Search results

  1. J

    Gunsite Tactical Carbine (#123) - Suggestions?

    Last weekend I was surprised to find that Gunsite now offers some weekend courses in Phoenix. Soooo ... I'm now signed up for Tactical Carbine for this Saturday and Sunday. I've been out once to fire about 130 rounds through my Bushmaster AR-15 'Shorty'. Thoroughly enjoyed the rifle. I've...
  2. J

    CCW at the office - practically speaking

    I take my classes at the end of the month, and should have my CCW permit 30 to 60 days later, they say. I'll check again, but I believe our company's personnel handbook is vague on whether an employee can carry at the office. I'm an officer of the company, although not the owner. If I show up...
  3. J

    Change Agents and incrementalism

    Please pardon my long post, but this is an important article regarding the process by which our adversaries, the anti-self defense crowd, damage the RKBA. The incremental erosion of our self-defense rights is not a happenstance – it is a carefully planned, psychological method employed by...
  4. J

    Scopes vs. optical sights, etc.

    Hope you all can direct me to some more basic knowledge. I get the impression that some things I think are 'scopes' (and therefore magnify the sight image) are actually just optical sights, and don't magnify the image at all. I think the Aimpoint products are in this category, no? And, I...
  5. J

    Starting hunting, suggestions

    I'll confess ... my Dad never took me hunting, or taught me to shoot as many of you relate happened in your lives. My uncle took me hunting, but drank more beers than birds shot. Too many hunters I have met are in the 'let's go kill somethin' category. I've known one bird hunter I greatly...
  6. J

    Ideal 7.62 / .308 rifle?

    After an AR, I'd like to add a larger caliber to handle those jobs a .223 is not suited for - long range work, deer / antelope / bear hunting, etc. My focus at this time is on a rifle that is very durable, very accurate, very adaptable - an excellent tool for the job. I don't mind spending a...
  7. J

    Hang fire

    OK, let me purge an old memory. Boy scout summer camp, New York, probably age 12, and my first introduction to firearms. Getting ready to go to the range with .22 rifles, and the instructor is amazing. Goes on and on about safety (that's just fine), and then goes on and on and on about 'hang...
  8. J

    SafetyOn software

    I did a TFL search on this product, and found that Rob has brought this up a couple of times. Foolish me, I didn't check it out earlier. Last night I was reading 'The Shield' from the LEAA (great group! - ), and they had a review of this training software. I gather...
  9. J

    Opinions for .22 Rimfire semi-auto and ammo

    I would like to add a couple of fine .22 rimfire rifles to the stable for my two boys. Wal-Mart (don't laugh) has the Ruger K10/22RP All-Weather model on sale for about $190. Synthetic stock, stainless barrel, etc. I've had good luck with a 10/22 in the past, and this model looks more durable...
  10. J

    Ruger public statement following suit

    While perusing the Ruger web site I came across this statement - new, I suppose, since the outrageous Brooklyn Federal District Court decision: . I've noticed that Ruger has received some 'heat' in the past for some of their / his stands. This seems...
  11. J

    Pro/Anti-Gun Debate Forum

    Rich et al - I'm sure you don't have enough to keep you busy ( ;) ), but a number of us have been very interested in Mort's 'My dialogue with Bob Musil' thread over in Legal and Political. While I would be very disappointed to see 'anti-gunners' regularly posting throughout TFL, it would be...
  12. J

    Gun makers on trial: More deliberations needed

    See CNN's for coverage of the current anti-gun manufacturers suit. This is a very important one. I love this quote from the article: "'Today we act to hold faceless companies accountable -- companies that create instruments of destruction --...
  13. J

    Ammunition Shelf Life

    It is clearly cheaper to buy ammunition by the case instead of by the box. I seem to save 8 - 10% versus by-the-box pricing. If ammo is stored in a cool, dry and dark place, how long should it remain usable? For that matter, are those the best conditions for storage? I shot some the other...
  14. J

    Gun Safes

    I've always followed the poor man's route to gun storage - find a very unusual, but secure spot in the house, and hide the gun. Not too sophisticated. So, I decided to invest in some better storage equipment. I'm planning on installing a Gunlocker safe for quick access - see...
  15. J

    "Highly likely ... germ or chemical attack" - what to do?

    As has been noted elsewhere on this forum, Billy Jeff was quoted on 1/21/99 as saying it is "highly likely" that a terrorist group will launch or threaten a germ or chemical attack on U.S. soil. OK, let's take Billy at his word - pretty strong statement, although 'threaten' probably already has...
  16. J

    AR15 storage

    I bought some of those yellow AR15/M16 safety blocks the other day at a gun show. Seemed like a good idea for safe storage, clearly indicating no magazine / ammo, etc. Now I'm thinking that maybe they're good for the range, but not so for long-term storage (month to 3 months - can't always...
  17. J

    Courteous Forum

    Rich et al - I just spent an hour or so perusing the discussion forum at AR15.Com. I don't know what their problem is, but a lot of those threads get a bit nasty. I thought 'an armed society is a polite society'!? You've got a professional, very decent group of folks on this forum, including...
  18. J

    MOA definition

    I understand that MOA (minute of angle) means that at 100 yards your shots are in a 1" group, at 200 yards in a 2 inch group and so on. After that, I'm lost. Did this term originate in the military? Or, is it a term from target competition? Is 2 MOA a 2 inch group at 100 yards? And, if a...
  19. J

    Moving threads

    Rich - one enhancement from UBB that might be neat someday would be an ability to move your topic. In lieu of that, it would be handy to be able to delete your topic if no one has yet responded. I know I've messed up a couple of times, posted a topic, and then thought better about how it...
  20. J

    Old Stevens Double-Barrel

    Interested in information on an old Stevens double-barreled shotgun that has been in the family. Age guess is circa 1955. I'll try Gary's friend Harley on this one, but wanted to ask all of you as well: On the receiver (?): 'Stevens Model 311, Savage Arms Corporation, Chicopee Falls, Mass...