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    Why I do not buy Ann Coulter Books

    "I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to vote."---Hannity & Colmes, 8/17/99 To a disabled Vietnam vet: "People like you caused us to lose that war."---MSNBC "We should require passports to fly domestically. Passports can be forged, but they can also be checked...
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    Tale of Two Clones

    I just got a Taurus Gaucho and a Uberti Cattleman in the Case hardened models. Both were pretty good mechanically so far. I was a bit dissapointed in the metal finishing on the Uberti. The blueing on both guns was nice. I didnt find any bad spots on the Gaucho in the blue job that I have read...
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    Mr Smith Goes to Washington Change it to color and its still relevant. Had seen it years back but it was on TV today. :(
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    It was nice to see Congress getting bitten in the butt...

    The Empire Strikes Back The dispute escalated all week. Hastert complained to Bush at least twice. He was joined Wednesday in rare agreement by his Democratic counterpart, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record) of California, in a statement demanding the FBI give back the material it...
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    I was catching up on my reading of the Army's NCO Journal, since I am retired now I usually lag behind in my reading. This April issue for the 2nd Quarter contains an article on killing and dealing with it. Thought it made some valid points.. it featured a LTC (Ret) David Grossman, who was also...
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    Taurus Thunderbolt....

    are hard...hard to find :( Anybody here have one? What do you like or dislike about it?
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    Tale of Two Sentences,0,783429.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines "He was quickly released after posting $3,000 bond, jail officials said. Prosecutors alleged that Limbaugh violated the state's "doctor shopping" law by getting four doctors to write...
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    Only in New York

    Friday, May 05, 2006 NY Times crossword teaches valuable lesson From today's New York Times crossword puzzle: 36 Across: Defenseless The correct answer: unarmed. I'll bet a lot of Times' readers won't be able to finish this puzzle: "Unarned? Unarped? Unarsed?" Does the Times' editorial...
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    Meister Cowboy loading guide

    Worth the $11.00 or is there something better out there?
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    June 2006 Issue...Clair Wolfe

    Ms. Wolfe can I write you in for the Presidential Election in 2008? I think you drive home the point that money has given law enforcment new toys and technology to play with. In my opinion this often leads folks away from the basics. You mentioned that clearance rates are dropping. We saw the...
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    Solutions to the Illegal Alien Problem

    the fly in the ointment is blanket amnesty... are you for it or against it? if you are against blanket amnesty provide your solutions for getting those illegals in the country legal. if you are for it tell us how it will stop illegal immigration. We had amnesty in 86 and it has come up again...
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    Bird Flu

    In my Homeland Security Courses on Emergency and Contingency Planning we did a lot of research on the bird flu as you would do for planning for a pandemic. Basically the only holdback from starting a pandemic is for bird flu to mutate to a strain that is capable of human to human transmission...
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    Sportsman's Guide Ammo E-Mail Specials

    8mm 7.62x 39
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    National Gun Summit in New Yawk City

    I was reading an article about the Dallas Mayor (Laura Miller) attending the summit hosted by Mayor Bloomberg. This quote was in it.... "We see a lot of crime in the city and it's not the legal gun holders that are the people committing those crimes," said Dep. Chief Mike Genovesi, Dallas...
  15. E illegal immigration, 80% in opposition to amnesty

    80% Opposition to Senate Immigration Bill Congress Returns from Recess Immigration Compromise to be Revisited Senators are back home this week listening to citizens and their views on immigration before returning to Washington to try to vote again on addressing the issue of immigration...
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    Sights for Cowboy shooting on H&R Classic Buffalo Hunter

    I have been looking around for sights to meet the SASS Rules here is what I have come up with these for my Buffalo Hunter Classic in .45-70 and a Lyman front sight with a gold bead.... These are made of various...
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    Blast from the Past... M1903 ammo on stripper clips.

    I was looking through some of my .50 cal cans I use to store ammo. Some years back a fellow gave me some 30.06 ammo in stripper clips for the 30.06 M1903 rifle. The headstamp has a 40 at the top at the 12 oclock position then going clockwise the numeral 3 is next at the 3 oclock position. at the...
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    Ruger Vauqero Bisley

    I just picked up a Ruger Bisley Vauqero .44 Mag that was mfg in 1997 Its in excellent conditon mechanically and appearance. The price was right. Are there any defects or other little quirks in these model Ruger Bisleys? I plan to use 44 SPCls in it. I am trying to round up some stuff for CAS. I...
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    Boot The BATFE

    I was reading the Clair Wolfe article with some interest in my SWAT magazine that arrived yesterday. seems that a Rep Gingrey introduced a bill to require the ATF to videotape all firearms tests.... Rep Sensenbrenner bottled the legislation up in committe. Why? Most police vehicles now have...
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    The Foodsaver

    Thanks for the article. Have had one of those sitting on the counter for a couple of years and never thought of those uses. :o Guess Ill have to set aside some of my mad money for foodsaver bags now :D