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  1. C

    Advice for gun store owners (humor?)

    --Make sure you open after other businesses, and close before they do. 10-4 Tuesday through Friday is a perfectly reasonable work schedule. --Loudly berate your potential customers for flatly refusing to buy a shiny new Sniveling Weenies product, or for wearing a Libertarian t-shirt. --Ignore...
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    What to get on the 9th?

    Since dear old Kofi thinks I shouldn't have any guns at all, I must get a new one on the UN Burn A Gun day. Assuming, of course, that NICS isn't down.:rolleyes: With that in mind, what would be most appropriate? A terrorist-beloved Glock? A manufactured-in-1941 Colt Gummint (yes, I know where...
  3. C

    A tough decision

    CindyH finally took the Basic Pistol / Personal Defense class last weekend. Turns out she's left-eye dominant, but her left arm and wrist are very weak (12 years working in a supermarket). She shot the course with my Springfield V10, and kicked much ass with it. However, towards the end of the...
  4. C

    Brownell's Teflon

    Two words: good stuff! I did the matte black job on my Springfield V10 two-tone. Heated up the parts* in hot water after degreasing, and hung them on a bent wire-hanger for the actual spraying. I placed the large parts directly on the oven rack, and the small parts on a cookie sheet. Oy, the...
  5. C

    OK, so I'm a weenie

    At the EOSM, I had a chance to shoot a dog, and passed it up. Granted, it was with a Super Soaker, and the dog was Futo Inu's futo inu (a gigantic Akita who probably would have appreciated it). Futo even gave me permission. And yet, and yet... I literally couldn't pull the trigger. With a...
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    7-11 replies to my comments (long)

    A few weeks ago, a 7-11 employee was fired for violating the chain's dances-with-psychos policy. I fired off the following to their customer service address: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Mr Feliciano saved his own life and those of his customers, saved...
  7. C

    The all-new AC2000!

    Announcing the ASSAULT CAT 2000! Self-loading and self-cleaning, the AC2000 features unparalleled accuracy and power. Its super-strong organic frame and bio-felinic processor make taking down your quarry as simple as point-and-meow. Its black finish makes visual detection nearly impossible. Its...
  8. C

    Taurus under the gun

    Article Brazil's biggest gun maker under fire from rights group 07/27/2000 Associated Press RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil – Enlisting the help of U.S. lawyers, a human rights group has filed suit against Brazil's largest manufacturer of handguns, accusing the company of failing to control gun...
  9. C

    Thumbs up for FedEx

    My Taurus .357 Ti needed to be sent back to the factory for some minor work. Rather than patronize the gummint or U Pistols Stolen, I looked up the nearest FedEx dropoff point. Turns out it's less than a mile from where I work. I packed up the gun and took it to the dropoff. Got a parking place...
  10. C

    Here's a weird one

    My shop got a repair repo in a couple of weeks ago. I don't know what the original problem was. The gun sure as hell looks like a Mosin-Nagant, complete with side-swinging bayo. Chamber mark at the muzzle is 7.62x54R, so that fits. The top of the receiver is stamped "1955." However, right above...
  11. C

    State Libertarian banquet - shameless brag

    The Activities & Protocols director for the Libertarian Party of El Paso County just called me in a dither. We (as in, the party officers) been discussing who we want to hire as our annual banquet's speaker. Last year, it was Vin Suprynowicz. This year, it's John Ross. Yes, THAT John Ross...
  12. C

    Barf Alert

    Stopped in at the grocery store last night to pick up some Zantac. That should tell you what condition my stomach is in lately. As I stood in the checkout line, my bleary eye wandered over the usual rags. Enquirer sez Billary are actually aliens, something about Meg Ryan's divorce, yadda yadda...
  13. C

    An anti amongst us: play nice

    Please welcome HelgeS, who posted the following in the Julie thread: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Hi everybody, I came here pretty much by accident. I guess I am what you would call an "anti-gun person", a rare minority on this board it seems. Well, just...
  14. C

    Enfield barrel - where to buy?

    Nope, my 4-1 isn't enough of a tackdriver. The bore is looking nasty as well (damn that borelight!). Thinking I might have it rebarrelled, or... do it myself. (cue the scary violin music) Midway and Brownell's don't list new Enfield barrels in their catalogs, and I'm certainly not up to...
  15. C

    Self-defense vs Revenge

    Here's an unlikely but possible scenario. You're minding your own business, when you're approached by another. Without warning or provocation, the person draws a gun and fires once, hitting you. He then goes about his business. Are you justified in shooting back as he's departing? Personally...
  16. C

    Ye Gallery Of Grotesqueness

    OK, those of who have been yarking at me to put The Gallery back up, it is. Harumph. ;)
  17. C

    Judge agrees to take Clinton disbarment case

    Story LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas (CNN) -- A Circuit Court Judge in Little Rock has agreed to take the disbarment case filed against President Clinton, a court official tells CNN. Pulaski County Circuit Court Judge Leon Johnson has decided to accept the case after four other judges recused...
  18. C

    Another addition to the family

    On Saturday, I bought a Raven .25. (insert sheepish grin here). To make up for this heinous atrocity, I stopped back in at the shop today. Ya see, they've been holding something for me. Keeping it well hidden, lest someone else snag it. And keeping an exorbitant price tag on it in case someone...
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    Bannerman Shotgun

    Last visit to the range, the owner of the range took down an oooold shotgun from its wall hooks. Here's the skinny: Pump-action 12-gauge, but the action is bass-ackwards. It ejects spent hulls from the top, rather than the bottom or side. On the left side of the receiver is stamped "F...
  20. C

    Quoth the Raven: "Pop"

    I'm ashamed to admit this, especially in light of the fact that my main carry guns are a Springfield V10 and a Taurus Ti .357. I stopped at the shop yesterday on my way to the range, as I needed some targets and a new scope for my .22 rifle. I've been considering getting a cheap little backup...