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  1. M

    Old BB-gun Shipping Advice

    I'm flying to see my Dad in a few days, he's got an old Daisy Red Ryder from the 40's. It's been sitting in the rafters of a basement for years and he says it's in rough shape. But my Grandfather gave me my first shooting lessons with that Daisy about fifty years ago. So I'd love to have it...
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    Alligator Advice

    I'm moving to an area with an alligator population, but they're protected by state law. I'm only concerned about walking my dog. Beyond avoiding water with him, does anyone have any advice?
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    Real Fake Gun

    I thought this was interesting. NC police found a real pistol disguised as a Nerf gun in a drug arrest: I hope there weren't kids in the house.
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    Training Without Shooting

    Can anyone recommend training exercises that don't involve shooting? I've decided to save the ammo I have until I can afford to invest in a reloading system.
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    New York Drops the Hammer

    Wayne has some explaining to do:
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    Hunting Deer with Dogs

    I just moved to North Carolina from Maine, and this concept is new to me. I understand how dogs can be really useful with game like birds, coyote, and bear. But I'm curious to learn about how dogs can be useful in hunting deer. Back in Maine I had to worry about my dogs being shot on sight by...
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    NRA Files Claim Against Ackerman

    This sure isn't good: I'm not sure how leadership can claim that the NRA brand was so badly damaged with their cooperation without accepting any blame.
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    Castle Doctrine, Someone Else's Castle

    This story has some interesting implications, can you claim the Castle Doctrine if you walk into the wrong castle: Personally I'd say that no one deserves to be shot for being at home and that the...
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    Good Article From a First Time Hunter

    I enjoyed this, nice perspective about hunting big game for the first time:
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    Moving Across State Lines, Ammo Question

    I'm moving from ME to NC soon. I'm pretty set on having the moving company transport all of my guns. I've got four revolvers, two rifles, and two shotguns. I have enough insurance to cover them, and it seems like less of a risk than bringing them with me and the dog in the car though MA, NY...
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    Might Move From ME to NC

    After 34 years of Maine winters I've had enough. We're looking at North Carolina. I'm evaluating my options for moving my guns, and thinking about selling a couple before we leave. I'd like to continue hunting whitetail and birds, and I'm excited about the possibility of hunting pigs too...
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    Potential Solution to Hog Problems From Japan

    A terrifying robotic wolf: Also a potential compromise for all the “get a dog” responses on the tactics thread.
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    Sad Safety Reminder

    Maine lost a great 2nd Amendment advocate and a great journalist recently: Mike (M.D.) Harmon probably spent some time here. He was everything we could hope for in a journalist...
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    Situational Awareness Fail

    I was walking my dog in Freeport, ME this morning at around seven. We were in a quiet area behind the LL Bean flagship store when I saw a young woman approaching on foot. Even from 100 yards I could tell that something wasn't right about her. As I approached her she looked around, and then...
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    Dog Defense

    I've seen several threads devoted to this over the years, I've got what I think is a unique twist. I own a 26 pound Boston Terrier and I walk him on a leash. An hour ago we were a block from home when three pit bulls ran down a driveway and surrounded me. I had time to pick my dog up, that's...
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    Potential Threat at Work

    A guy applied for a job where I work. He's under qualified and not getting the job. He has sent a series of bizarre emails to all of us on the search committee that include angry questions about the status of his application, and hearty endorsements of a presidential candidate (this has no...
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    Cecil the lion

    Don't see the need for a link, huge online story now. Just looking for thoughts from folks here. Especially from Africans. Seems like this case could end lion hunts, is that a bad thing?
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    Did I Overreact?

    My wife and I live alone in suburban/rural Maine with a young small dog. We never get visitors without warning. So tonight when we got a knock on the front door at 6:30 (late dusk up here now) while I was doing dishes I grabbed the S&W 642 and asked my wife to grab the dog and secure herself...
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    "Terror at the Mall" Documentary on HBO

    Just saw this film, it's about the attack at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya. Well worth watching. To recap; four terrorists armed with full-auto AKs and grenades executed a well planned attack on a mall just over a year ago. They held the mall for 49 hours and killed at least 67 people...
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    Up here in Maine Lyme disease is becoming a huge problem, and other tick related diseases are growing. I use the regular precautions, tuck my pants into my socks and a bunch of heavy DEET spray. Can anyone recommend good tick proof clothing, a body suit would be ideal.