Search results

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    Ventura supports CCW on NPR's Fresh Air

    Jesse Ventura made a very cogent argument for CCW on NPR's Fresh Air today. He stated that CCW would have likely made a difference at Littleton, and generally supported CCW. I was rather impressed with him. I'll see if I can find the interview on Real Audio somewhere.
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    Lott article in WSJ 5/12/99

    Did anyone read the John Lott article in the Wall Street Journal yesterday entitled "Gun Laws can be Dangerous Too?" I meant to pick up the paper but did not get to it. I would appreciate any comments from those of you who read it.
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    Shameless Brag!

    My wife and I just received word that we have two landowner preference antelope tags for Colorado this year! But wait, it gets better...the ptarmigan, sage grouse, and ruffed grouse seasons run concurrently with the antelope season, but wait, still more...I also have a PLM ranch tag that will...
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    You sure bleeds a lot when shot five times...

    Among my other responsibilities, I am a volunteer fireman in a small rural district of about 7500 people. Yesterday we got a call for a GSW victim. We show up and their is the normal carnage at a GSW scene in a rural area, SO taping the scene, paramedic wide eyed and ranting, bystanders trying...
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    This Bud's for you...but boy is the HCI hyperbole distasteful...
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    Today's Active Topics Search Question

    When I come into TFL I usually start by clicking Today's Active Topics. I then see the topic, name, date, and forum. However, the name does not necessarily correspond to the topic originator or the last responder. What gives?
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    What is TFL's History?

    Rich, I have been wondering for almost three months how TFL got started, its history and so on. I see that as of this afternoon there are 1133 members; its hard to know where you are going if you don't know where you've been.
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    Help me off the fence!

    I have been researching handloading for about two years and now need to make a decision on what to buy. I have two primary interests: precision hunting loads for .30-06, .243, .338 WM, .300 WM, 7mm STW, 30-378 WM, and a few others; and for pistol: 9mm and .44 mag. I shoot quite a bit and...
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    Hearing protection for a new born?

    My wife and I have a new baby and we would like to go to the range and shoot some trap. Since we need one shooter and one to pull, we need some hearing protection for our two month old daughter. We will also go to Colorado in September for antelope and elk in november, as well as the requesite...
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    How do you sleep at night?

    How do you sleep at night? I find lately that I am so fed up with faulty logic, ridiculous laws, a lack of personal responsibility on many fellow citizens’ parts, frivolous litigation, and the incredible abbreviation of my rights that I am turning into a rather grumpy person. My coworkers...
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    Mule Deer in Pecos County Texas?

    Anybody know about mule deer hunting in Pecos County Texas? An associate of mine has 640 acres there on an oil lease (which includes rights to all surface activities) and his foreman says that there are huge mulies on the lease. The lease is approximately 200 miles southeast of Pecos on the...
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    Spring bear hunting banned in Ontario!

    Greetings All, I thought I would pass this on. I heard about this last week and received further details this morning. Please check out the Minitry's Web site and write, call or email them immediately. Regards, JH ____________ SPRING BEAR HUNTING IN ONTARIO HAS BEEN OUTLAWED! In a sudden...
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    338-378 Weatherby Magnum

    Does anyone have any experience with this cartridge yet. I read that Weatherby is releasing the Accumark chambered in the 338-378 this year. I have read very good things about the 30-378 and the Lazzeroni Warbird, but want something a bit bigger for grizzly, moose, and eland. Any comments?