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  1. M

    The Ferguson, MO Police Shooting

    I'm prepared to be shut down by the mods, but... it does seem to me that the media reaction to the shooting and the following riots/peaceful protests is turning towards a focus on the militarization of the police. Does anyone think that this could lead to different public approach to gun...
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    Best Single Action 20 Gauge?

    I recently starting hunting snowshoe hares, and I've found my 870 to be too heavy. And after my last hunting trip in heavy snow I had to break it down to dry and clean despite having never fired a shot. Plus I've got to switch barrels and shells to convert from hunting to hd. And finally I've...
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    What's the Best All-Purpose Hunting Dog?

    I'm an experienced dog owner. I've owned a Dobie, a Shepherd, a Border Collie, a Bull-Terrier, two Rotts, and a couple of mutts. Currently we've got two Boston Terriers. We are involved in dog rescue, so we often end up with older dogs with bad backgrounds. I don't want or need an expensive...
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    Snowshoe Hare, No Dogs

    Just decided to start hunting them, they're all over the property, can't believe it took me this long to figure out I can hunt without worrying about ticks and while the woods are empty of others. I'll be using my 870, and #6 loads. Any advice? Thanks.
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    Question for WA Hunters

    I'm considering a move from Maine to Seattle, Washington. I've got 10/22, an 870, and a Winchester Model 94 30-30. That's been a great collection for life in rural Maine . Will it work in WA? I'd like to hunt elk, deer, and pigs it they're out there. The 10/22 and the 870 are keepers. But...
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    Thank You Suggestion

    I went to my local gun shop the other day. The gunsmith has his own counter there. Had my old 10/22 with me because I had several jams the last time I fired it using one of my Butler Creek 25 round magazines. I brought the two magazines that I own with me, he put 10 rounds through each...
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    Shotgun Hunting Question

    Several times over the years I've spotted a grouse in the branches above me while I'm sitting and waiting for a deer with a slug chambered in my 870. And I'm drawn to double barreled guns. Would it make sense to invest in one and head out with a load of birdshot in one chamber and a slug (or...
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    Preventing a Break In

    There's a little crime wave going on in my area. I live in a rural/suburban area. There is no police department in my town, we rely on service from State Troopers. I know that help is at least 45 minutes away, so do the bad guys. So that rules out an alarm system, I don't see the point in...
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    Question For Hunting Dog Owners

    We just got an 18 month Rotti/Shepherd mix. She's a good dog, easy to train so far. With one major exception- she chases our indoor cats, to the extent that one lost a claw on a wall he bounced off this morning in an attempt to escape her. Her prey drive is through the roof. I'm hoping to...
  10. M

    Leopard Attack

    This is wild:
  11. M

    Question for African Members

    First of all this isn't firearms related. I apologize, and understand if it is deleted. I got back from a trip to Kenya last week, did a non-hunting safari. We stayed in lodges, and were required to have escorts if we went out at night due to the wildlife. Most of the guards were Maasai...
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    My wife and my 870

    Here's the deal, my father-in-law has an extensive firearms training background. He taught me how to shoot, and he's an excellent instructor. He raised his daughter around guns, and she's a much better pistol shot than I am. But he made one mistake. When he gave her shotgunning lessons he...
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    Wet 870

    I spent yesterday hunting in a light to steady rain, my 870 Magnum Express got wet. When I came home I took the barrel off, dried the everything, applied a little lube, and kept the barrel off for the night. I just put the barrel on and the slide is really stiff and stubborn. Is it possible...
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    New Barrel?

    I'm looking forward to my second deer season, and I'll be hunting with my 870 Express Magnum again this year. I was at Dick's yesterday and I thought about getting the 20" rifled barrel for about $170.00, but I didn't pull the trigger. I figure that the money would be better spent on the...
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    Tick Prevention/Hunting

    Any tips for keeping ticks at bay while hunting? If I'm not hunting I put on bug spray and tuck my pants into white tube socks when I'm in the woods, but neither seems too smart during whitetail season.
  16. M

    Thank You

    Greetings from Maine. I've been checking in here for about a year, ever since I got my first hunting license. I'm an older rookie- 42. I didn't grow up with hunters, this site has been a fantastic source of information. Thanks everyone. Why did I take up hunting? A couple of years ago I...