Search results

  1. D

    Okay, talk me out of it...

    At this point, I'm thinking of either picking up a used Model 10, or a brand new Bersa Thunder 380... So, talk me out of the Bersa or into the model 10, because I'll be damned if I can decide... On the Bersa's side is that its two hundred bucks flat and its local, about a 10 minute drive. The...
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    The Worst Case Senario...

    Okay, let's say the worse case senario happens here in America. I don't know...for whatever reason. Let's pretend in 2008 Hillary gets into office or something (Pssh, right) :D Anyway, the anti gunners finally get enough backing in the courts and congress, They don't get rid of ALL the guns...
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    Test drove a Browning HP 40!

    I have to say, I really liked this gun. This was my first experience with the .40 S&W round. I'd considered getting a G22 earlier and posted on here. I was always a little concerned, because I heard it was snappier and had more perceived recoil than a .45. On the 1911 platform, I really love the...
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    Llama Comanche III

    Anyone here used one of these before? They seem to be solid, well built...pretty tight. There's an older one for sale, its lost some bluing but has nice wood grips. I'm just wondering if anyone has encountered any problems with these guns. Thanks.
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    Spots in the bore?

    I'm wondering exactly what this phrase means, or rather, translates into performance and durability wise. I was looking at an older model revolver the other day, a Colt Trooper actually, 1960's manufature. It was in really great condition, locked up tight, and had nice grips. The guy behind the...
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    Which inexpensive auto (for reliability)?

    In about a month I'm going to get a semiauto, and looking to spend under $300 on my college student budget. So, the most important factors to me are reliability - that it is going to fire each time and not break, and durability- that it can handle some quality range time and practice, and also...
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    Speed loader question

    Will speed loaders designed for colt python's work on a colt trooper MK III? I've read that the MKIII is basically just an earlier mass-scale produced "poor man's" snake-named gun...
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    Which Setup to use??

    I'm in a bit of a bind trying to choose between a couple of setups. I need a primary defense pistol: this would be a full sized model, for longer up to medium distances, basically a full size duty pistol for range use and home defense. In addition to this weapon, I'd like a smaller BUG...
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    S&W Question

    This may be a newbie question, but what is the difference (if there is one) between an SW 66 and an SW 66-2 or other number, is it just a matter of production run or...? Because I've noticed price differences based on the number after the 66...just wondering what it translates into practically...
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    7.62 Tok

    Does anyone know anything about this caliber? What are its ballistics like, and how about availability? Probably not available at walmart right, but what about a place like gander mountain or something? CZ 52 TOKAREV is the gun I'm looking at.
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    Rejected for a FOID...please help!

    Recently, I applied for a FOID- That's a Firearms Identification card. In the state of IL, you cannot purchase any ammunition or firearms of any kind without one. I applied before the age of 21, so I needed a cosigner. My mom GLADLY cosigned for me. I am now 21, my birthday in mid-february...
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    Help Indentifying this Gun

    I was wondering if anyone here has any information about this model/make. Looks like an older Taurus. Didn't find anything on their site. Maybe a model 85?? Satin stainless finish, some flaking on the cylinder. I'm going to attach some photos. Any info about the...
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    Best 9mm for 100-350 dollars!

    Yeah, I AM a poor college student...there is no denying it. I don't want to end up with a High point 9mm, but it is likely I may. Let fly the suggestions! This caliber is dirt cheap around here! I can go up to 400$, but I'm in for some bitchin' from my woman...who much prefers dinners and movies...
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    Good, the bad, the ugly: Glock 22

    So, I've found a G-22 for 425.00 used in great shape with two 10 rder mags. I've heard nothing but good 'bout glock, save the ergonomics. BUT, about this model, I've heard it was built on a 9mm frame, but has some issues because of the higher energy from the .40 caliber bullet. I'm a college...
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    General concensus on the Rossi mod 462? ...

    Hey everyone, So I was scanning through this site's archives and reading about this gun, but a lot of the reviews were a little dated (2002) and promised range reports that I couldn't find, etc. I was wondering if anyone around TFL has one, and how they like it. Also wondering if it is true...
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    Kel Tec P11 or Bersa Thunder .380?

    I'm interested in Maks, but there just aren't any around my area, and I'd rather buy local than online. Just my preference. The only Mak I've come across was around $230 too. So, given the choice between these two pistols which would you guys recommend? They're both small, definate caliber...
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    Two Revolver Questions!

    Hi everyone, I need two questions about some wheel guns answered and I figured here would be the best place to go. My first question is about a SW model 66 with 4' barrel. It doesn't have the whole lug barrel thing, but it is a .357 magnum. I've read that unless the barrel is full lug like the...
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    "Saturday night special" RG Industries .38 Special

    Hey everyone. First off, I know there is a lot of brand bias around here towards name brands, but I'm a lowly poor college student and NIB Smiths, Rugers, etc are simply not in the cards for now. I know the RG Industries revolver is classified in that whole "saturday night special" spectrum...
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    Kel-Tec P11 "Out of the Box"

    I've got some real questions about this gun. I am looking at one at my local gunshop NIB for 240... I've been over to and weeded through all of that info. A great place by the way, really nice folks over there. Anywho...I have some concerns before purchasing this gun I was wondering if...
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    Ruger P 95

    I have a few quick questions about the Ruger P-95. I found one used for 325, DAO, blue...the 325 is a little pit out of my price range, as I wanted to spend less than 400 and was looking at a couple other pieces too. First, does the P in the gun mean it can handle a steady diet of +P ammo...