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  1. B

    Emerson Brief's out

    Here is what a lot of us have been waiting for. The Brief's filed by Emerson's attorney and SAF. You can find them at: ------------------ Richard The debate is not about guns, but rather who has the ultimate power to rule, the People or...
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    Debating point - Federalist No. 46

    In debating the 2nd with anti’s, I have run across the argument more than once that when we have quoted the Federalist paper No. 46, it is out of context. I propose to show that when we are using the Federalist Paper No. 46 it is in fact proof of an individual reading of the 2nd. First a little...
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    Letters to the Editor Sac Bee CA 12/16/99

    This is a letter to the editor from today’s Sacramento Bee… As everyone must know, the Bee is a very liberal anti-gun rag. Well now it is… My hats off to Mr. Dinwiddie for his fine letter. Go get them Lou! Surprising the Bee printed Six such letters (pro-gun) attacking them without one for...
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    CPHV amicus brief in Emerson

    Found another brief in the emerson case, this one filed by Center to Prevent Handgun Violence, chaired by Ms. Brady. Thought everyone would like to read it. I'm only posting the link as it is rather long. One of the contributors to it is Henigan. He is well known for his law review articles...
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    Final count from Veto the Govenor

    OK... just picked this up off the Veto the Governor site. Dam! If only the bser's in Sac had not called the first petition not valid we would have made it. Well anyway.... get ready to work on the big one for our state RKBA! SITREP 10/20/99 Several folks have asked, "What was the final...
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    Question from hunters safety course

    This weekend I compleated my second time of taking the hunters safety course in CA... First time was when I was 11... I'm now 48... here is one of the questions on that test. "When hunting on private land where you have permission from the owner, you must carry with you written permission from...
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    Winchester M59 12ga.

    Harley, my Dad is curious as to what his shotgun is worth. It is a Winchester Model M59 12 gauge, 30 inch full choke barrel. SN # 22068. The receiver is made of aluminum, barrel is plastic over a thin metal liner. Total weight is 5 ½ lbs. On the left side of the receiver is engraved a 7 and a...
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    TFL office Pool?

    Anyone want to start an office pool on the total number of TFL members on 1/1/2000? ------------------ Richard The debate is not about guns, but rather who has the ultimate power to rule, the People or Government. RKBA!
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    Pro's breif in U.S. v Emerson filed this week

    Just finished reading the Brief filed by the prosecution in U.S. v Emerson appeal in the 5th district of Texas. The Governments arguments rests on two things. 1. Prior case law, from U.S. v Miller to all of the lower federal cases since. They are once again relying upon their house of cards to...
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    Veto the Gov petitions wrong!

    Received the following e-mail this morning. Please to all of you supporting this effort, goto the following site to download the new petition and redo those signatures. Thanks, Richard SITREP 8/19/99 There have been a lot of questions about the validity of...
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    Help! Source of new Quote

    Ran across this quote a couple of days ago. "The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." --Thomas Jefferson It did come out of a reputable mag... But the only source listed is Thomas Jefferson... OK.. here is the challenge... This would be a...
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    Ran across this 1908 Article by Franklin Pierce. Thought everyone might be interested in reading it. His predictions of the future if we did not change our course in 1908 has about come true. Does give some good insights as to how this all began. Just a sample: "Liberty is not a means to a...
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    Gun nut and Proud of it!

    Friday I was going around after work collecting signatures for Veto the Govenor. Asked one of our vineyard supervisors if he would sign. I was told that he had heard that about me, that I was a gun nut. He then asked me are you? I told him that if because I like to hunt and shoot firearms, if...
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    U.S. Taxpayers Party?

    Was doing some research on Senator Bob Smith and was reading where he was talking with the U.S. Taxpayers Party about running on their ticket for Pres... Had never heard of this party before. Being the good tax paying citizen that I am, I deceided to look up their web page. To me, almost an...
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    Rumor or? CA LEO's to not participate in SKS?

    Over the weekend I was talking with a couple of LEO's and they were telling me that most of the LEO's in CA were getting together to tell our Attorney General where to stick it. That they were not going to participate in the confiscation of the SKS. Does anyone have more information on this? Is...
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    That Ragged Old Flag by Johnny Cash

    Since it is getting close to the 4th, thought everyone here might enjoy this.
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    School killings is not just a US problem

    Here a researcher presents some interesting items into the debate on kids access to guns. Dispels a lot of the bull you hear that it's the guns... The good Dr. is a voice of reason among the not so ??? Thanks, Richard
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    List of my favorite Law Review articles

    I've seen a few postings lately on law review articles. Just thought everyone would be interested in a listing of my favorites with a Brief Description of each. I've also thrown in a few other articles which I feel are important for each of us to read. THE SECOND AMENDMENT...
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    A must vote pole direct to congress

    Please vote in this pole. Thanks, Richard
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    The good in America

    Everyone's been talking about the murders in our schools. Who is to blame. Claiming that our Country's morals are going downhill... Well this site is very uplifting. It dispels this notion. Makes one believe that the problem is not as large as it make to look by the media...