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  1. E

    Flu is Past Tense

    Very good article for individual preperation. I am in a Homeland Security Class where we are Studying the National Response Plan. The two events we are researching for our simulation /excercise are Bird Flu and a terrorist attack at a major event or in a major city. My hat is off to Mr. Hood for...
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    Is our Military leadership Braindead.

    Currently nine U.S. generals stationed in Afghanistan are reportedly wearing Pinnacle Dragon Skin body armor, according to company spokesman Paul Chopra. Chopra, a retired Army chief warrant officer and 20+-year pilot in the famed 160th "Nightstalkers" Special Operations Aviation Regiment...
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    Grading Surplus Rifles

    What standards do you use for grading surplus firearms? I recently purchased one that the seller described as in excellent condition. When I recieved the weapon the stock and furniture were in excellent condition. The reciever had light rust pitting and the barrel was in good to fair conditon...
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    Do our Military Personnel get the best?

    As early as July 19, 2004, according to memos originally obtained by the Army Times newspaper, the Marine Corps found "major quality assurance deficiencies within Point Blank." One month later, on August 24, 2004, the military rejected two orders from Point Blank after tests revealed that the...
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    About the time you think you have enough 1911s

    you see something like this
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    Reloading the 7.62 1895 Nagant

    I purchased a 1895 Nagant revolver that was mfg in 1932. Dont have a need for it. It just looked like an interesting pistol to own and one they are not making anymore of. I noticed that Midway has a set of lee Dies that can be used with 32-20 brass to reload for this pistol. any helpful FYI...
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    Giving Up Rights for Safety...

    They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ---Benjamin Franklin When I first came here I thought some of you were tad touchy and inflexible about individual rights, I apologize to you. I have just been converted. Mr...
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    Remarks on Iraq

    "The people of – (blank) – have been led into Mesopotamia into a trap from which it will be hard to escape with dignity and honor. They have been tricked into it by a steady withholding of information .... " * "Things have been far worse than we have been told, our administration more bloody...
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    There are no more insurgents in Iraq......

    "Over the weekend, I thought to myself, 'You know, that gives them a greater legitimacy than they seem to merit,' " Rumsfeld, at a Pentagon briefing yesterday, said of his ban on the I-word. "It was an epiphany," he added, throwing his hands in the air. Encouraging reporters to consult their...
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    How much anti-terrorism do law enforcment officers recieve?

    I know there are a few law enforcment officers on this forum. Just out of curiosity how many of you have recieved any anti-terrorism training? I know that some may have. Is it because of a positon you hold, or a task force you are on? If some of you are patrol officers or detectives have you...
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    Kudos to Rich and SWAT

    recieved the Dec issue you mailed me today... the other issue finally came in. I will share the extra issue with the guys at work! Thanks.
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    We were wrong about WMDs

    While admitting "we were wrong" about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, President Bush's national security adviser on Sunday rejected assertions that the president manipulated intelligence and misled the American people. Bush relied on the collective judgement of the intelligence...
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    More of Republican promises to take care of Veterans and Soldiers.

    To: National Desk Contact: David E. Autry of Disabled American Veterans, 202-314-5219 WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 /U.S. Newswire/ -- A proposal to end the long-standing practice of veterans groups addressing a joint session of the House and Senate Veterans' Affairs Committees is an insult to all who...
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    Oil Company profits get the eye from the GOP

    Congress just gave the oil companies generous tax cuts under the provsions of the energy bill that was passed. Exxon has posted a record profit far any US Company. questions I want to hear answers to also...... At a press conference today, Republicans led by House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert...
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    Just Finished my first issue of SWAT

    great magazine..... the small print under the SWAT pretty much describes the contents. There is good FYI for the citizen, law enforcement, ect.......... Have not finished it from cover to cover yet still reading The articles by Scott Rietz and Brent Wheat contained some good info. it really...
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    The Campaign promises of George W. Bush

    Promise: "There are 43 million uninsured Americans – 4 million more than when the current administration took office. George W. Bush will reverse this trend by making health insurance affordable for hard-working, low-income families." Reality: In the first two years Bush was in office, the...
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    I havent recieved my first issue

    Subscription would have been paid on September 6, 2005, has a new issue been put out yet? just curious.
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    Hurricane Rita Scorecard

    The National News Media: F They are still talking about Katrina. Guess East Texas didnt have enough whiners and dead :eek: The County Judges/ Mayors took a stance and where consistent in doing things. Guess there wasnt any Drama to FEMA : A+ No complaints here..a little...
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    10 Hour till the winds hit here from Rita

    Live north of Beaumont, Texas. Just got through battening down the hatches best I could. I would have evacuated but the evacuation situation was terrible yesterday and still bad today. My Mother-In-laws health is such that if we got stuck in traffic I fear for her. fixing to move down to her...
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    SE Texas traffic grid is bumper to bumper

    I had to go down and close up shop this morning and give higher headquarters a call when its over. I live north of Beaumont so I might be riding Rita out. We are supposed to get hurricane force winds here :eek: Anyway with traffic at a standstill nowhere to go....... Coming back from...