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  1. T

    Stoger Uplander Quality ?

    I just wanted to ask about the Stoger Uplander Shotgun. The model I am interested in is a 12 gauge, 28 inch barrel with double triggers and Screw in Choke Tubes. I am a Rifleman, and although I own several Rifles, I only have one shotgun, a Mossberg 835 Ulti Mag. I have however alwayse...
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    questions about forming 8X57 Cases

    Ive got and old Lee Progressive Press, a 3 die Lee set of 8MM Mauser Dies. Ive got .323 Speer bullets . Powder, and primers. Lyman trimmer and Dremmel tool. I plan to make brass from 30 06. My question is after I trim to leingth will it damage my lee dies when I expand the necks ? And also after...
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    I have fallen in love with a Black Powder Rifle

    I took an interest in Black Powder Rifles watching Jim Shockey on TV, I admit it. The Guy is pretty Cool. Well the County I hunt in Started adding a Black Powder Season, and I thought it would be neat to try it. I bought a Used Traditions Persuit from my Mother at her shop, it had all kinds...
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    Help me Find Scope Mount for My Einfield

    I bought a rework Einfield N#5 Jungle Carbine, I know its not an original, but it had a single hole Tapped on the reciever and it look like at one time it had some kind of clamp attached to the stripper clip guide. Does anyone know what kind of mount this is, and where I could find one. Here...
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    Need Help Identifying a Jungle Carbine.

    Hello, I just purchased a Beautifull Jungle Carbine, I was told though that it may not be authentic, I bought it for a shooter so was not worried about that. I purchased it from Cabellas, and was told at the Gun Library that the headspace was checked on these. On the side it says No 5 Mk 1 it...
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    is Sweedish Mauser strong eneough for 30 06 ?

    I have found some small ring Sweedish Mausers chambered in 30 06 and im interested in one. They are sporters. Just wondering about the streingth of the small ring action.
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    Traditions Persuit Ram Rod Problem

    I installed a T Handle on my Ram Rod and cant find a bullet pusher small eneough to fit back in the barrel rings and under the hand guard. I have to screw one on everytime i use the Ram Rod. It would have to be female threads to fit the rod I have. Any advice ?
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    Is this load hotter than Factory

    .308 Speer 180 Grain Hot Cor with 39.5 Grains IMR 4895. Will be shot out of Ruger Frontier with 16.5 inch Barrel. Im trying to make a harder hitting round for wild boar. The Chart said, Minimum powder charge with IMR 4895 37 Grains Mamimum Load 41 Grains. Any Ideas ?
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    No Blood Trail, Rifle Not Powerful Enough

    I have a Rifle that I love but am starting to think that its not powerfull eneough. Its very accurate, but I shot a Ten Point Buck in the Shoulder with it this year at 60 yards and it didnt shoot all the way through, I found the Buck, and it blew a hole in the deer big eneough to stick my fist...
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    S O G Brazillian Mauser Rifle ?

    Hey I was just wondering if any of you fellows have bought one of these ? They are advertized as being in Good Condition but watched a video and the man described alot of rust, deep comelene soaked stocks, and minor stock repair needed, but said the rifle was in good mechanical condition. I...
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    Behind Enemy Lines, This is Funny

    My Youngest Son, Bought a book at his school book fair, Its entitled Behind Enemy Lines. Its a good book. On the Cover there is a Picture of a US Army Soldier, comming out of a tunnel, carring a scoped M14 Rifle. Its a great looking picture. Well whats funny is my Youngest Son has played...
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    Redfield revenge made in the Philippines

    I just found out that Redfields new Revenge Scope is made in the Phillipenes. The Revoloution is made in America. After all that hype about building scopes in Oregan they go and do this. Its upsetting, and disheartening !!!
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    Leaving muzzel loader loaded ?

    I loaned my Traditions Persuit out a few weeks ago. The person i lent it to loaded it with two Pyrodex pelets and a bullet. He has not fired it. My question is, will it hurt the rifle to leave it loaded this long ?
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    Question about the Yugo 24 47 Rifle

    It is my understanding that the 24 47 Yugo Mauser Patern Rifles, are 1924 Mausers that have been rebuilt after 1947 and packed away in storage. I have one, and its really nice, with a like new bore, and near perfect bluing. My Question, is were any of these rifles ever used or fought with...
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    Traditions Persuit Muzzle Loader?

    Hello, I just had a quick question about this Muzzle Loader, Its the New Kind, with the 209 Shotgun Primer. My Question is, Would it make alot of difference to use Three Pyrodex Pellets instead of Two ? It says in the manual that 150 Grain Powder charge was the Max, I was going to use this...
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    Giving a Rifle as a Christmas Present ?

    I have a question, If you want to buy a Rifle, or Shotgun, and give it to a person for a Christmas Present, what are the laws in place ? To make it simple the person could legaly purchase a gun, but when you fill out that paperwork, the gun belongs to you. Could someone please clear this up...
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    This Years Harvest Pictures

    This Years Deer Harvest Pictures I just thought I would post a couple of pictures of the Deer that I have taken this Season. The Buck was a Ten Point taken last weekend on Family Land, and the Doe was taken this morning on Public Hunting Land with an Antlerless Deer Permit. :) PS I used my...
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    Suggestions for .223 Rifle.

    My Father In Law told me that he wanted to get a .223 Rifle. He is kind of a traditionalist, and prefers wood stocks and long barrels. So Far I recomended a Remington Model 7, he was concerned that the barrel would be too short, but I asured him that you dont need alot of barrel for a .223 to...
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    Which Game Camara to buy?

    I have been wanting to buy a couple of Game Camaras to set up in my Deer Hunting areas. I hunt out of Box Stands , use Corn Feeders and Hunt with Rifles. My problem is that there are so many diferent brands, with diferent prices. Also I dont know anything about them because I have never owned...
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    Is there a Source for Yugo Mauser Firing Pins?

    I read somewhere on the internet that the intermediate Yugo Mauser Pattern Rifle, is known to break firing pins. I have been looking for a Spare Firing Pin, or a Couple to keep in my ready bag, do any of you know where one can be obtained ? Thanks in advance.