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    Denver Post - "NRA loses legislative round" Senate supports strong background checks By Mike Soraghan Denver Post Capitol Bureau Feb. 2 - The Colorado Senate handed the National Rifle Association a defeat Tuesday, endorsing a strong criminal background check that could block some people...
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    Should I or shouldn't I?

    Well, now that I have a coupla good hunting rifles (an Enfield .303 and a Marlin .45-70), I'm thinking I should probably put them to use. Problem is, I have *no* hunting experience. Not even squirrels or crows. I tend to prefer the company of animals to that of humans, and I'm more disturbed by...
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    User Friendly vs Fedgov Hey, it's to do with bombs and stuff... that's close enough, right? ;) ------------------ "If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are...
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    A strange animal

    Coupla nights ago in a pro-gun chat room, we had a visitor. Name's James McClure Jr. He's running for IN 9th Congressional. He's a Democrat. (cue the scary violin music) He describes himself as an anti-Statist and pro-RKBA. He knows firearms nomenclature and sez his all-time favorite gun is...
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    John Holt, Part II

    The range is hot. Shooters, fire when ready. ------------------ "If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson
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    YA poll

    Should any Coloradan, without a criminal record, be allowed to carry a concealed weapon? I have a major beef with this question: what defines a criminal record? Tickets for jaywalking or littering? ------------------ "If your determination is fixed, I...
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    A new addition to the family

    Some weeks ago, during idle chatter at the range, I mentioned to one of the old-timers that I was looking to get something in .45-70. "Well," he sez, "I have a Marlin 1895 that I can't use anymore. Wanna see it?" Does Janet Reno s*** in the woods? He brought the gun next weekend, as well as...
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    RKBA President: Part II

    In our last episode, BTR raised some concerns about voting Libertarian. I think Dennis is right, we need to put some heat on Bush. I will not vote for him in the primary. However, I do not personally agree with some Libertarian positions, so I probably will have no choice but to vote for him in...
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    Yet another stupid question

    I'll quit asking someday, really. :) OK, so I managed to yank the bullets out of my uncharged cases. In a bullet-pulling frenzy, I thought of the old milsurp .303 in the ammo cabinet... the stuff that only goes bang after 3 or 4 hits. I grabbed the boxes, and set to work. This is what came...
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    Kinetic pullers

    Stupid question: Is there some trick to using pullers that I'm unaware of? I picked up an RCBS puller last night, after doing a couple of carts without powder (duh). I can't get the bullets to come out! Yes, they're pointing the right way. I've tried smacking the thing on wood, concrete, and...
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    Home cookin'

    Earlier this week, I picked up a Lee Anniversary Kit, and 9mm and 10mm carbide dies. Hey, we all gotta start somewhere. :) I cooked up 100 9mm and 100 10mm over the course of the week. Today, I took my fresh-and-minty ammo to the range, fully expecting to leave minus a hand or two, even though...
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    I smell a flamewar on the wind...

    At GT, some people constantly bash TFL. Fine, that's their right. Here, some people are starting to bash GT. That's their right as well. However, in the name of peaceful coexistence, and with absolutely no authority to back up this post, I'd politely suggest that both sides back off before it...
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    "Smart" guns and unintended consequences

    (No, I don't mean the book) About a century ago, we made a quantum leap in mathematics: the adding machine. It required some training to use correctly, but pretty much everyone who learned how to use it ended up doing basic math faster than they could in their heads (or with an abacus). A few...
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    The litigation insanity continues Suing a theme park because its haunted house is "too scary?" Gee, I thought THAT WAS THE FREAKIN' POINT! What next, people suing gun makers because the guns go bang when you pull the trigger? ------------------ "The evils of...
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    A quick question, and a rant

    ...namely, how in the hell do you guys crank out thousands at a time? I had a bit of extra cash, and decided it was about time I started rolling my own. I picked up a Lee (DON'T start!) Anniversary Kit, a carbide die set for 9mm, 100 Speer FMJ 115gr bullets, 100 CCI primers, and a pound of...
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    A dilemma

    OK, here's my newest quandary: I'm looking to buy 6 pistols, 4 rifles, and 2 shotguns this year. I already know exactly what I want as regards make, model, etc. So, the dilemma: do I buy them from private sellers, thus keeping them out of the registration system, or do I buy them from my...
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    Search idea

    Howzabout this: Center the Search link at the top of each page, bolded, blinking, and +8 font size. ;) ------------------ "The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it." -- John Hay, 1872
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    I'd like to take a minute to say "thanks" to the American people. Seriously. I expected, nay KNEW that there would be some overt act of asininity that would give the feds an excuse to clamp down. I've been watching the Times Square video feed nervously for the last hour, waiting for the hammer...
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    Into the abyss

    As I write this, it’s 24 hours until the turn of the century. We’ve been preparing for, wondering about, and anticipating this event for years, and now it’s on our doorstep. I’m by turns frightened and exasperated. I’m frightened because no one knows, or indeed can know, what will happen. If...