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  1. B

    Might be moving to rural Pennsylvania

    Got RIF'd out of my former job, and have just gotten a fairly positive reception concerning a job near Reading, PA. How's the gun rights situation there? I understand the deer hunting isn't so bad...
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    Bellesiles in Rifleman? Back issue...

    I don't archive my back issues of the Rifleman, (Perhaps I should.) and I've encountered most ill manered retraction of a pro-Bellesiles book review. (It's in the Federal Lawyer. Eugene Volokh posted it.) Sure, he has the decency to admit Bellesiles was a fraud, but in the process lambastes the...
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    YES! Bellesiles just resigned!

    And I get the distinct impression it was moments ahead of being fired. "Robert A. Paul, Interim Dean of Emory College I have accepted the resignation of Michael Bellesiles from his position as Professor of History at Emory...
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    Forrester now anti-gun

    Although I'll grant you, probably slightly less than Lautenberg. Just heard it from his lips, on Crossfire: He get's elected, he promises to vote for renewal of the '94 ban. I no longer have a dog in that fight.
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    Ridge for VP??? (Barf!)

    If this ticket comes about, I not only won't vote for that S*B Bush, I'll actively oppose him! I ask myself, is he actually stupid enough to do this? I'm afraid the answer is "Yes!". Tom Ridge tipped to be Cheney's successor "From Roland Watson in Washington TOM RIDGE, the man chosen by...
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    Michigan Coalition of Responsible Gun Owners; WTH is going on?

    I've been a (Admittedly somewhat passive.) member of MCRGO, the organization that pushed through Michigan's new shall issue law. Just yesterday I see the executive director has resigned, no explaination, and now their website just went down, with this (Sigularly uninformative) message: "Due to...
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    Time to restock the pantry!

    Just read this: "SWABI: Smallpox epidemic spreading in Swabi By Muqaddam Khan SWABI, June 8: The smallpox epidemic is rapidly spreading in these parts of the province, but the district health department has failed to take any step to contain this...
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    32 colt automatic?

    This is my pal Rick's question, not mine. Take it from here, Rick! Pistol is a Colt auto 32 cal, serial number 538487. Patent dates Apr 20,1897; Dec 22,1903. I am interested in approx. date of manufacture, approx worth, and if any literature is available.
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    Just picked up a new Smithy

    And are my arms tired! No, seriously, anybody have some suggestions for home rigging? This thing weighs a good 900 lbs, and the only thing the user manual has to say is, "Look up a machine tool rigger in the yellow pages". I've thought of hanging block and tackle from the ceiling joists in my...
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    Protective orders; How far should they go?

    Since some of us here seem to think that it's actually reasonable to disarm people subject to protective orders, while others think it's insane, let's have it out. I'm on the "it's insane" side of things. 1. It's way too easy to get a protective order. No proof needed, it's routine boilerplate...
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    NRA headquarters facade

    Somebody at another, non-gun forum, has told me that the facade of the NRA's headquarters has recently been changed, in his words, "On the facade of NRA headquarters, they used to have that very patriotic eagle logo. A few months back they changed it to a rather cheesy "NRA Sports" logo which...
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    Movie: "Carbine Williams"

    I just caught the last few minutes of a movie on the Turner Movie Channel, "Carbine Williams", with Jimmy Stewart. It's about a guy who goes to prison for moonshining, and while in prison designs and builds a revolutionary new rifle, and wins a pardon as a result. Now, I don't know how true to...
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    Bob Stewart status

    Anybody know what's up with Bob Stewart, of Madhi-Griffin fame? Any developments in his case?
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    CCW is GO in Michigan!!!!

    Wahoo! Just got the news, state Supreme court ruled 4-3 in our favor, official announcement scheduled for 3:30. Excuse me, I gotta go shopping for a concealable gun; I suspect my .45 revolver would "print". :D
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    NRA convention news?

    Anybody know what's been going down at the convention? I hear Heston got re-elected, but what happened with the by-laws amendments? And did they finish the purge of board members who won't lick LaPierre's shoes?
  16. B

    TI alloy for .50 rifle

    I've got Bob Stewart's plans for the .50 cal rifle, and figured, what the heck, as long as I'm doing this, do it right. I've found a decently priced source for TI stock, and I just have to decide which alloy to buy. I'm dithering between 6-4, and...
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    What exactly do these cases imply?

    I've been reading recently the US v. Rock Island Armory ruling, and the US v. Dalton ruling, which hold, at least in the 10th District, that the registration...
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    We're "stupid" Ten more things [you can't say in America] from National Review's John Derbyshire "11. American society is increasingly a conspiracy of the smart against the dumb. Who, exactly, do you think benefits from having a 70,000-page...
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    Bob Stewart victim of BATF raid AGAIN!!! Government Tyranny Update Posted By: Bob Stewart <> Date: 10/18/00 10:17 Yesterday the batf fraudulently confiscated more than $150,000 in kits, parts and inventory from our manufacturer, which brings the total to over $400,000...
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    Flint, Michgan NRA rally report

    A fine rally at Flint's IMA sport's arena; Attendence was about 3,000. One little problem, though; They must have grossly underestimated how many would show up, because they didn't set up in the arena proper, they set up in the foyer; Standing room only, not that there were any chairs...