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  1. C

    S&W 625-2 & -3 Differences? Warnings?

    Now that I have a S&W19-3, I find I am looking at more revolvers. (Damn S&W for making such nice guns back then!) A pair of S&W 625's have caught my eye. Both have a 2-3/4" barrel. One is a 625-2 and the other is a 625-3. What are the engineering changes between versions? Were there any...
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    Which S&W revolver has the best trigger?

    So, not having tried a great many revolvers, is there a model or frame of S&W that is considered to have the best trigger? SA, DA, or both?
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    Differences between S&W 13 vs S&W 19?

    What are the differences between these two K-frame revolvers, the S&W 19 and the S&W 13?
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    Self Defence ammo optimized for short barreled .357?

    From what I have read, most ammunition for .357 magnums is made with slower burning powders and reach its listed velocity in the longer 8" barrels. Gun magazine tests show a definite loss in velocity in 4" and shorter barrels. The snubbies fare the worst. Yet people carrying J-frame S&Ws and...
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    S&W production runs or years to avoid?

    Are there specific production runs or years of manufacture where S&W had poor quality control? I am trying to fund out what to avoid. My handgun niches are generally filled, so there is no pressing need (only self created) to buy a gun right away. So I can buy when a gun I like comes my way...
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    Quality of Taurus .357 Magnum Tracker?

    The only Taurus I have ever handled had a trigger that was gritty and stacked. However, it was made a while ago, before they had that built in lock. How good are the newer Taurus revolvers? What about their triggers?
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    Cleaning chambers of .357

    If I am shooting .38 Specials in my .357 Magnum, is a bore snake enough to clean out the chambers? Or do I need heavier cleaning to make sure .357 Magnums will fit? For serious cleaning, should I remove the cylinder? How would I do that with a K-frame S&W?
  8. C

    Who make these grips?

    While looking for information of S&W 19-3's, I found this page. I like the looks of the grips in the first picture. What style grips are they and who makes them? Will they fit on a square butt K-frame?
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    What year was my S&W made?

    I just bought a beautiful S&W 19-3. I am curious when it was made. The serial number is K91XXXX. Thanks in advance.
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    S&W K-frame accessories

    As I wait through the Federally mandated period, I just realized - I never considered which speed loader is considered best for a K-frame S&W. I see mostly plastic ones on the shelves of my local stores. Of course, concealed carry isn't legal here in Wisconsin. So, are there any superior...
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    Revolver maintanence

    I have just bought a revolver and am waiting out my Federal 'cooling off' period. What specific parts need to be oiled after a good cleaning? Do I have to take anything apart for regular cleaning? And since the 125 grain .357 magnums are said to be bad in the K-frame S&Ws, is it better to go...
  12. C

    Should I get a K-frame or L-frame S&W?

    As I look around for a range gun, I have found a used S&W 686 7-shot in my area. It has a 6" barrel. In its favor are the heavier frame and easier to see sights. With that forward-heavy balance, it should just soak up recoil. However, it does not feel as nimble in the hand as the S&W 19-3...
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    Beretta PX4 in .45 ACP?

    I'm looking at new guns now and handled the Beretta PX4. In many ways it reminds me of the Beretta Cougars. One of my favorite .45 ACP DA/SA's is the Beretta 8045. Does anybody know if Beretta has announced or is planning to release a larger version of the PX4 in .45 ACP? Or, since the...
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    Questions on Colt Trooper and S&W 19

    I'm looking at guns right now for range fun. Two of them are used revolvers. One is the Colt Trooper with a 6" barrel, .357 magnum. Are there any serial number ranges I should watch out for, good or bad? What is there reputation? The trigger seems very good, but are there things I need to...
  15. C

    Which new gun to get?

    Right now I am looking at a range gun. I already have HD/CHL guns, so those are not factors. I ran this poll on The High Road, but the options have changed since then. 1.) CZ-75 SA: Good single action trigger. Horrible sights. $540 seems like too much. Ergonomics the CZ is famous for...
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    Carry gun sights

    Why are the sights on revolvers designed for CCW so primitive compared to their semi-auto counterparts? On a semi designed for carry, I can find the same sights that full sized models have, right off the shelf. Nice square notch, night sights, and all easy to see. In comparison, the...
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    Rampaging Bulldozer

    GRAND COUNTY - An armed man, driving a piece of heavy equipment, destroyed several buildings in the town of Granby Friday afternoon. Witnesses said he was using the re-tooled Caterpillar bulldozer like an armored vehicle, crashing into buildings. County Emergency Manager Jim Holahan said the...
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    Taurus pure copper hollowpoints

    I've been noticing Taurus' adds in the gun magazines, with their pure copper hollowpoints. I forget the brand name. The results of the one review I saw didn't show that they performed any better than standard hollowpoint designs. IIRC the tests were only in ballistic gellatin, not denim...
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    Chow Yun Fat movies

    When did Chow Yun Fat go to double Berettas? I noticed in A Better Tommorow that he sometimes used a HiPower along with the Beretta. Invariably the HiPower got dropped. You can see it on the DVD cover. So at what point was the decision made to go with two Berettas?
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    Markings on Beretta 92 magazines

    A local gun store has some Beretta 92 magazines that they say are military contract magazines. They are going for a pretty good price, $29.95. However, when I inspected them, they did not have any assembly number or PB markings on them, as I would expect. Are there any quality Beretta 92...