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  1. B

    Well, the second amendment law library is now TOTALLY defunct, without even the previous "We're closed, sorry for the inconvenience." note. 1. Did anyone ever find out exactly WHY it was closed? 2. I sure as heck hope somebody on OUR side got the rights to the domain name! Wouldn't it be a...
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    It's been a while; Has anyone determined exactly what happend to the 2nd amendment law library? ------------------ Sic semper tyranus!
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    Lockyer not really Attorney General of Kalifornia?

    For all of you who've wondered why Bill Lockyer apparently feels free to violate his oath of office, which requires him to uphold the Constitution: IT SEEMS HE NEVER BOTHERED TO TAKE THAT OATH! And under Kalifornia law, that means he's not really Attorney General, and all his actions taken under...
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    Firearms mutual fund?

    I've got an idea I'd like to run past any financial types here: How difficult would it be to create a "socially conscious" mutual fund which specializes in buying firearms related companies? To keep them from falling into the hands of anti-gunners, as has evidentally happened with Colt? I know...
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    Emerson case status?

    I've heard a rumor to the effect that the Supreme court is going to hear the Emerson case. Of course, this was a passing comment in National Review's "GIGO" forum, and might just represent wishful thinking. Anyway, it got me to wondering; Just where does this case stand right now...
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    HCI founded by CIA?

    I ran across this column while doing a search; Anybody heard anything about this? CIA-NCBH Connection? By NEAL KNOX Washington, D.C. (Dec. 19) -- The curious connection between President Nixon's CIA and the two leading anti-gun...
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    "next" newest, "next" oldest topic

    Alright, I realize this is some SERIOUS nit-picking, but it's beginning to grate on my nerves; The "next newest topic" would be, as I understand english grammar, LESS new than the topic you're at, and therefore actually OLDER. The "next oldest topic" would be LESS old than the topic you're at...
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    NRA popularity?

    The question of how popular the NRA was with the general public came up in another forum; One guy, (Rabidly anti-gun, of course!) claimed that the NRA was an utter pariah. Now, I kind of vaguely recall somebody having done a poll, (A real one, not on the internet.) showing that right after the...
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    VPC brief in Emerson case

    Here's the link: I've barely scanned it, but it's the usual, "We already decided this, and you can't re-examine it!" dreck. Shouldn't be difficult to refute it, if the Fifth circuit is going to take this case seriously enough to actually CONSIDER...
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    Ding dong, the witch is dead!

    I suppose it could be thought a little ghoulish to cheer, but Senator John Chaffe, the guy who each year introduces a resolution to repeal the Second amendment, just died. Who knows, maybe we can replace him with a pro-gun Senator? He died Sunday of heart failure. Here's his record on guns, as...
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    Re: Anthrax

    Couldn't find the Anthrax thread part two, so here's my contribution: First, the son of one of my co-workers has refused the vacination, and been dishonorably discharged. Want to know why he refused it? BECAUSE HE WAS AT THE END OF HIS ENLISTMENT, AND DIDN'T SEE THE POINT IN STARTING A SERIES...
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    Emerson briefs in yet?

    To the best of my knowlege, the deadline for amicus briefs urging the appeals court to uphold the Emerson ruling has now expired. Have any such briefs been filed, and does anyone know where I could go to read them? ------------------ Sic semper tyranus!
  13. B

    Jane's no longer objective?

    Just read a brief story in the latest Soldier of Fortune. Seems they're rather peturbed at SOF, because Jane's latest book on terrorism, along with their website on the subject, lists a number of Second amendment lobbies and even gun clubs here in the US as "terrorist organizations". Such as...
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    Opponent for Rep. Bonior?

    State Senator David Jaye is looking into a run against my personal pain in the neck, attack Yorkie Rep. Bonior. (Thanks to Rush Limbaugh for the perfect description of this clown!) I think THIS guy has a real chance of finally retiring Bonior; His state Senate district largely...
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    NRA et all missing in action in Emerson case?

    Over at the "Potomac Institute", an anti-gun site, they're gloating over the apparent fact that out of the HUGE heap of amicus briefs filed by everybody and their kid sister, NOT ONE HAS BEEN FILED BY A PRO-GUN ORGANIZATION! Or, for that matter, by any Second amendment scholar I recognize. On...
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    Amicus brief in Emerson case

    An amicus brief has been filed in the Emerson case by the "Potomac Institute", an organization which PRETENDS to be this vast think tank, but which is really a hobby run by a nutbar (You pegged him, DC!) named Ernest McGill. (It's hard to find that out, 'cause he goes by a pseudonym, "GEErnst"...
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    Could we PLEASE get our story straight?

    Just got the latest issue of the American Rifleman. LaPierre is reaming the President a new one over his refusal to enforce firearms laws against criminals. Only one problem, though: His poster child for failure to prosecute under the Brady law is Benjamin Smith. Says Wayne, concerning...
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    Another internet poll is runs periodic polls on various subjects, and sends the results off to Congress. Today's poll is, what would you do about guns if you were President. Be sure to vote. And be sure to contact Becounted, to point out to them that the available responses to the poll range...
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    Setting up a shop

    I'm a somewhat experienced machinist/designer, (More on the design than the machine, as it happens.) and I'm looking at setting up a corner of my basement, about 10 by 10 feet, as a shop, to do gunsmithing and other light machine work. I've seen advertisements for the "Smithy" combination...
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    I've got a web page now. Feedback?

    Hi, guys! (And gals, naturally!) My new ISP offers 5MB of space for a web page, so I'm taking advantage of it, at The page isn't done yet, (I'm still learning HTML.) and I won't be adding pictures of my guns until I've got another chance to borrow the departmental digital...