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  1. D

    shooting matches for beginner woman

    My wife and i have been wanting to get started shooting in matches for both her and i.I see Idpa matches on tv but i haven't seen anything local so far.Also i noticed in the rule book that all but one of my pistols will not qualify for any of the matches,do all pistols and revolvers have to be...
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    Squirrel hunting with 12 gauge

    My brother in law and i have been invited to go squirrel hunting,any he has no gun.I have a .22 with scope that i'll be using,i also have a 12 gauge with a 18 1/2 cylinder bore. My question is this would it be acceptable for him to use it and what type of ammo should be used.I bought some...
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    Personalized grips

    I want to get a custum set of grips for my sig 229 but i have no idea where to start.If you have costum grips i would like to see em,and if you got them from a web site,links would be helpful too.I'll start but i warn you they are bland.
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    Sig 229/.357 sig yes or no

    I was offered a deal yesterday on a sig 229 chambered in .357 sig lnib(475.00 + 3 extra mags,box and papers). What are some of the pro's and cons of the .357 sig or should i stick with .40 cal.
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    First Groundhog hunt

    My son and i got to go groundhound hunting this afternoon.I'm just wondering what to do with it,not my son.:DI I can't believe my son made me carry that stinky thing all the way home just to show his mom.He took the shot from 65 yards or so with his new .22 and scope. Any good recipies for this...
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    which .45 to own

    I'm in the market for a new firearm.Here are my choices so far.So which would you choose or which do you own. Springfield 1911 milspec parkerized package 2/8 rd mags,2 sets of grips,and mag pouch original box and paper work 599.00 Para 1911 GI expert lnib,2/8 rd mags...
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    686+ammo price check

    I have a chance to get another 686 4 inch pre-lock 90-95% condition plus 9 boxes of .357 winchester jsp's and .38 fed classic jsp's I know about what the gun is worth but what about all the extra ammo.He tossed out $650.00 and i told i'de get back to tomorrow after work.Is it to high or about...
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    Trade Glock 22 or Not

    I have a chance to trade in my g22 with 3/15 round mags for for lnib 4006 with 2/11 or should i keep what i have.I have shot the 4006 and it fires as good as the g22 i own and i find the 4006 a little more accurate.:confused:
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    Interesting range talk

    I went to the range today and was having a coversation with a couple in the next stall and as we were talking i noticed he staggered his mags with both ball ammo and personal defence ammo.I asked him why he did that and he said if you have to shoot through barriers and doors,ball ammo will be...
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    general carry question

    I just bought a used glock 22 and I got to thinking tonight about carrying a gun that hasn't been tested on a range yet.I ended up leaving it in the safe and grabbing my 686.How many of ya'll have or are carring a gun that you haven't shot yet.Mabye you just bought it new or bought it used from...
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    Guns in america

    Watch c-span they are taking calls from viewers about guns in america.They interviewed john lott top research anylist.If you want to see the wohle interview go to
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    new to me

    I finally got my like new glock 22.Now i have to wait to shoot it till tomorrow.:barf:So was it good deal or not,gun plus 3 15 round mags,$369.00
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    49 pound rabbit

    I saw this on another gun forum.What caliber would you use to take these down with and add recipes,too
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    Glock 22 price chec

    I want to buy a glock 22 .40cal lnib with night sights,but i no nothing about them.Here is my question.Is $369.00 a fair price to pay for it and 3 15 round mags. Does anyone here c/c carry their's.
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    what would you do

    Something bad happened this afternoon at our local mall,a man dressed in a shirt and tie climbed in a car that was occupied by a baby in a car seat.The man didn't realize that it wasn't his car till he got in and noticed the baby then he looked up and saw the parents of the child loading stuff...
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    S&W 686 problem

    While my wife and i were out with some friends for lunch we got talkin and i ended up talkin my friend out his 686 for $300.00 :D:eek:My problem is the grips,i'm not into the wood look.So i ask what is the real function of wood grips over hogue soft grips or is just the way it looks.
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    300 win short mag

    I'm in the mood to buy a gun,so i've been askin around and have come across a friend who has a Savage 300 win short mag with a redfield scope for $150.00 with the same box of ammo that was bought with the gun,he fired it 4 time to try and site it in but gave up.Infact he still has the original...
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    chambering malfunction

    I just got back from the range and the oddest thing happen,every time i got to the end of a clip/mag out of my 3gen 4046 .40 cal,the last shell would fail to feed right and end up with the nose facing strait up pinched in the slide.I would clear the shell and put it back in gun and it would...
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    Glock 27 info

    When my income taxes get here i'm going to by one more gun,well for now anyway.A friend called me yesterday with a deal i don't know if i'll be able to pass up,it's a glock 27 .40cal.I'm usually against anything glock for me,but my wife and i went to see it and she loved how it felt,being that...
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    Shooting from a car

    I have been watching wednesday night at the range and they were showing how to shoot from a car out the side window and windhield while being right handed.My question is this,how easy would it be for someone to do while being left handed.Does any one have any advice on this problem. I carry...