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  1. D

    Vote for Me (My political ramblings of late)

    Things piss me off. Lots of things. Not just some things, but these days- most things. For one of my classes, I'm tasked to keep a journal of musings and thoughts. Through this, though my major is pysch, I'm halfway considering working in politics. I am just not sure that I could stomach it. I...
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    Uberti .45 LC...any good?

    I've tried to dig up a little research, but come up empty handed. I've got a great collection already, and spare coins at the moment, but- I always like to be "shooting" towards another achievable goal. At the moment, my well rounded collection is lacking anything that starts with a...
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    130 grain FMJ or 158 grain Lead Round Nose?

    Howdy kids! Throwing a poll up here. Two options. I have two .38's, neither rated for the +p stuff. The Taurus is a 2'' barrelled snubby, and the Rossi is an older gun. I don't know the model. It's an extremely lightweight, three inch barreled five shooter. So needless to say, I wouldn't trust...
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    Taurus M-85 Grips?

    Hey everyone. I got a like new model 85, with the chunky factory grips. They fit my hands okay, but I have these huge paws with long fingers so I'm able to reach the trigger fine. My fiance though has tiny little child-like hands, and the grip is way too large and fat for her to fire...
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    Compact .45, Para Warthog...

    I've been considering other buys, much down the road, after a lot of scrimping and saving and such. I like the idea of a micro .45, provided the weapon provides good inherent accuracy and reliability. I would also like to pick up a Bond Arms Texas Defender in .410/.45 LC at some point, once...
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    Taurus Model 66, 7 shot

    Found one of these in a local shop and I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this model. It seems to have mostly a full underlug, so can it handle a diet of mostly 357s? Its a six inch barrel but balances really well, and is extremely lightweight! I am wondering about long term...
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    I need an inexpensive, rock solid reliable snubby...

    What am I to do? Something that is of high quality, workmanship, rock solid reliable...but easy on the ole wallet. Recomendations?
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    Taurus PT 92: Two part question

    Well, I was saving up for a certain revolver, but after reading a real life SHTF account from Argentina and the stories told, I am thinking there is another nitch that needs filling perhaps a little more urgently! I've always liked the looks of the Beretta, 1911, walther, and various wheel guns...
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    The Rossi or the Hi-Point

    Hey, it's coming around to christmas and this is a gift, this is my budget, and these are all that tend to fit in my budget that I'm able to find around here. At one pawn shop, there is an older model Rossi .38- the interarms version I think. Dunno the model number...anywho, asking price was...
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    Simplified Revolver Check Out...

    Okay, there is a woman that is interested in buying a used wheel gun, but she doesn't really know the terminology of stuff-eg, forcing cone, firing pin, etc. She knows things like "the hammer", "cylinder", "barrel", etc. Very generic terms... Is there a sort of simplified revolver check out...
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    Speed loaders for a SW mod 67

    Man, I can't find any for this model anywhere...anyone have a good company that sells for this gun?
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    Commanche Revolvers? For REAL? So cheap...and look at that stainless beast! It's so strange looking! I've been wanting a 3'' wheelie though, either 357 or maybe 44 special, who knows. Anywho...what's the deal with these?? Less than 2 bills...are they...
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    "Peestolet Makarooova"?

    Alright guys, Mak-heads have finally made me start to listen. Here's my predicament. When faced with the Makarov/Bersa .380 situation, I let bygones be bygones and went with a Bersa! I figure, hey, new gun, good warranty, more common ammo, etc. Now, that wasn't a bad choice...
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    Which cheap pocket pistol?

    Before the slandering begins, I am in the market for something even smaller and more pocketable than a Bersa! Despite the reputation, I know a lot of people for whom the diminutive Raven has been completely reliable. Also, I am on a college student shoe-string budget. I know that .25 ammo is...
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    MKS (Hi-Point) Buys Charter Arms Revolvers Just thought you guys should know, pretty interesting!
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    Phoenix Arms HP22

    I'm looking for a small caliber, small price tag gun that sort of mimics the carry profile of my Bersa thunder. So, I'm looking at this gun. However, gun prices in my area are ridiculous and run hundreds of dollars over some of the prices I see thrown around these forums! Man, I can't wait to...
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    Home Invasion Statistics

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone knows the statistics for home invasions in the United States. I assume they go by fiscal years, so 2005 might not have any information yet (2004 is fine). I've googled the bejesus out of it and I can't seem to get any good statistics, not even from government...
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    Bersa .380 Trigger weirdness...

    Hey all, When I pull the trigger, it almost seems...staged. A slight pull and there is a "click", and the hammer moves a little back and locks into a position. Then, a slightly heavier pull and it pulls as normal. Now, it doesn't make you do the slight pull to fire, so if I just use a lot of...
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    Charter Arms 38 Special

    Does anyone have any info on this type of firearm,I'd like to know if its a reliable/durable piece:
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    Rossi .44 Special -Do or Do not?

    I looked at a somewhat older stainless Rossi today, I don't know the model number. It had a three inch barrel, and was hammerless. It looked a little older, probably around 1994ish. It is a .44 Special with a pretty heavy barrel, and was a pretty heavy gun in general. The cylinder was five shot...