Search results

  1. J

    Speedfeed stock installation on 870

    Every now and then I hear how handy these stocks are, and I've seen them in action once. Are they easy to install? I've never taken the stock off my Rem 870. Thanks. Regards from AZ (ps - BTW - is the 'search' feature on TFL gone, or am I just blind today? Thought I'd search the archives...
  2. J

    Fascism Doomsday Clock

    Remember the doomsday clock, used by concerned scientists to estimate the risk of nuclear war? Perhaps we need a doomsday clock for fascism. Per Webster's: 'fascism - n. A governmental system marked by a centralized dictatorship, stringent socioeconomic controls, and often belligerent...
  3. J

    AK's - Why so little discussion?

    Noticed a fellow over in the Handguns section asking why so little discussion re: Beretta's. I've always wondered the same about AK's. I've shot them a couple of times when loaned to me by folks at the range. Read a bit about them, and of course hear about them in the 'demonizing' press all...
  4. J

    Columbine Father Continues the Misinformation

    On my way to lunch today I heard some comments on the radio from a father of one of the murdered Columbine students. While I deeply empathize with the poor man, I do resent his participation in further lies about firearms. What I heard him say was along the lines of 'Today's ceremonies did not...
  5. J

    Basic tools for an amateur

    I've gathered quite a few things that seem to help in my limited work on firearms: 1. B Square gunsmith's screwdriver kit 2. Dental mirror for examining bores 3. Touchup marker for flat black finishes 4. Various cleaning supplies and tools (but, that's not the real focus of my question) It...
  6. J

    Ummm ... Did I Ruin My Barrel?

    Let me confess a sin, and ask for some advice / info. I took a Gunsite class some time ago - at least 60 days ago, maybe 90. Probably ran 400 to 500 rounds through a ported Vang Comp 870 with an 18" barrel. Cleaned it well before class. However, I didn't clean it after class ... until this...
  7. J

    'Assault Weapon' - the Real Definition

    Before the anti-self defense crowd came up with their BS, was this term ever in general use in the firearms community? If so, what was the common definition? As I recall, the Germans first came up with a short-barrelled, automatic rifle that was the first 'assault rifle' during WWII, no? Next...
  8. J

    Drivers License Modification for Gun Purchase

    John from AZ posted something about drivers licenses, and reminded me of an idea that I think may have some merit. I offer this with full expectation (and hope) that my TFL friends will beat this idea up one side and down the other. The anti-self defense crowd is always posturing about how we...
  9. J

    Political Implications of 24 Hour News

    Anyone else considered this lately? Especially with the never-ending coverage of the JFK, Jr. 'tragedy'? Now we have 2 channels of CNN, MSNBC and a local, 24 hour news station in my city. I'm sure I have even more, but don't keep up. They run a lot of the same garbage over and over ... and...
  10. J

    Chilling 'Conspiracy' from July 1994

    I know some folks get irritated with these 'read this' threads. But really, ... you should read this ;): Titled: 'Not Even One: Report from The Carter Center of Emory University Consultation on the Crisis of Children and Firearms', I found it...
  11. J

    The destruction of freedom in pursuit of perfection?

    I am sure others have expressed this concept more eloquently than I. But in conversation over the last few days I have begun to think that our developing political absurdities may actually be a natural result of the unparalleled good times America currently enjoys. I don't presume to suggest...
  12. J

    Mencken on Gun Control - some things don't change

    H.L. Mencken on Gun Control It is a copyrighted article by H.L. Mencken originally published in 1925 (during Prohibition) by The Evening Sun (where Mencken was editor at the time) and reprinted in the March 1, 1926 issue of The American Rifleman. THE UPLIFTERS TRY IT AGAIN by H. L. Mencken...
  13. J

    Registration = Confiscation: Sources?

    Fellow TFL members, Yesterday there was an article in the Wall Street Journal ('WSJ') that told the story of an FFL in Colorado Springs that is (1) thinking of getting out of the business due to his concern about the nature of the business, who is acquiring guns, etc., and (2) supporting (or at...
  14. J

    Unabashed Plug for Ching Slings

    Recently I bought some Ching Slings from Andy Langlois at . I also corresponded directly with the originator of this concept, Eric Ching at . I originally read about this concept in Jeff Cooper's 'The Art of the Rifle', and was...
  15. J

    Silly, BS posts!

    I know this situation is probably almost impossible to change, and perhaps I'm the only one irritated. But, personally, I'm really tired of threads like this (paraphrased): "I don't think anyone should buy Kahr firearms because they are owned by the Moonies." And later, in the same post, the...
  16. J

    Guardian angels and protective auras ...

    OK, I think I've brought this up before, but it has happened again and I wonder if any of the rest of you run into this situation. Spoke with my Dad's girl friend this weekend - a 77-year-old 'Roosevelt Democrat', as she puts it. We discussed firearms, and she doesn't have a problem with me...
  17. J Fraud?

    We've discussed the interesting site California's Attorney General has at . Now, my wife came home with some more interesting news. According to a radio program, it seems many people in CA are becoming confused about their rifles. Wanting to be good, compliant...
  18. J

    Finishes - Roguard vs. Blackened Stainless Steel

    Does anyone have experience with blackened stainless steel? I was recently advised to have a Para P-12 finished in Roguard instead of blackened stainless steel because it would be more durable, and offers some help in reducing friction. It just seems that blackened stainless would be more...
  19. J

    Roguard vs. Blackened Stainless Steel

    I'm tempted to post this in the Smithy section, but I suspect I'll get more responses here (apologies to Rich if I have guessed wrong). I have a stainless steel Para P-12 Limited. It is showing a bit of wear, and the slide is now highly polished but with some minor scratches in it. I was...
  20. J

    U.S. v. Emerson - any news?

    Well, I've looked for a link to this decision, and it doesn't come to hand right away. Maybe DC can help me out here. But, I'm curious if anyone has heard any news about the decision? Last I heard, the U.S. Attorney's office must appeal Emerson to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Any news?