Search results

  1. D

    use self defense ammo or practice ammo

    I'd like everyone to weigh in and give me your thoughts about when you go to your range to practice technique and accuracy, do you use your carry quality SD rounds or the "Plink" stuff and of course WHY? Real Important Here. This is your SD carry revolver I'm asking about. The one you always...
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    what would you do

    Have a friend who needs to get a concealed hand gun and perhaps a shotgun for the home. What you you all recommend for; 1- personal carryin a revolver 38 or 357 for everyday carry? 2- home protection like a shotgun? When at home all would be locked in a gun safe that his kids would not be able...
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    Body Armour 2

    Quite a few months ago I asked why would someone want body armor. The usual answer was "Because I can" or "Because i want to. Here we are July 8th. 2016 and a trained military man with high grade military BAand military grade rifle goes out on a killing spree. The LEOS ammo couldn't penetrate...
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    I just got a message from Skeets grandson. He passed on after his second bout with lung cancer. We'd talk on the phone a few times/month. I knew how ill he was but he never complained. He was one of the bravest men I've ever met but only thru this forum. He actually like my posts and said that...
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    What's in your comfort zone

    It took me several months to get used to my new SP101 2.25" 357. All my other 357's always were 6 shots and not 5 shots. So far, I've been able to count when I have shot 5 times. But, about 25% of the time, I forget that I have 5 shots instead of six. Does anyone else have this problem? I really...
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    reloading 101 for beginners

    I'm told that 38 and 357 ammo is the easiest to reload. I have no idea wether this is true. If this question has been asked a million times, I apologize. As a 100% total novice what would be the basic equipment would I need to make my own 38 sp. and 357 mag ammo plus the approximate cost for...
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    Why 5 Rounds?

    Why do ammo mfgs. always package their ammo in boxes of 20,25,50 etc. rounds when most wheels are 6 shot wheels. If I use my GP 100 and buy a box of 50 I can only get 8.33333 full loads or 8 loads leaving 2 extra bullits. box of 25 gets me 4 full loads with 1 extra. I realize that "in the...
  8. D

    who has the least costly ammo

    I'm sure this has been asked many times. But, who or what company sells ammo for the best costs buying both either in small amonts or in bulk? I like Hornady and Speer in 38 special and 357 mag.and so do my Rugers. Sometimes Remington 125 SJHP too. In a previous post I stated that I don't like...
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    Ruger came through

    Last month I posted a question about if Ruger ever modified a Revolver. I sent mine in because my brand new SP101 had a lag shooting DA and an almost impossible Hammer to use SA. I got mine back today with an exact explanation of what Ruger did and I now have the SP101 that completely exceeds my...
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    Has Ruger Ever

    I have read and heard that when you send your weapon back to Ruger, they put it back to its original specs and remove any work you've done on it like a hammer or trigger spring job etc. Question is, has Ruger ever modified one's weapon to accommodate their special needs so that the person who...
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    Blew it

    Ordered a set of Wolff Spring Kit #17113 made especially for my Ruger SP-101 to improve the stout DA and difficult SA. The DA particularly had a slight trigger gap when firing faster than 1 second per squeeze. I called Ruger up and explained my difficulties and they located that I had 3 Rugers...
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    ashes to ashes

    Metal Foam Armor Disintegrates Bullets is the quote also "Bad news for bullets this week: Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a super strong armor material that literally turns bullets to dust upon impact" This invention will be a huge game changer...
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    hesitation on my new Ruger

    When is shoot DA with my new ruger SP-101 2.25" 357 the is a slight hesitation or lag from one pull of the trigger to the next. What is this? Will the Wolff kit spring job that I am going to do stop this. It's so weird. Seems like there is a mili-second lag from each pull on the trigger DA. Has...
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    New Army Modular side arm

    I had the honor of being at my Brother's pin Ceremony at the Pentagon last month. He got his promotion to Lt. Colonel. He's now doing duty at the Pentagon. His previous post was at West Point. Before that he was Delta Force. There were a few 2 and 3 star Generals at this glorious event and...
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    wolff spring set

    Slightly confused trying to figure out which wolff set works on a Ruger SP101. Amy ideas? The DA on my new Ruger is quite stout. Doc
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    Which one 686 plus or SP101

    It's a choice of the Ruger SP101 5 shot 357 mag 2.25" and the S&W 686 plus 2.5" 357 mag. FORGET THE MONEY DIFFERENCE. QUESTION IS WHICH WOULD YOU GET AND WHY? 1-Which has a better DA & SA action? 2- Ruger weighs 26 oz and the Smith weighes 34 ozs. my GP100 4" weighs 40 ozs. so weight is...
  17. D

    You were right & I need advice.

    I've owned 3 Rossi R461 2" 357 mag revolvers and finally one broke. I can't cock the hammer nor will the trigger work. I had cleaned it 2 days ago and as usual loaded it with snap caps to make sure the DA and SA were fine. Went to shoot today and nothing, nada, ninguna, niet, gotz. First time...
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    speed and accuracy

    What does the Forum consider is a quick time and accurate shooting for a 38 special 6 shot shooting 38 P+ ammo in a 2". Also for a 357 mag 6 shot. shooting a 4"? Assuming the target is 5 to 7 yards away using a 3x 5" target for control? As always, all replies are welcome. Doc
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    US ArmyDown to 3

    Here's my question. The bids are in and down to 3 companies to provide the US Army with a new modular side arm. Who do you think will win and why??? I know who my $$$ is with. Doc
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    Starting at 5 yrs. old

    When I was 5 yrs. old my parents sent me to a summer camp. We did all the usual things like swimming, boating, baseball, arts and crafts and archery and fiflery. What I am proposing is that all children starting at this age be taught both archery and shooting. Safety safety safety was drilled...