stop kids from going bad

    I found an interesting press release at the Libertarian party web site: Question is, why isn't this an NRA press release? ======================================= NEWS FROM THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100 Washington DC 20037 World Wide...
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    NRA is deep in denial.

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 20, 1999 LAPIERRE, BAKER ISSUE NRA STATEMENT (WASHINGTON, DC) -- The following statement was issued today by Wayne LaPierre, NRA Executive Vice President, and James J. Baker, Executive Director of NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action...
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    Gramatical analysis of Second amendment?

    A couple years ago I remember seeing a gramatical analysis of the Second amendment, by some world famous expert. I think it was published in "Stopping Power", but I'm not sure, and all my books are packed up at the moment. Can anyone help me find it on the web? I want to post it at a anti-gun...
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    How DID the Democrats get Dingle to vote for the "assault weapons" ban?

    It's been bugging me for some time now, and I've never gotten a decent explaination of this. At one moment, John Dingle, NRA board member, was denouncing the '94 crime bill as "an obnoxious assault on our rights under the Second amendment". (I think I got the quote straight.) A few hours later...
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    popping up new explorer vs going direct

    I've noticed that sometimes when I click on a link, the copy of explorer I'm running will go to it. Other times I'll click on a link, and a new copy of explorer will pop up to go to it. How is this diference accomplished in the url? I prefer the latter, as I don't have to "back" to get back to...
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    Bush's betrayal, part 2

    Read a news article over the weekend, clarifying Bush's position on the gun show legislation. He isn't supporting it, but only, get this, BECAUSE THERE ISN'T TIME REMAINING IN THE LEGISLATIVE SESSION TO GET IT PASSED. Sad to say, he IS like his father.
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    user name and password stopped autoloading

    Had my computer lock up while I was logged on, and ever since I've had to enter my user name and password first time I log onto the Firingline during a session. What gives, and how do I fix it?
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    Vote fraud in MO?

    I've just lately heard rumors that our defeat in Missouri may have been a case of ballot fraud. Specifically, it's alleged that we were leading, 52-48, with 50% of the vote counted, in the one county we lost. Then the computers went down, and when they came back up, with 90% of the vote counted...