Search results

  1. S

    Colt DA revolvers...

    Everyone is all a twitter over the new Cobra coming out. I am happy to see Colt back in the DA market. They can slap a 4" barrel on the new Cobra and the Police Positive Special is also back in production, no? Maybe this will lead to bigger and better things. In the meantime, I confess that as...
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    Couple years ago I bagged this 3-Screw Ruger BH in 30 Carbine. Don't ask me why. Not a really useful handgun. But I had one (actually two) when I was much younger and I felt a surge of nostalgia when I saw it for sale. Sometime later I was looking at a newer model BH and I sort of liked look...
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    Wish I had bought more when they were cheap.

    I have a thing for single shot rifles and have acquired a few over the years. I only have two examples of the Martini system and I wish I had bought more before they got so pricey. There still some good $300 Martinis out there biut now they are priced at $800. Anyway, I have two at extreme ends...
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    Have anything with a 20" or shorter barrel? The traditional length for a full stock is 20 but some are less and some are more. I think this is 18". I think this is also an 18. This has a 16" barrel and combined with the very short action makes a ridiculously compact rifle. The...
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    The Mauser 98.

    Particularly the BRNO made rifles. I feel happy just holding one. Some unknown Bavarian craftsman reworked a military 98 into this. That is the original military stock, by the way. Hard to believe he was able to make it into sporter configuration. Late 1940s and early 1950s BRNO made small...
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    I realized...

    ...that I have never owned a nickel auto pistol. Many revolvers (I like the shiny ones) but no autos. Fixed that.
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    I have always tried to do the right thing.

    I often read posts on various discussion forums where folks complain about buying or selling on the auction sites. I estimate that I have bought close to 100 guns on the two major sites and I never felt ripped off. Never had a seller screw me over. Had a buyer shaft me on feedback once, but I...
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    Anyone have an unusual serial number?

    Like 7777777 or 1234567 or 1271941? Something like that? I don't and I was just wondering what folks may have.
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    My 45s...

    Participating in the discussion on the 45 Colt vs. 45 Long Colt got me to thinking about my various 45 caliber handguns. I think I may have more 44s than 45s but we are talking about 45s at this point and I thought I would share. A Second Generation (1971) SAA. Ooops...don't look at the ammo...
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    I gave in to the paranoia...

    Usual carry piece is a 7 shot 380. Would prefer a little more power but really want light and compact and none of the small 9s are close enough to the compact size of my 380. But after watching one too many videos of angry mobs dragging people of the wrong color out of their cars during violent...
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    I like the shiny ones.

    I love a nickel plated handgun. S&W... Or Colt... But far only revolvers. In 49 years of buying pistols I have never owned a shiny bottom feeder. I think when the mortgage is paid off and my self imposed gun buying embargo is lifted I may celebrate by bagging a...
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    Stopped at Walmart today...

    They had more 22 ammo on the shelve than I have seen in 3 years. Winchester, two flavors of CCI and even some 22 Magnums. I didn't buy any but I have not seen so much at one time in a while. Hope it's a trend. This ridiculous shortage has gone on way too long.
  13. S

    The 38 S&W

    Not the more familiar 38 Special. The 38 S&W was developed in the 1880s for the early break top S&W revolvers. The 38 Special came out right at the end of the 19th century and was meant to be a more powerful improvement. For some reason they reduced the diameter of the 38 Special to .357" from...
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    I have definite preferences...

    I have always been a man of strong convictions. There are some things I favor, and others I shun. This is true with my tastes in firearms. In center fire sporting rifles I have two favorites. I like the Mauser 98 and the Ruger #1. I think the 98 really is the pinnacle of bolt action design...
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    Matching set 30 years apart.

    About 30 years ago I got the itch for a custom heavy caliber rifle. I like the Remington Model 30 which was made from after WW I until the start of WW II. It greatly resembles the 1917 but is more refined and more sporting than military looking. Also happens to be a true magnum length action so...
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    Personal best.

    I am not a great marksman. Many days I can't hit the broad side of a barn...when standing inside the barn. But every once in a while the sun and the moon and the stars align, the shooting gods smile down on me and I put a few rounds fairly close together. I don't own any really serious target...
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    The S&W Model 10 thread...

    That was resurrected after 3 years got me to thinking. S&W made millions of the Military & Police / Model 10 revolvers. Blue, nickel, stainless (Model 64) and the wartime models in "Black Magic" finish. Hard to imagine anyone who is into revolvers not loving them a M&P or Model 10. I know I do...
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    Ever seen a 5" Navy contract Victory Model?

    I've told this story before but it's been a while. About 13 years ago I bought a Navy contract VM from a local pawn shop. The barrel was bulged and the owner couldn't sell it. I looked at it and said that if I got it cheap enough I might be able to work with it. He said name a price. Without...
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    A companion in 22 Long Rifle?

    Got any center fire/rim fire combos? I didn't go looking to acquire them but would up with a couple. Early 1950s K22 and a 1969 M14-3... Matching Colts in 22 and 38...
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    Odd carry choices?

    I have a friend who routinely packs a Broomhandle Mauser. He has other guns at his disposal but this is the one he chooses. My first carry piece was a Series '70 Colt Gold Cup. Now it shows some holster wear from years of packing which is probably a little unusual for a Gold Cup. The only bad...