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  1. B

    Question: Political fundraisers?

    I've signed up to donate my time to be the treasurer for a local candidate for the CA state legislature. This district includes Yolo and Solano Counties. As usual the main problem with any run for office is the fund raising. My first assignment is to locate a professional fundraiser. Second is...
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    WWII bonds poster.

    Went out to dinner tonight. On the wall of the restaurant was a WWII poster I'd never seen. It was one of those posters to help sell USA War Bonds. This was one of the best posters I've seen in a long time. The main focus was the statue of Liberty holding the shield of truth in her left hand and...
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    Election years ending in 0

    POLITICS What happens when a president gets elected in a year with a "0" at the end? 1840: William Henry Harrison (Died in Office) 1860: Abraham Lincoln (Assassinated) 1880: James A. Garfield (Assassinated) 1900: William McKinley (Assassinated) 1920: Warren G. Harding (Died in Office)...
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    Retired Militia

    OK…. So now some of us are over the 45 year age limit for mandatory service in the militia…. Some of us are not physically fit to serve…. So is that the end of our service to our God and our Country? No… it is just the beginning… Here are some of the things that we should be working on….. 1...
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    I'm sick about the 'will of the people'

    I am so sick of people saying the will of the people. We need to do this to uphold the will of the people…. We need to do that for the will of the people….. the will of which people? Sorry to tell these bozo’s but the will of the people in this issue is split right down the middle. No matter...
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    CA Vote by County

    For those of you who always complain about CA and how they vote... here are the results on a county-by-county basis... Please note that if we could just get the San Andréa’s fault to drop into the sea, our problems here on the left coast would...
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    Hail to the Queen (Humor)

    London, 10th November 2000 To the citizens of the United States of America, Following your failure to elect a President of the USA to govern yourselves and, by extension, the free world, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your Independence. Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will...
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    Free training with free ammo to shoot 9mm subgun

    I know everyone has heard of the new town of Front Site NV. Don't know if this has been posted yet, but run across their add today. I've been to a couple of those real estate sales pitches up in Tahoe.. ie.. that offer a free overnight etc to get you to listen to their sales pitch... but...
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    One old lady against 4 young men.... fun read

    Don't know if this is true or not, but it did hit my fancy bone. I thought you might like this. Car jacking Foiled: An elderly lady did her shopping and upon return found 4 males in her car. She dropped her shopping bags and drew her handgun, proceeding to scream at them at the top of...
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    8th Circuit says 2nd is Individual Right!!!!!

    Even though the conviction was upheld.... the judges state that the 2nd is an individual right, but that right can be taken away for convicted felons. For a better read see... Well we now have two districts ruling that the 2nd is an...
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    Ammo Direct?

    Ran across this site looking for loading supplies... They have some good prices on their handgun ammo... Anyone here ever use it? Any good? Thanks, ------------------ Richard The debate is not about guns, but rather who has the ultimate power to rule, the People...
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    Gun Rights Letters to Ed Sac BEE!

    Someone from TFL or at least someone who reads here has gotten a letter in the BEE along with a couple of others..... First time I've seen only good letters to the editor in the BEE... Gun rights Re "Majority favor gun control, survey finds," July 12: So, 75 percent of Californians are in favor...
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    Help name the cause (CA RKBA drive) Please

    Everyone knows by now that the veto the govenrnor petition drive to put a RKBA constitutional amendment in the CA state constitution did not make it. We needed 670,000 sigs and got 579,000 this time. Well we are not going to give up. Some of the changes that will be made is, we are going to...
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    Emerson update

    Oral arguments in the Emerson case (docket no. 99-10499) will be heard next week (June 12) in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. The three judge panel who will hear the case and who they were appointed by are: Judge Parker (Carter), Judge DeMoss (Bush) and Judge Garwood (Reagan)...
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    Lysander Spooner - Interesting fellow I ran across this site posted in another thread. Spooners writings, especially on jury nullification, tie in so close to what we have discussed here, thought you might enjoy reading some of his material. Spooner was a very strict constitutionalist and...
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    Yolo Sportsmen's Club CA shoot

    Anyone attending the Yolo Sportsmen's Club shoot this weekend in Davis/Woodland CA? I've never been to one, but since our club is an affiliate of Yolo, I will be attending to see what it's all about. Was talking with the Pres of Yolo Sportsmen and they expect over 5,000 to attend this year. If...
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    Emerson update please read.

    3/8/00 Case tentatively calendared for oral argument Week of: 6/5/00. An anti-gunner out there has requested that we contact C-Span to provide coverage on this case. Although I disagree with his meaning of the 2nd, having millions of citizens being able to watch an honest debate on the 2nd...
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    Emerson Brief update - SAF has them all

    SAF now has all of the Amicus Brief's posted on their web site. You can find them at: One thing is certain from reading both the pros & defense sides of the argument, if the 5th circuit does not uphold Judge Cummings ruling, the courts will no longer...
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    Casings stick in 357 cylinder.

    I've got a Dan Wesson 15-2 target wheel gun. Most of the shells I shoot through it, including factory loads are extra hard to eject from the cylinder. It has to be that the sizing of the cylinder is either to large or too small. I believe that it is two large causing the casings to swell under...
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    NRA's Brief in Emerson

    Emerson case, I finally found the NRA's Brief in support of Emerson. After reading it, all I can say is that my dues are being well spent. They tear the gov's brief to pieces. After reading most of the brief's...